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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. bah, plentyoffish was ugly.Mpoer you put this site on there lol? Where? Im not about to look through all of those ads..
  2. just a question to Jesh: what are angle brackets? Are you talking about the less than (<) and great than (>) symbols? Cause thats what they are called by the people who design web programming languages (like the code to display an < is <)
  3. reportingsjr


    Go to http://www.w3schools.com and on the right in the menu click the HTML tutorial link, then just start reading it all! That will get you started, then come back here often and you can get alot of help here.
  4. I think that the other site already uses SSL, and this person wants to send a variable to that page, have it send some info back, and have that info displayed. Thats exactly what ajax does to .
  5. No problem, there are alot of helpful people here. I also help because this community is so nice. Just ask if you have any other questions!
  6. Right now its a hobby, but thats only because im not really old enough to get a job in it. I recently turned 14, so yea.. I wish to get a job in it.
  7. You can use AJAX, just google that and you will find some script and it will tell you step by step how to use the code.
  8. You can just do an if(!isset($_POST['variable']) || !isset($_POST['variable2'])){echo "message saying that you need to go to this page through the form";}else{insert into db etc..}
  9. <? echo "$Quotes" ?>..you do that on almost all of your echos. Two things:1) You forgot to end every single echo, which you do with a ;2) You dont need quotation marks to echo just variables, so you can remove those.
  10. Ive never seen that anywhere and in my php refrence book, by Mr. O`reilly it says to use that and never mentions script, and he put everything in that. Except half of the 2,500 functions , I will research it (provide a link plz?)
  11. reportingsjr


    pagination is those page numbers on almost every forum. Like the newest posts will be on page one, older posts on the pages after that. And it shows something like 1, 2....937, 938 except not many forums have categories that go that high lol. If you want a script for it just google "php pagination script" I have done this and come up with tons of results.
  12. I though it was <<<EOD?Yeah, it is:echo <<<EODTextEOD;Not script
  13. ok, pretty much its this:colspan -- if one row of your table has 2 columns, and the next one has 1 then the bottom row will only show one small column that stops where the first column of the first row does. So you end up with something like this: |_ROW 1 COLUMN 1_|_ROW 1 COLUMN 2_||_ROW 2 COLUMN 1_|________________| See how there is just a big blank space you dont want, well on row 2 column one if you wanted it to stretch across those 2 columns you would add colspan="2' and the result would be this: |_ROW 1 COLUMN 1_|_ROW 1 COLUMN 2_||_________ROW 2 COLUMN 1__________| Now for rowspan:pretty much same principle except for instead of going across however many columns, it goes down however many rows. So if you had this: |_ROW 1 COLUMN 1_|_ROW 1 COLUMN 2_||_ROW 2 COLUMN 1_|________________| and you wanted ROW 1 COLUMN 2 to stretch down and be in line with ROW 2 COLUMN 1 also you would add rowspan="2" and the result would be this: |_ROW 1 COLUMN 1_|_ROW 1 COLUMN 2_| |_ROW 2 COLUMN 1_| | and the text ROW 1 COLUMN 2 would be centered in the middle there.
  14. oh sweet! Thanks ruud, I am definetly going to try this when I get home .
  15. You cant with inline, you could only use inline javascript.
  16. professional has a few extras, like IIS installed (you just need to activate it). I think it is about impossible to crash a computer unless you have done something really bad to it. How do you max out your ram (I dont know too much about computers, im learning though )? I think I had my processor going at 100% for a few months just a while ago. Of course that was because I had a program that was a protein folding thing for stanford so they can figure out AIDs and such. Didnt do anything though!
  17. The main thing you need to do is make sure you set the correct mime. If you dont the html wont parse and you will just end up with ugly code like this displaying.
  18. Oh, forgot qoutes, lol I hate when that happens. FYI: you might want to try and always add quotes, 1. its valid html 2. If you dont it causes errors like this3. Its alot easier to read
  19. If there is, not too many people have heard of it. The only debugging you will get is when you parse it, it will either come up blank, or it will produce an error. You just have to guess and check!
  20. Thats because there isnt a slash in it X-D. Silly little mistake.. its really <![end if]-->, not an actual tag .
  21. Yes you can, at least I could when I tried... Its like Java considering thats what its based off of and its pre-compiled so its already in binary, your computer wont need anything but itself to read the binary, unlike ASP.
  22. Could you also use this.innerTEXT for this? I dont really get how you use .innerTEXT , can someone explain?
  23. Does no one like to use gabbly chat anymore? I need someone to talk to!
  24. first question: I think that they meant for you to put something inbetween those originally, like params, but they never changed it back.. So if you tried <embed src="somefilename.swf" width="550" height="400" /> your web page qould mess up.. alot.second question: Defines a unique name for the object (to use in scripts)thats what I found.
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