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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. You could find out where your host is and determine the hour difference. Then before displaying the date add/subtract the needed amount of hours. DATEADD("h",7,NOW( )) The above code adds 7 hours to the current date time.
  2. This is ASP (VBScript). It is a very simple solution. PHP probably has a very similar approach.
  3. aspnetguy

    media files

    yes but you can't see the url (easily). If they gave you the url you could just go to the url and download it...they don't want that.
  4. oops proved wrong again! LOL
  5. I have a third party dll to fix the awful quality of uploading gifs with this class...it is probably just another limitation.
  6. lol I wouls read everyday!!! twice a day even...
  7. aspnetguy

    Weird Problem

    hey, dumber things have been overlooked before.Cute name
  8. I thought it was only 1 ad free page? Are there ads imposed on the boards???
  9. it's worth giving it a try...what's the worst that could happen.
  10. aspnetguy

    Calculate in ASP

    Figured that is what it was.
  11. doesn't sound very good. Only one page allowed?!? who has a 1 page website!!!!I'd keep looking. brinkster.com is a good site, they have ads on the pages though, but they are easily hidden.
  12. http://www.w3schools.com/dom/default.aspThis tutorial should give you a good start.
  13. It is hard to find solutions to a number of issues. It usually boils down to one thing. Lack of standard complient browsers. If everyone, mostly MS, would jump on board we won't have half the head aches we do!
  14. Yes, all by one person.That is a lot of time and commitment!Thanks again.
  15. aspnetguy

    Calculate in ASP

    No problem Thats what I said.
  16. http://www.jakpsatweb.cz/css/css-vertical-...r-solution.htmlI just came across this article. It is a bit hackish but should work and is very compatible with many browsers.Hope this helps
  17. aspnetguy

    Calculate in ASP

    DIM sumsum = (objPO("po_votes1") + objPO("po_votes2") + objPO("po_votes3") + objPO("po_votes4") + objPO("po_votes5") + objPO("po_votes6") + objPO("po_votes7") + objPO("po_votes8"))sum = Round(sum, 2) or Dim sumsum = Round(objPO("po_votes1") + objPO("po_votes2") + objPO("po_votes3") + objPO("po_votes4") + objPO("po_votes5") + objPO("po_votes6") + objPO("po_votes7") + objPO("po_votes8"), 2)
  18. aspnetguy

    umm... not sure

    still waiting.....no???
  19. in the main table (table that holds everything) put in align="center" or if you are using XHTML and CSS use style="margin:0 auto".
  20. yes it is possible to play with the opacity (semi-transparency).read thishttp://www.quirksmode.org/css/opacity.html
  21. aspnetguy

    Best One

    ASP.Net Development tools are FREE!You can download VWD Express and SQL Server Express from Microsoft for free. they are lighter than the full versions but get the job done easily and quickly.As far as I know ASP.Net hosting is alot easier to find and from what I have seen cheaper too.
  22. aspnetguy


    post your code...it is hard to guess what you are doing.Is your title in like this? <html><head> <title>Your Title</title></head>....
  23. I am using the System.Drawing class that is built into .Net.
  24. aspnetguy

    Best One

    Hey, this is just all my opinion too. I have worked with many programming languages...PERL, ASP, ASP.Net, C#, VB6, VB.Net, C, JAVA, JSP.I like ASP.Net for the reasons I mentioned....in my experience is the best language for me, not necessarily everyone.
  25. I have a form that uploads images and resizes them if they exceed the maximum size. Everything works great except when uploading transparent PNG images. They lose transparency and the background turns a grayish color.Any ideas on how to stop this?
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