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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Psh! That's old news, where've you been :)
  2. a toolkit is a collection of JS functions and objects that you can reuse in all your projects.for example my toolkit has a function called $() which is just a shortcut to document.getElementById().So writing var x = $('someId'); is the same as var x = document.getElementById('someId'); except just much less code.
  3. navigate to E:\i386 is there a file called infocomm.dll???
  4. Thanks for the ideas, I will definately do that...event listners are a pain sometimes. I attached my current version if you want to look at it or use it. BTW, I changed Request.QueryString to Zoodles.QuerySearch zoodles_0.1.zip
  5. they will be different types, xml, js, css, imagesI think I have found what I was looking for...an ISAPI Filter...this parses the URL before it is executed and allows you to create a file similar to .htaccess.Jesh,Thanks for the code but it needs to work for ASP.Net and PHP.
  6. Thanks for clearing that up
  7. But this applies to my applications too? I need a solution that will not require me to write code differently (absolute paths are not an option) but disallows users to download protected files.
  8. When a user tries to type a direct path (mydomain.com/data/file.xml) to a site resource I would like to redirect them to an error page. I know Apache does this with .htaccess but how can I do this with IIS?
  9. I imagine you could still see it. All versions (Home, Pro, Server) are all the same code, some is just disabled or components not placed on the CD (or so I have heard).
  10. Makes a strong case for PHP5....if only it would compile! That is a huge thing for me. Protecting your source code when distributing for applications. Plus .Net libraries can be used for Web or Windows Apps.
  11. That is exactly what I am doing. I'm not sure what the scope of the toolkit will be but I have made a nice querystring array object, finally no more parsing location.search! And a browser detect object. I am debating what to do next...I have an old GridView control I started maybe I'll port that into the toolkit. Any ideas? Things that are a pain to do (and are repetitive) that should be simplified?
  12. ok I rebooted IIS and PHP is now displaying error message but still not loading the MySql library. "Call to an undefined function mysql_connect()...."I have libmysql.dll in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 - is this correct?I have the mysql extension uncommented in php.ini (and restarted IIS).What else do I need to do? On another note has anyone used SQLite yet? How does it compare to MySql? What do I have to do to get that to work?
  13. aspnetguy


    learn what? Not to have an opinion?
  14. I have seen this before except with PHP5. It did this on phpMyAdmin and Wordpress yet IPB worked great.I never found a solution, I downgraded to PHP4 and the problem went away.
  15. you are defiing your functions twice you cannot have 2 functions with the same name and expect them to do different things. The function takes what you defined last.make a mouseOut1 and mouseOut2...etc and use them accordingly.
  16. XP Home does not have IIS you have to have XP Pro in order to install IIS
  17. Someone is touchy today j/k but seriously how much experience do you have with million dollar sites...incase you didn't catch my joke. I am very capable of writing a business plan
  18. your positive the images are in C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\Lee's\dex_litho.gif?If that still doesn't work put the image in the same folder as the html file then use this <img src="dex_litho.gif" width="103" height="91"> Relative paths are always best anyways
  19. Wow, can I take a look at your business plan???
  20. The best way is Server Side Includes, every server side language has a method of implementing this.
  21. Yeah you do not want to create a new page for every piece of text.If that is not what you want you could try<div style="width:350px;height:75px;border:1px solid #dedede;overflow:auto"></div>
  22. it's called a textarea http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_textarea.asp
  23. thanks, phpinfo() says it is looking in C:\WINDOWS\PHP.INI. I'll try a restart of IIS later when I get home.
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