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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. Its just as easy to do mine too . But yea, gd library would be easy to, I guess.
  2. what was it missing? I think I had everything..
  3. I un installed mine once, it all gets dumped.Thats just favorites and the saved addresses and such, if you mean your website info, that only gets deleted if you delete it, or the server has a big malfunction and deletes it.
  4. Sorry! I was unaware this had more posts! Boen, can people include files on my server? I thought you couldnt do that, but if you can it would be awesome!!heres a code to do exactly what you want murfit! I actually made one of these for my poll . function percent_bar($right, $total, $height = 20, $width = 300){ if($right > $total || $total == "0"){ echo "An error has occured with the percent graph!!"; }else{ if($height < "20" || $width < "50"){ echo "The specified width and height are not lare enough for this graph!!"; }else{ $percent_width = $width/100; $decimal_percent = $right/$total; $percent = $decimal_percent * 100; $total_percent = $percent * $percent_width; $percent_wrong = 100 - $percent; $total_percent_wrong = $percent * $percent_width; echo "<div style='width: {$width}px; height: {$height}px; background-color: #FF0000;text-align: right;color: brown;'><div style='background-color: #00FF00; width: {$total_percent}px; text-align: left;float: left;height: 100%;'>{$percent}%</div>{$percent_wrong}%</div>"; } }} thats what you want!Give me a while to fix it up, gotta make it nice!!Done!Its on http://excibius.com/customfunctions/functions.php , I might make it so you can put your own lengths and widths and such..
  5. body {background-image: url(blah.png);} That will repeat it going down and across.
  6. Its called a scrolling box .around the content you want put this: <div style="height: 50px; width: 500px; y-scroll: auto;">content...</div>
  7. No, you cant really. Java is wayyy more complex than php, same with .NET!That would be just a dream to have that happen eguru.
  8. You would need to have it like this: <script type="text/javascript">alert('<?php echo "what you want"; ?>');</script> But why would you need to connect to the database in the javascript? You could just do that at the head of the page! This is normally done because of echoing, not connecting to databases!Did you know you dont need to use <?php ?> to define php?You can also use <script type="php"></script>!
  9. Make sure you have that at the very bottom of the page and done have any content that is javascript and loads when the page loads, or it wont get done until the 60 seconds are over.First: the default time a php script can run before its stopped by the server is 30 seconds, but there is a function to raise this. Just google it .Second: you need the close the unset parenthesis, because you are missing the end one ( unset($_SESSION['members']; is what you have, it should be unset($_SESSION['members']);It might be easier to just use session_destroy(); if you want to destroy all sessions.
  10. PHP isnt really an application, its just a web programming language. You can use javascript to make a popup and php to make the content of it f you want: alert('<?php echo "hi, this is a popup!!"; ?>');
  11. It will have to be defined as a type that can be ordered, like text wont work.
  12. Maybe I should look up on this =\.shouldnt CargoClass :: ... be CargoCarrier? Because if you run Cargo it will automatically run those 3 functions?
  13. what do you mean? an you provide the actual code so we can understand it better? By static classes you mean it doesnt change, but what class is it? PS: about your signature and the matter and anti-matter, I saw some awesome show on that once. If anti-matter even touches matter they blow up in a huge explosion . I got to see a crater from when some anti-matter from space hit the ground, was not pretty!
  14. Do you want it to just display how many times the user has visited the page while the browser has been opened? If you want to have it display how many unique views the page has gotten you will need to have a database and in the database have the time visited and the persons ip address. Just google it and you will find some downloadable packages .Here is your code and it should be fixed: <?phpsession_start();$_SESSION['views']++;if(isset($_COOKIE['visitors'])){$_SESSION['views']--;}else{setcookie("visitors",1, time()+(60*60*24*365));//sets cookie visitor with a value of "1" for a year}echo "Views: ".$_SESSION['views'];?>
  15. <select name="selector"><option value="test" selected="selected">Select an option</option></select>, dont need php for this at all!
  16. But you could still have those functions on the list..<a href="java script: history.back(-1)">back</a>I think thats right. Not sure probably wrong lol .<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">reload</a>Yea skemcin is right. I have one that works on firefox but for some reason is stuck in the position where you have it in the code .
  17. First: thank you for the comment! That is very nice of you.second: Yea, also mistral = minstral or something simialar? never heard of that font either!Third: Shouldnt matter how young people are or what they look like, thats why I prefer the internet! You cant tell how old people are to shun them or what have you and same for looks.Now on to your question!Put the content in a div, and with css put this:.div_class_name {margin: auto;width: 80%} That will center it and make it 80% of the browser width no matter the resolution. Congratulations! Happy birthday!
  18. what are you trying to accomplish there?!? are you trying to make a dropdown with values?try this, its cleaner, thats kind of messy and really hard to understand! <?phpdo{echo "<option value='$row_rs_industry['industry_id']'";if(isset($_GET['industry_id']) && $_GET['industry_id'] == $row_rs_industry['industry_id']){echo " selected='selected'>'";}echo $row_rs_industry['industry_id'];echo "</option>";}while($something == "something")?> That should work, if not tell me specifically what you want!
  19. I have my own function that calls ajax. So im guessing what you want is a function where you put callPHP('blah.php', 'var=content'); and get reponseText back?
  20. Im sorry but I disagree! middle teens, or earlier! Even better if you can get a hold of resources!! like me..Im 14 (and a few days) and I have my own website hosting and such. I am open to plenty of web resources! It is pretty easy for me to understand most things, minus regex .
  21. mmkay! Any ideas for a functions? I cant really think of any =\
  22. You bet ya! <?phpif($_POST['action'] == "get_page"){echo "Page content.. blah blah blah!!";}else{?><script type="text/css">window.setInterval('ajax_refresh()', '1000'); // refreshes every secondfunction ajax_reresh(){ajax code}</script><?php}?> ill post full code later
  23. wow holmedwa... Dont spamdmartin: Go read the css tutorial, more specifically on classes, links, and psuedo
  24. You forgot to add a break after case "long":try that!
  25. I do beleive ruby on rails is a library type thing, and it compiles AJAX and some other languages all into one nice package. I would like to see a tutorial for it!
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