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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. They are made with C++ and OpenGL or DirectX...JavaScript runs in a browser...a browser could never hold up under the huge demands a game like that would need.You can use Flash to make games and JavaScript can make some simple games but huge games require C# or C++ and be run as a desktop application.
  2. use this <html><head> <title></title> <script> onload= function() { var mth = new Array(); mth[0] = "January"; mth[1] = "February"; mth[2] = "March"; mth[3] = "April"; mth[4] = "May"; mth[5] = "June"; mth[6] = "July"; mth[7] = "August"; mth[8] = "Septemeber"; mth[9] = "October"; mth[10] = "November"; mth[11] = "December"; var days = 31; var i = 0; var bmth = document.getElementById('bmth'); var bday = document.getElementById('bday'); for(i=0;i<mth.length;i++) { bmth.options[bmth.options.length] = new Option(mth[i],i); } for(i=0;i<days;i++) { bday.options[bday.options.length] = new Option(i+1,i+1 ); } } </script></head><body> <select id="bmth"></select> <select id="bday"></select></body></html>
  3. I hate image maps...mostly because I am so bad at them.
  4. I only wish it had tabbed browsing then it would be perfect but I like it because it is still simple.
  5. aspnetguy


    ok, can you repeat the requirements for this (show me a picture if possible) and I'll code it instead of all this guessing back and forth.There is no way for us to know what you have anymore since there have been so many suggestions.
  6. There are some hard numbers to prove that IE7 is just a bunch of hype and won't improve our lives (as developers) all that much...it was just a pathetic attempt to stop the FF exodus.
  7. I design a site 1 of 2 ways. Either liquid (percentages) or fixed width. I usually use a fixed width of 780 pixels and occasionally use percentages for forum style applications.I have on rare occasions used 625 pixels for a width to ensure maximum user happiness if the site will be for a very wide range of users.
  8. well at work we have a database for our CMS that is about 80Mb right now and it is holding about 600 web pages.You should easily be able to get 1000-3000 posts with no trouble...might consider other options as you approach that amount.
  9. 800x600 is still the windows default and a lot of people don't know how to change it.Until this changes I keep designing for 800x600 to make it pleasant for everyone.
  10. since we have some new volunteers for XHTML/CSS you can move me to JavaScript.
  11. here is a list of some games that were made with AJAX (JavaScript/XML) , the risk clone is quite interesting but I doubt javascript has much of a 3D library.
  12. can we see the php in test.php?
  13. Wow...I hope that was edited after I read the project post. Not sure how I missed that. Thanks.
  14. has it been comfirmed that we will be using IRC to communicate during the project?
  15. I was reading that IE7 is done they are just sitting on it to release with Vista.EDIT: interesting....a website I went to that detects the javascriopt version told me thisFireFox runs JavaScript 1.5Opera runs JavaScript 1.3 --- SHOCKINGIE runs JavaScript 1.3 (JScript 5.6)
  16. I think it is from Photoshop.
  17. phpMyAdmin is just an interface for MySql...if you deleted your databases then they are completely gone and cannot be recovered unless you had made backups (which is always a good idea to do regularly).This is just a lesson you will have ot learn from....sorry
  18. but isn't IE6 only supporting JavaScript 1.3??? So we'll not be able to use it for a long time....but it does look cool
  19. aspnetguy


    you could do this #grid{border:1px solid #000;font-family:monospace} #grid td{padding:5px;border:1px solid #000;text-align:center} #grid td.rcell{border-bottom:0px} #grid td.ncell{border-right:0px;border-bottom:0px} #grid td.bcell{border-right:0px} #grid td.xcell{border:0px;padding:0px;}
  20. name and id should be the same and I don't think you can use [] in those names
  21. aspnetguy


    you'll need something to process the poll like a server side lanaguage, so in short you can't do a poll in just HTML
  22. PHP5 http://ca.php.net/zend-engine-2.phpPHP4 http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/php/2005/07/28/oo_php.html
  23. aspnetguy


    no, do you want it to?add margin:0px; that should take care of it.
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