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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. yeah I hear you. Sometimes the thing that stands in the way of a client getting the best possible program is the client!
  2. aspnetguy

    Multi-Page Forms

    Please post your code so we know what you have done so far.
  3. Some more accurate stats I found from netapplications.com are:IE 85.05%FF 9.57%Safari 3.07%Netscape 1.24%Opera 0.55%Mozilla 0.41and many other rarely used browsers (0.02% and less)
  4. wow sounds awesome...is sending data that needs to encryted through email a common thing?I would have though it would be better to encryt it, save it to the DB then extract it with a form (sort of a encryted PM system). That way no emails are sent and they can't be intercepted.
  5. it is because you positioned the text to absolute. It will alwaysstay in the position you specified regardless of how the window changes.You should look into relative positions. If you want it to move witht eh table you need to put it in the table and position it relative to the the table.
  6. interesting...hopefully it has been updated.
  7. Amen, that should be every developers goal!!!!
  8. It most likely done with JavaScript and is based on some formulas, eg does it contain any numbers, how many characters is it, is it an actual word, is it a common word, etc.
  9. Even if IE7 fully supports CSS2 (which it does) it will be a long time before the majority of IE users upgrade from IE6. IE7 also will not be available until fall 2006.
  10. That's true although I wouldn't want to pay for all the paper and ink that would take to print all the tuts on this site.
  11. CSS cannot fill in the TR and TD tags for you or add content(text,etc)CSS can define dimensions, padding, margins, color, etc.try thishtml <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>Table Layout</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><link href="global.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#333333" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"><table class="layout" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary=""><tr><td> </td><tr></table></body></html> CSS table.layout { width: 100px; border: 1px solid #000; }/*need to deal with the cells serperate from the table*/table.layout td{ padding: 1px; margin: 1px; /*spacing*/}
  12. I don't think there are any ofline versions but you could load a page then File>Save As. This will download the page and graphics to your desktop. You can then read it for as long as you want without using up your internet time.Good Luck!
  13. I thought InDesign was for document publishing sort of like Publisher? Does it allow you to write HTML?Is it Adobe InDesign???
  14. okay, I see the problem. The problem is the browser is having trouble with the Querystring. '&' is a delimiter in querystrings (?var1=value1&var2=value2) so you cannot use it in this way. What you could do before you send the querystring is replace '&' with another character or group of characters (eg M:and:M)Then when it gets to the next page change it back by replacing :and: with & just before you do the DB query.
  15. Actually they just double posted in both forums...this one can be deleted.
  16. You should post this in the PHP forum. Can a Mod please move this.Thanks
  17. What type of database are you using? I just did this query on a SQL Server DB and didn't get an error. SELECT ColumnNameFROM TableNameWHERE CHARINDEX('&',ColumnToSearch) > 0
  18. Can you explain more what you mean. What title tag? In SQL? In ASP? In PHP?Your question is very vague.
  19. SELECT Dept AS 'Department', COUNT(Emp_Id) AS 'Emp Count'FROM EMPGROUP BY Dept
  20. javascriptfunction doSomething(selBox){ alert(selBox[selBox.selectedIndex].value);} html <select onChange="doSomething(this)"><option value="1">One</option><option value="2">Two</option></select>
  21. This is true, but we do need a dependable method other than javascript to ensure it will open in a new window regardless of the browser.
  22. if you do this it will still open if JS is disable, just not in a new window.<a href="somePage.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">Open me</a>
  23. <html><head><title>Image Swapping</title><script type="Text/Javascript">function swapImg(img){ var img1 = new Image(); var img2 = new Image(); img1.src="icon_one.jpg"; img2.src="icon_two.jpg"; if(img.src == img1.src) img.src = img2.src; else img.src = img1.src;}</script></head><body><a href="somePage.html"><img src="icon_one.jpg" onMouseOver="swapImg(this)" onMouseOut="swapImg(this)" border="0"/></a></body></html>
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