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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    Have you looked at the code this nice tool creates?Whether you agree or not, it is widely known that FP creates some of the worst, most bloated code of any editor.BTW, Frontpage certainly is not free
  2. I beleive it is this one http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/8...p_net_atlas.wmv
  3. <div>'s are not layers. Any element can be made a layer with absolute postiioning or floating.a <div> is a division or "block"
  4. aspnetguy

    Local IP

    by local IP you mean like 192.168.0.xxx (The private IP)?
  5. aspnetguy


    most likely no...and why would you build it in FP in the first place? FP is very, very bad!
  6. I don;t work for the governement!
  7. to get this to happen without page refresh you will need to use ajax. Meanign you will need good javascript skills and know a server side language
  8. read the ASP.Net tutorial
  9. aspnetguy

    Local IP

    Then you must use a server side script like PHP, there is no other way with javascript
  10. Sure it will work! Did you look at the code I provided? I created the JS Request object and the QueryString array
  11. aspnetguy

    Local IP

  12. you mean whether it should befirst.last@yourdomain.comflast@yourdomain.comIs that what you mean?
  13. yes if the querystring you are searching for doesn't exist in the url it will say undefined.
  14. I can already do that with high speed internet
  15. *ducks for cover* Jonas, saying that to a diehard CGIer could get you whacked! First off I know nothing about python so I'll assume it is CGI as you say. I do know however PERL/CGI which although it is old is still widely used, or so I hear, but mostly by "old school" programmers. I doubt it is receiving much attention from new developers.Ok, how is Python different from PERL? Well whether we get a Python tutorial or not depends mostly, at least right now, on whether the site admins know Python. And I do not know if they do.
  16. aspnetguy


    this is the only thing I could find
  17. yes the browser has to support the XmlHttpRequest object. I believe you can use IE6, IE7, FF 1.x, FF2.x, Opera 8, Opera 9, Netscape 7, Netscape 8, and Safari. I am sure I am leaving some out. But basically just make sure you have a browser that is less than 1-2 years old. Upgrading to the latest version is highly recommended
  18. make a file called request.js and put this code in it var Request = { QueryString: [] } //load Request.QueryString var q = window.location.href.split('?')[1]; var pairs = (q != null) ? q.split('&') : []; for(var i=0;i<pairs.length;i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split('='); Request.QueryString[pair[0]] = (pair != null) ? pair[1] : ""; } Then you can get querystrings like this var str = Request.QueryString["varName"];
  19. you cannot have anything other than <td></td> inside <tr></tr>try something like thisHTML <tr onmouseover="changeColor('#000',this)" onmouseout="changeColor('#fff',this)"> <td>something</td></tr> JS function changeColor(hex,object){ object.style.backgroundColor = hex;}
  20. window.location = "yoururl" + window.location.searchlocation.search grabs all the variable/value pairs fromt he current url and adds them at the end of the new url so it would equalyoururl?address1=blah&state=blah&city=blah&zip=blah
  21. oops change QueryString: [],//return value of given variable to QueryString: [] //return value of given variable *removed the (,)
  22. change this <HEAD><script type="text/javascript" src="request.js"</HEAD><TITLE>MapQuest Directions from GoldMine</TITLE><script type="text/javascript"> onload= function() { document.getElementById('address').value = Request.QueryString["address"]; document.getElementById('city').value = Request.QueryString["city"]; document.getElementById('state').value = Request.QueryString["state"]; document.getElementById('zip').value = Request.QueryString["zip"]; }</script><script FOR=tdcLinks EVENT=ondatasetchanged> // Once the recordset is available, set the web page URL to the last record in the data set WEBLINK=tdcLinks.recordset.fields('Weblink');</SCRIPT><script FOR=btnLink EVENT=onclick> window.open(WEBLINK);</SCRIPT> to this <HEAD><script type="text/javascript" src="request.js"></script><TITLE>MapQuest Directions from GoldMine</TITLE><script type="text/javascript"> onload= function() { document.getElementById('address').value = Request.QueryString["address"]; document.getElementById('city').value = Request.QueryString["city"]; document.getElementById('state').value = Request.QueryString["state"]; document.getElementById('zip').value = Request.QueryString["zip"]; }</script><script FOR=tdcLinks EVENT=ondatasetchanged> // Once the recordset is available, set the web page URL to the last record in the data set WEBLINK=tdcLinks.recordset.fields('Weblink');</SCRIPT><script FOR=btnLink EVENT=onclick> window.open(WEBLINK);</SCRIPT></HEAD>
  23. aspnetguy


    The average summer temp here is 28C, it does get up to 30-32C but hasn't gone much over that in years. The highest I ever remember it getting is 37-38C but that was a number of years ago.
  24. aspnetguy


    lucky you The coldest it has gotten here is -40C with wind chill. We usually get 2 or 3 days like that each winter. You know it is cold when you have to plug in your car or it won't start in the morning.
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