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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Sorry can't suggest anything else...I always do that even with the warning...seems stupid to me.Why should I have to define a background-color everytime I use a color or vice versa??? Just because it is standard it does mean it is the most logical way...Not a good attitude I know, but I rarely validate my CSS...XHTML always though.
  2. I meant do it temporarily to see if that solved your problem...that way you know if IE is having troubles with it.Actually if you take out the background-color line all together the background will not change, try that.
  3. You're not by chance using a Mac are you??? IE 5 for Mac has an inheritance problem for backgrounds on floated objects.
  4. just for kicks try replacing background-color: inherit with an actual color. I have my suspicions that IE doesn't recognize it correctly.
  5. aspnetguy


    ahhh...a man after my own heart. I use C# 99.9% of the time.a couple of sites areC# FriendsC# CornerC# StationI also have a Article about some C# tutorials on how to build a 3D Games Engine http://www.aspnetguy.com/Entry.aspx?e=8It would be nice to have a C# tutorial since all of the ASP.Net tuts are in VB.Believe it or not C# is used more often than VB when writeing ASP.Net.Good luck
  6. try this sql = "UPDATE mytbl SET "sql=sql & "hits = hits + 1"sql=sql & " WHERE ID = " & ID & "" You don't need VALUES in there
  7. aspnetguy

    Multi-Page Forms

    lol that was the easiest question I have ever had to answer...*wink* Glad it worked out!
  8. well, I learned something new...I have always named my includes pages as .asp aswell, I guess this helps keep them organized.
  9. use this <a href="somepage.html" target="_parent"><img src="img.gif" border="0" alt=""></a> This will open it in the same window but takes up the whole window.This is valid HTML 4 but not XHTML.
  10. please post your code.
  11. just a questionwhy does the page end in .inc and not .asp? Perhaps this is the cause of the error.
  12. aspnetguy


    try thishttp://www.freeaspupload.net/freeaspupload/download.aspit claims you don't need any third party components.
  13. from what you provided it appears that hits is a field in your db not a variable in ASP thats whysql=sql & "hits ='" & hits+1 & "'"won't workthe solution provided by bolado should work
  14. That is because the javascript added it. It is not essentially part of the document. If you were to refresh the page it would be gone. There is no way to add it to the source code with javascript.For that you will need a server side language.Why does it have to go into the source code? Are you intending to save the source code to a different file or something?
  15. Before I tell you the answer I have to say this is the ugliest hack I have ever done...and I hate frames to begin with .index.html <html><head><style>html,body{background:GRAY;margin:5px;}</style></head><body><iframe src="frameset.html" style="width:100%;height:100%" frameborder="0"></iframe></body></html> frameset.html <html><head><style>frame{border-bottom:1px solid GRAY}</style></head> <frameset rows="65%,5%,30%"><frame src="http://www.google.co.uk/" frameborder="0"><frame src="http://www.google.co.uk/" frameborder="0"><frame src="http://www.google.co.uk/" frameborder="0"> </frameset></html> There you go. You can play with the margins and borders until they are the thickness you want.
  16. if they are dynamically generated through a for loop or some thing do this for(i=0;i<10;i++){ if(i==0) { radioHtml = "<input type=radio selected>"; } else { radioHtml = "<input type=radio>"; } Response.Write(radioHtml);}
  17. I hate to tell you but there is nothing below!!! What do you need help with?
  18. it is just the behavior of FF. You will find that if you enter strings that contain spaces it will break to the next line at the spaces. Meaning entering a long string with no spaces like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawill just scroll horizontal....break it up like this aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaand it will wrap correctly. I guess they figured that no one would evr need a long spaceless string!?!
  19. aspnetguy

    Need some help

    Personal server? You mean hardware recommendations? Or server software like Apache?
  20. aspnetguy

    color names

    not sure who named them but it is a better practice to use the hexadecimal codes (#ffffff = white);
  21. you mean have it 20 characters wide?You can set the wide of the box in pixels easily <select style="width:xxpx">...</select>
  22. html <select onchange="swapImg(this)"><option value="JohnSmith">John Smith</option><option value="JohnDoe">John Doe</option><option value="JaneSmith">Jane Smith</option></select><br/><img src="" id="pic" alt=""/> javascript function swapImg(selBox){ var img = document.getElementById('pic'); img.src = selBox[selBox.selectedIndex].value + '.jpg';} Is that what you mean?
  23. The best, most efficient, and easiest, way to do it is with the sql query...the one already provided should work. If you do it as the scripting level it will be more owrk for you and will take more processing power.
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