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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Not every translation is necessarily loaded into memory, though I doubt there would be trouble if they were.What you can do is have separate language files with arrays in them and only include the one that you need. Each file creates the same array with the same identifier.
  2. It seems they didn't know what they were doing. The last rule takes precedence, so #3F5DD6 and #F3D446 are ignored.
  3. The | is an operator tha does a logical OR operation with each of the bits of the two arguments. I don't see why somebody would need to do that in the is_int() function because both should be integers to begin with if you want to do bit operations. You only do this with function arguments when the arguments are flags (their binary representation is all zeroes except for one bit). Using the | operator can add several flags together so that the function gets the information of multiple flags with just one argument.
  4. Ingolme

    dynamic images

    PHP is not accessing the root of your website, it's trying to get a file in the root of the computer that your website is hosted on which is a different directory. Use relative file paths.
  5. Ingolme

    dynamic images

    I think the file doesn't exist. This path "/datei.jpg" looks for the file at the system root, not the website's root. If the image is in the same directory as the PHP file then just forget the slash and put "datei.jpg" On a windows computer, your website root would be something like C:/www/. On linux the website root is probably something like /usr/something/website/www/. Putting a / will bring you to the system root which is just C:/ (windows) or / for linux
  6. Is this an AJAX application? I'd suggest having PHP send only send the usernames and messages without all the HTML and then have Javascript read the data and put it into the page the right way.
  7. I went and searched for it on Google and went through a complicated process of installing a program that would simulate Linux's sendmail. This is what I found: http://glob.com.au/sendmail/I remember having some trouble, you need to assign an SMTP server to the program. I simply assigned it to one of my Gmail accounts since it's just for testing.
  8. Most content management systems should have a template system so that all you would need to do is copy your HTML and fill the gaps with their particular syntax for the dynamic content.
  9. I'm pretty sure sendmail is a Linux thing. If you're on Windows you'll need to set up something different.
  10. The only way I see what you requested getting done correctly without PHP is to have hundreds of HTML pages with links between eachother, and that's one tedious site to work with. Just a little example of the list of pages you would need without a programmed system:All - page 1All - page 2...A - page 1A - page 2...Z - page 1Z - page 2...A Guide to EvilGame Creation Process... If you want this done soon, you can ask somebody else to do it in PHP, else you can learn PHP and do it yourself, though that's going to be a slow process. Edit: Hey! there's a third option. You can look for a content management system that's already built for this as well. Unfortunately, I can't name any specific ones at the moment, I'd have to search for it on Google (or you can use your favorite search engine)
  11. Much harder than HTML or CSS (which are not programming languages), but not anything as difficult as C or C++ because there's no memory management.It's a programming language (some may argue it's a "scripting language") so principles of programming need to be learnt to use it. The W3Schools tutorial is good, but it might fall a little short. http://php.net/ has a manual with more information which you can refer to after studying the W3Schools tutorial.
  12. Hmm, I'm not sure how jQuery deals with XML. Try this to see whether there's a mistake with the Javascript or with the XML document itself: var noms = resultat.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("photographie");
  13. Not only it doesn't have to, it's wrong to use certain XML syntax in HTML.
  14. This is probably best as a PHP project, actually, with a database that can retrieve data by letters. The most Javascript would be involved in, is to make a request to PHP to do this without reloading.
  15. There can only be one property called "label". Each "label" is overwriting the previous one. Maybe you should check the documentation for the data format again to make sure you didn't misunderstand.
  16. If you use position, then the element is allowed to occupy the same space as other elements that are surrounding it. This allows for overlapping which is usually not desirable.
  17. Ingolme

    foreach loop error

    Make the assignment first, return the array after.
  18. Add "clear:both" to the CSS that is applied to that element. (#user-bottom selector)
  19. Yes, the menu bar moves with the scroll bar because in the CSS for its container the position property is set to "fixed"
  20. Table cells always expand to contain the content. If you allow the <div> to be a block instead then that won't happen.
  21. Don't use position: fixed; Or absolute or relative either for that matter.
  22. Ingolme

    Form alignment

    The align attribute is deprecated. <p> elements should be reserved for actual paragraphs.
  23. "Footer" refers to a container at the bottom of your page. Put an element at the end of your page (a <footer> element if you're using HTML 5, <div> is recommendable in other cases) and fill it with the information you want to see at your page's footer. You can use CSS to give it a width, colors and to clear any floated elements.
  24. Learn from the original HTML tutorial, then look at the HTML 5 tutorial to learn the differences. Understanding HTML in general is important.
  25. You don't need an <a> element to use the :hover pseudo-class. Put the :hover selector right on the submit button itself.
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