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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. There is already a pinned topic for browser discussions. Please move this there. http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8655
  2. http://www.free2code.net/plugins/articles/read.php?id=84
  3. The thing that is wrong is that you don't have one!read this http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_doctype.asp
  4. aspnetguy

    Local IP

    Yes that is true but that doesn't mean delares like DELL can't include it after installing windows
  5. when assigning a function to an event you cannot pass variables directly. document.body.onkeyup = keylogoff;//if not passing variables document.body.onkeyup = function(){keylogoff(event)};//if you are passing variables
  6. yes that would work too
  7. This is W3Schools, a web tutorial site NOT W3C the board that governs web standrards!
  8. What? no compiling? That may be true (and I think you are right) for VB6 and earlier. My teacher mentioned writing the same program in VB6 and in Pascal. THe pascal program was only 70K while the VB6 program was 2.5 Mb because you had to include alot of crap.You can compile VB.Net...VB is now just another syntax that uses the .Net Framework.
  9. aspnetguy

    SQL > PHP > HTML?

    could the $output variable be replaced with a file handle?
  10. hey I am just glad something I have to say is useful
  11. you need javascript and PHP for AJAX anyways. After you are done with those going through the AJAX tutorial should be pretty simple.
  12. this is your problem heHl.onclick="alert('lol')"; you must set onclick to a function not a string.like so heHl.onclick=functionName; //use if not passing variables to function or heHl.onclick=function(){functionName(var1)};//use if passing variables to function
  13. Actually you can use pretty much any language to interact with MS Office apps. That was the whole point of .Net, common assemblies/APIs, you just choose the syntax you like.
  14. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    well, you got me there...can't argue with that.
  15. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    Of course species have changed and adapted...there just haven't been any fish with legs walking around breathing air.If evolution were true wouldn't we find fossils of the "in-between" stages of species evolving? fish with legs?
  16. Basicly it is a library of code, functions, and objects that make developement easier. For instance a toolkit may have a Tree View object that you would create like sovar tv = new Toolkit.TreeView();The user doesn't need to know how to create a treeview because they have the library that does it for them.
  17. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    Not true. I do not believe in evolution at all. I believe in the Bible 100%. I am just not prepared to say the earth is only 6000 years old. Yes I believe human history began 6000 years ago but to say creation did...I don't know. If you would like to discuss this further with me you can do so through PM.
  18. Google offically opened in September 1998
  19. It is true PHP applications are more portabnle than ASP.Net, meaning PHP can run on any platform and/or server while ASP.Net is limited to Windows/IIS.This however is changing since the release of MONO. THis allows developers to write desktop and web applications in .Net for Linux (and Windows/Apache).Novell recently released MONO 1.2 (it's free btw) which has support for the most common .Net 2.0 components, but not full 2.0 support (yet).
  20. aspnetguy

    SQL > PHP > HTML?

    nope don't create it manually. Instead of echoing the results store it in a variable.Then create the new file with the code I showed you for that. then using fopen() again (see PHP Manual at php.net) open the file and write the variable holding hte results.All done
  21. aspnetguy

    SQL > PHP > HTML?

    $fnew = fopen("yourfilename.html", "w+");flock($fnew, 1);then you can open your new file and write to it.
  22. try this http://webveteran.com/portfolio/programmin...p_reference.php
  23. aspnetguy

    SQL > PHP > HTML?

    Yes there is. It is call screen scrapping. In short you would set up a php page that allows you insert a filename (yourname.html) and what the source url is (localhost/yourdynamicpage.php). The screen scrapping code would then pull the generated html from your source page. then you can use this info to generate an html page.http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&sa=X...ing&spell=1
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