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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. here is an overview of Full Text Search http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/000576.html
  2. yes I would say a dropdownlist would be the best approach.You can check the DDL's Selected Value on button click to determine which search to do.
  3. As you can see in this screenshot http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/...atures/ideview/ you should have a "Project" and "Build" menu bar items which you don't.Did you do the recommended/standard install or did you do a custom install?I recommend uninstalling VC++ and re-downloading it fromt he website again and doing another install just to ensure you didn't get a corrupted download.
  4. try uploading the image to someplace like imageshack.us then use the url as the image src and see if that makes a difference.
  5. Haha I know but I couldn't let the opportunity pass
  6. ok, you really should read the AJAX tutorial, there are some really easy examples that should answer this question for you.Let us know if you still need help after that.
  7. Are you using PHP on the server side? Do you have the PHP already written?Post everything you have so far and we'll go from there.
  8. <img src="http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p42/hns_marcon/aqua-1.jpg" onmouseover="this.style.border='1px inset #CC1100'" onmouseout="this.style.borderWidth='0'">
  9. Do you have Visual Studio 2005 or Visual C++ Express?Can you post a screenshot of VC++ so I can see what you mean...try and show the Solution Explorer too.
  10. Go to www.w3schools.com and learn the language you want/can use.
  11. I don't want to offend but if you are using photoshop to design you page it is going to be a nightmare to maintain. You would be better off to setout the frame of your site in CSS/XHTML and then create the necessary graphic pieces to fit into the existing frame.Just to throw this out to all you panicing about not using tables. It sounds scary at first. Believe me I flip-flopped back and forth between tables and CSS layouts for almost a year because I was so used to table layouts (used them for 4 years) but once you get used to making CSS layouts and identify the areas that will give you trouble and find how to solve them, CSS layouts are a breeze to setup and maintain.I like to think of tables vs CSS layouts in the same way as Object Oriented Programming vs Procedural Prograaming. Both methods work but you wouldn't want to code a complex game with a Procedural method, you couldn't maintain or expand it. You would be writing custom and duplicate code all over the place unlike OOP.Just my $0.02
  12. ummm...this is for CSS not JS???Here is how to use JS functionshttp://www.w3schools.com/js/js_functions.asp
  13. I think he wants it implimente don this forum??? Showing each members posts per day graphically??Sorry not going to happen.
  14. If you downloaded and installed Visual C++ Express then you have a compiler already built in. You just need to write the program and compile with VS. One thing I like about VC++ is that it comes with Win32 and MFC already intregrated. I don't like fooling with libraries and trying to link them.
  15. I think your site looks good for a portal layout. What did you have in mind for a new design? I may be interested in skinning it for you. It is WordPress???
  16. can you sign up for a free hosting account (awardspace.com is good) and setup your page there...that way we can get a look at the code in action. Be sure to upload the image to the same folder as the page.
  17. Jonas I fixed your post. It applies not only to Mac
  18. thanks I'll try that.EDIT: Worked thanks to much!
  19. regardless of what browser you are using put the image in the same folder as the html page and use exactly this. <html><head><title>Title of page</title></head><body><img src="dex_litho.gif" width="103" height="91"></body>
  20. MySql would probably be best if you decide to use PHP because it has built in functions to easily interact with MySql.
  21. aspnetguy


    Regardless of what anyone thinks your intentions are, being rude and aggressive will only enforce a negative attitude toward you and your project.Keeping your cool goes a long way
  22. actually learning ASP first will teach you bad habits when moving to .Net. You are incuraged to use the OOP style of .Net as apposed to the procedural style of ASP.
  23. I'll PM you monday, I have some ideas on organizing this thing.
  24. Jesh and Choco thanks for the ideasJesh I will definately use your code and give you credit and choco you can help I finished hte iframe contorl so it is easy to create read and write to an iframe.
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