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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. set the tab index ot a negative number
  2. It is not your HTML or CSS...select menues are just vertical by design. You can't change this.
  3. aspnetguy

    IE woes

    I have run into this problem in IE many times...I have yet to find a fix for it. All I can suggest is go all the way with javascript for image swapping.IE6 doesn't fully support CSS2, this is likely the cause of the problem.We all wish IE would die, but I don't think that will happen, too soon.
  4. Just so you know...data driven pages tend to rank lower than static HTML pages on some search engines
  5. Ok so what this is doing is ../ is backing out of ledet and then going back in with ledet/ (pointless)is there a feedback folder in ledet?? is the file feedback-**** in the feedback folder????Use a try/catch statement to write the erring filename to the screen then check the folder to ensure the file exists.I really don't think it ahs anything to do with the os setup it is a simple IO error.
  6. <table><tr><td valign="top">this is my text<br /></td></tr></table>
  7. aspnetguy

    doubt in asp.net

    You want all the options in the list box to be added to the database??? This defeats the purpose of a list box. But if you post your code I can show how to do this anyway.
  8. please post the code you already have...I can make some modifications to that to acheive what you want.
  9. please avoid posting hte same question in multiple forums.Thanks
  10. Sounds like you should look into SSI. This allows you to store your menu of links for example in one file and then insert this file on every page so you only have one area to edit.You may need to upgrade to PHP or ASP to use this though. I think that if you chang your HTML pages to the extension .shtml the SSI will work.Good Luck
  11. aspnetguy


    please post your code or a link to the page so we can see exactly how this is happening.
  12. This site is for web design and development (scripting lanaguages)..htaccess is server configuration...I don't think that keeps witht he purpose of this site...but it would be very helpful.
  13. The first member joined on 22-June 05. So my guess is somewhere around that date.
  14. PHP is essentially the same as ASP, just different syntax.ASP.Net has more power and better security, among a few things.I would recommend learning ASP.Net
  15. aspnetguy


    duh of course...I didn't think of that...it's been a while since I did ASP. ASP.Net has other ways of storing connection strings.
  16. aspnetguy

    ASP in FLASH

    this is an easy way t do it.http://www.asp101.com/articles/flash/index.asp
  17. lol nice...sorry about the double post...we posted at he same time.
  18. I am pretty sure it is no longer valid. The name attribute was probably used by JavaScript. Do you have javascript in this website???If you remove the name attributes the javascript will stop working...I suggest you change the name="" to id="" and in the javascript reference them using document.getElementById.If you need some help with that just post your questions and code.
  19. aspnetguy


    why use includes??? Includes make reusing repetitive code easy....none of the provided code makes sense to break into includes.
  20. can you post code or give a link to the page
  21. try changing this <body bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><div class="mainBox"><img src="images/menufadetop.jpg" class="alignBot" width="100%" /><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td height="100" bgcolor="#9933CC"> <img class="menuImg" src="images/lucymenu.gif" align="left"/> <img height="100%" src="images/main.gif" align="center" /> </td></tr> <tr><td class="menuFrame"> <div align="center" class="menuFont"> to this <body bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><div class="mainBox"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><img src="images/menufadetop.jpg" class="alignBot" width="100%" /></td></tr> <tr><td height="100" bgcolor="#9933CC"> <img class="menuImg" src="images/lucymenu.gif" align="left"/> <img height="100%" src="images/main.gif" align="center" /> </td></tr> <tr><td class="menuFrame"> <div align="center" class="menuFont"> IE has a weird quick about putting an <img> on top of a <table>
  22. aspnetguy


    That isn't a good idea....if the width of your element is smaller than the 4 images then it will stretch the page and if the width is bigger it will leave gaps.setting it as background ans ue smiles suggestion is the only good way to this
  23. in your script where it says This will only be true in IE5, 5.5, and 6. all other browser will fail and you do not have an else statement to handle other browsers.Try something like thisstartList = function() {if (document.getElementById) {navRoot = document.getElementById("nav");for (i=0; i<navRoot.childNodes.length; i++) {node = navRoot.childNodes[i];if (node.nodeName=="LI") {node.onmouseover=function() {this.className+=" over"; } node.onmouseout=function() { this.className=this.className.replace(" over", ""); } }else{ navRoot = document.all["nav"]; ......} }}
  24. I never buy web design/development books...ther eis so much on the web that you can find anything you are looking for and if you can't find it you have lots of great places like here to ask questions and find answers.I recommend that you don't buy books but use Google to search for the topics you are interested in.
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