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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. have you read the documentation that comes with Mambo? Might be a good place to start.
  2. you can do includes even if your host only supports HMTL. the pages would have to have a .shtml extension butthen you could use <!-- #include file="filename.html" -->
  3. document.getElementById('yourElemenetId').className = "new class name";
  4. You would think it would but strangley it doesn't it returns the current document.body.innerHTML not the document in the iframe, so what you get back is the same as doing document.body.innerHTML. With the name property depreciated in XHTML you would think this method would work and be preferred.
  5. You can get C++ to run over the web (bundled with PHP) but it is not owrth banging your head on the wall to get ti to work.I would recommend ASp.Net (C#) for speed on pages with high traffic. That being said how much traffic are you expecting? As much as YouTube? With lower amounts of traffic any language will perform well.I would reccomend Visual Web Developer Express. It is free from Microsoft's website. For a database I would reccomend Sql Server Express, also free, unless you need Full text Search or Stored Procedures then you will have to buy The full version of Sql Server.
  6. I am trying to get the mentioned software installed on Windows Server 2003 (IIS6).I have MySql installed and working.I have PHP installed and running but there are 2 problems.1. I can't display PHP errors2. Can't load the MySql Library.I have php.ini in C:\WINDOWS, I have set "display_errors = On" and uncommented the mysql extension.When I run phpinfo() it still says display_errors = Off and there is no MySql information plus a small test app fails to retreive some data from MySql.Any ideas? I followed this tutorial to the letter to get to this point. http://www.tjitjing.com/blog/2006/05/php5-...erver-2003.htmlJust some more info about the setup, it is Win2003 Standard SP1. It also has .Net 2.0 and Sql Server 2000 SP4 installed.
  7. that is good but when will browsers support JS2? Mainly IE...another 5 years from now? :)Thanks for the heads up tho.
  8. Someday when a large man with a trenchcoat and violin case shows up at your door you will wish you had stopped calling him steve like he asked :)
  9. did you use the iframe name or id??? you have to use the name.I do this allt he time it should work var iframe = document.frames["iframeName"];var code = iframe.document.body.innerHTML;
  10. use document.frames["iframeName"].document.body.innerHTML to get the contents of the iframe.
  11. Thanks Jesh, just one thing...the this,getDate is left open, I could easily change the function definition by just doing myText.getDate = fuinction(){} anf that changes the original member.Anyways it looks like I am out of luck on this.
  12. Is it possible to make an object's or class' properties readonly? For example: var myObject = { param1: "param 1 value"} By default param1 is not readonly because I can do this to change it's value myObject.param1 = "custom value"; Similarly I would like to make a class' property readonly. function myClass(){ this.param1 = "param1 value";} Can I prevent that value from being chnaged like this, var obj = new myClass();obj.param1 = "custom value"; Is this just the way JS is or can I preserve the property values?
  13. I did figure it out. The hard part was I needed to do this in 1 sql statement, with no code. It is for Crystal Reports to select the data.I can't post the code because it was written for the company I work for but it was a combo of a temporary table witht eh structure I wanted, I used a select statement to populate most of the temp table then used a Cursor to update the parts from the multiple rows they were in. Sorry if that makes no sense.
  14. customizing the 404 page would be the least amount of work, I would do that
  15. You have to create the master page first. It s your template then the other pages just contain content boxes.here is a small tutorial http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/010505-1.aspx
  16. First off, I cannot change the structure of the tables or their fields.I have the following 4 tables and the below is the current query I am working with tvwr_ContractInvoices---------------------------InvoiceNumber INTContractNumber INTtblContractDetail---------------------------ContractNumber INTItemID VARCHARYearlyPrice FLOATtblPriceLevels---------------------------PriceLevelsKeyID INTDescription VARCHARtblPriceLevelOverride---------------------------PriceLevelOverrideKeyID INTFkPriceLevels INTFlatPrice FLOAT SELECT InvoiceNumber, c.ContractNumber, c.ItemID, YearlyPrice, FkPriceLevels, Description, FlatPriceFROM tvwr_ContractInvoices i, tblContractDetail c, tblPriceLevelOverride po, tblPriceLevels pWHERE i.ContractNumber = c.ContractNumber AND c.ItemID = po.ItemID AND po.FkPriceLevels = p.PriceLevelsKeyID AND i.InvoiceNumber = 31 GROUP BY InvoiceNumber, c.ContractNumber, c.ItemID, YearlyPrice, FkPriceLevels, Description, FlatPrice With a query like that I get results like: Inv# Con# ItemID Yr Price Price Level PL Desc Flat Price31 51 Item1 249.99 18 Price Level 18 219.9931 51 Item1 249.99 19 Price Level 19 199.9931 51 Item1 249.99 20 Price Level 20 189.9931 51 Item1 249.99 21 Price Level 21 159.99 But what I want is something like: Inv# Con# ItemID Yr Price PL 18 Price PL 19 Price PL 20 Price PL 21 Price31 51 Item1 249.99 219.99 199.99 189.99 159.99 Is this possible within the limitations I have to work? I am able to create views but I cannot modify any existing tables or views.Thanks
  17. or to fix your code do this <form><input type="button" value="close" onclick="self.close()"></form>
  18. Actually it is very easy to do. It is not a good idea to process iportant info like username and password with JS
  19. that makes absolutely no sense...theis topic IS about HTML Editors!
  20. aspnetguy

    SQL > PHP > HTML?

    duh! sorry I must have smoked too much crack today
  21. aspnetguy

    Local IP

    no, I built my own computer but my parents, sister, and amany other people in my family have bought dells and used hte pre-installed windows....it is no different then the copy you buyin a store.
  22. aspnetguy


    it poured rain all day, probably around +8C
  23. aspnetguy

    WHY ME

    I don't think there is a way to apply it to the whole document. You will have to apply them indiviually to areas that produce urls
  24. aspnetguy

    WHY ME

    The best solution is to make those changes server side with somehting like PHP
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