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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    CSS Help

    <html><head><title> my webpage</title><style>a{color:blue;}a:hover{background-color:blue;color:white}</style></head><body><a href="somepage.html">Some label</a></body></html> the :hover is the 'mouseover' for CSS
  2. lol, We must have replied at the same time. I think they mean horizontally.
  3. according to this no:http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....es/overflow.aspBut this is a microsoft article and it may just apply to IE.As far as I know you cannot use the overflow attribute with a select tag.
  4. ok, I discovered the problem...it is not ASP.Net at all...it is IE5.5 & 6 (go figure).They do not fully support transparent PNG. The PNGs show up fine in FF. So once again I am cursing IE...I must find a CSS hack to fix this. I'll post the hack when I find it.Alos I have read that PNG Tranparency is a promise of IE7...way over due if you ask me (along with lots of other things...like WEB STANDARDS COMPLIENCE ).
  5. *ahem*ok...I have opera 7.54...it appears to me to just be an IE engine and a FF engine and you can chose what mode you want. Am I wrong on this? What are the advantages of Opera?
  6. or if you have ftp access to your site you can just copy and paste it through your browser.
  7. Me too...not just MS but anyone how tries to hinder WEb Standards. I hate having to accomodate every browser differently.Here's to a FF revolution....
  8. There is no such tag as <cr> in XHTML and as far as I know there never was in any version of HTML either.
  9. That is the only way really unless you center your page and have a background that will show on either size of the page.
  10. Actually when you download the .Net framework from the microsoft website...it is a self installer. You just double click the download and it installs by itself. You don't need to play with regedit to install .net (I wouldn't recommend doing it this way either).
  11. I've only ever used Photoshop 6 and Fireworks...I prefer Photoshop.
  12. First of all use the function I provided to add the 7 hours first.Then read thishttp://www.codetoad.com/asp/format_date_time.aspLook at the bottom of the page about International Date Time. It tells you the codes that will change the date format.
  13. This a situation I have. You can use tis code with some modification. It should do the trick, at least from what I understand you are trying to do.JavaScript //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Check All Check Boxes //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkAll(checkState, checkId) { var i, j, numberOfInputs, numberOfBoxes, isCheckBox; var inputFields = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); numberOfInputs = inputFields.length; var checkBoxes = new Array(); j = 0; for(i=0;i<numberOfInputs;i++) { isCheckBox = (inputFields[i].id.indexOf('Check') != -1); if(isCheckBox) { checkBoxes[j] = inputFields[i]; checkBoxes[j].checked = checkState; j++; } } } HTML <div id="DocumentsTab" class="ContentWindow"><table class="UplTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><colgroup span="1" align="center" /><colgroup span="1" style="padding-left:5px" /><colgroup span="1" align="right" style="padding-right:5px" /><colgroup span="3" align="left" style="padding-left:5px" /><tr><td class="UplHeading" width="25"><input type="checkbox" id="Doc" onclick="checkAll(this.checked, this.id)" /></td><td class="UplHeading"><a href="?site=cbs&sort=name">Name</a></td><td class="UplHeading" width="75"><a href="?site=cbs&sort=size">Size</a></td><td class="UplHeading" width="100"><a href="?site=cbs&sort=type">Type</a></td><td class="UplHeading" width="100"><a href="?site=cbs&sort=uploaded">Uploaded</a></td><td class="UplHeading" width="100"><a href="?site=cbs&sort=modified">Last Modified</a></td></tr><tr><td class="UplItem2"><input type="checkbox" id="DocBook1.xlsCheck" /></td><td class="UplItem1"><img style="float:left" src="images/icon_excel.gif" alt="" /><a href="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\imasterengine\sites\cbs\siteadmin\documents\Book1.xls" target="_blank">Book1</a></td><td class="UplItem2">14 KB</td><td class="UplItem2">xls</td><td class="UplItem2">4/11/2005</td><td class="UplItem2">3/10/2005</td></tr><tr><td class="UplItem2"><input type="checkbox" id="DocNEC-AspireBrochure.pdfCheck" /></td><td class="UplItem1"><img style="float:left" src="images/icon_pdf.gif" alt="" /><a href="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\imasterengine\sites\cbs\siteadmin\documents\NEC-AspireBrochure.pdf" target="_blank">NEC-AspireBrochure</a></td><td class="UplItem2">325 KB</td><td class="UplItem2">pdf</td><td class="UplItem2">4/11/2005</td><td class="UplItem2">12/9/2004</td></tr><tr><td class="UplItem2"><input type="checkbox" id="DocNotebk1.qpwCheck" /></td><td class="UplItem1"><img style="float:left" src="images/icon_quattropro.gif" alt="" /><a href="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\imasterengine\sites\cbs\siteadmin\documents\Notebk1.qpw" target="_blank">Notebk1</a></td><td class="UplItem2">4 KB</td><td class="UplItem2">qpw</td><td class="UplItem2">4/11/2005</td><td class="UplItem2">3/10/2005</td></tr><tr><td class="UplItem2"><input type="checkbox" id="Docpower.pptCheck" /></td><td class="UplItem1"><img style="float:left" src="images/icon_powerpoint.gif" alt="" /><a href="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\imasterengine\sites\cbs\siteadmin\documents\power.ppt" target="_blank">power</a></td><td class="UplItem2">8 KB</td><td class="UplItem2">ppt</td><td class="UplItem2">4/11/2005</td><td class="UplItem2">3/10/2005</td></tr></table></div> Notice how all my checkbox id end in "Check"...this is important to the JavaScript function. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
  14. Thanks,No need to bow...once you've been doing htis as long as I have you'll be just as good! Good Luck
  15. #MainTable th{ width: 150px; color: your color; font-size: your size; etc...} or however many pixels you want. This will cause all the column in the table to be hte same width.
  16. Better yet instead of putting all these attribute in the style="" do this<style>#MainTable th{ color: your color; font-size: your size; etc...}.TimeClass{ all those attributes here...}</style> delete the style="" from the <td> and replace it with class="TimeClass"that is cleaner and easier to maintain.
  17. style="background-color:the color you want;font-family:font you want;color: font color you want;font-size: size you want eg 12pt;border: 1px solid #000000;font-weight:bold" border: width style colorread the CSS tut on w3schools.com for more options.For the headers the eaiest thing ot do isadd id="MainTable" to the <table>then in the <head> of your page put this <style>#MainTable th{ color: your color; font-size: your size; etc...}</style> Again see the CSS tut your more attributes and values.
  18. Cool. Cold Fusion has it's benefits...mainly it's easy integration with flash...since it is developed by the same company.With all this publicity, we'll get those CF tuts eventually...I hope.
  19. style="background-color:the color you want;font-family:font you want;color: font color you want;font-size: size you want eg 12pt"
  20. try this <%for each x in rs.Fieldsif x.name = "Time" then%><td align="center" valign="middle" style="background-color:the color you want;font-family:font you want"><%else%><td align="center" valign="middle" ><%end if%><span class="style1"><%Response.Write(x.value)%></div></span> <div align="center"></div></td><%next
  21. aspnetguy

    Need help

    I just validated a php page. it was this page infacthttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...6664entry6664It accepted it just fine...strangly enough this page is not valid.
  22. aspnetguy

    Need help

    or you could view the php page in your browser, view source, cut and paste to a new file, save as html, then validate that page.
  23. yes that s what it means.remove if err<>0 then response.write("No update permissions!") else response.write("Record " & cid & " was updated!") end if from the code and tell me what error you get then. Technically you could have a small sql syntax error (or an type of error) and that code will tell you it is a permissions error.
  24. aspnetguy

    umm... not sure

    You mean after is says site created by...it stretches to the bottom???That is because you used tables. All columns in a row will be the same height.You can stop this by taking the background-color and border off of the left column, putting another table in he left column then formatting the new table with background-color and border.Any questions, just ask.
  25. Where is the Access database??? What are the permissions of the .mdb file itself? Try setting Everyone to Full Control.The Update permission error is a common one and can be frustrating to get past...but hang in there it really does work!
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