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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. Well, im making a game (if you read my post in php) and I have two frames, but the content in them is longer than the page. I just found out that frames are only as long as the browser window . Is there a way to make it so you can scroll down or something? Yes I know frames are evil, but they are helpful for many things in games, and very unhelpful in situations like this . I spent like half an hour googling this to. Please tell me if there is no way to do this!!Thanks!!!
  2. Right now I am developing a game and ive run into a major problem! If iframes are refreshed or anything sessions used inside them are destroyed for the iframe, they arent completely destroyed you can use them anywhere else.Also, they are two iframes nested.Why would they be so stupid as to do this?!?! So, any suggestions on what to do?So far, I have tried using the $_GET method on the iframe and carrying it, but this doesnt work at all.I also have this problem with frames, I can only use sessions in my first frame and not my second one .Im sorry but I cant give out the link as of now because its still in major development. Help needed badly and quickly!! Comeon justsomeguy .Thanks!!
  3. on the page that has the include: include "header.php?title={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}"; on the included page: <html><head><title><?php$title = $_GET['title'];$title2 = eregi_replace(".php", "", $title);echo $title2;?></title> But thats only if you want the pages title to be the filename without the ending file type, I always name my files .php, unless if you have your php.ini file set up to parse php in .html files. Then just replace ".php" with ".html". Glad you like the forums!
  4. Try removing the UNIX_TIMESTAMP from the sql statements and try it, if you have things being inserted with just time() you wont need UNIX_TIMESTAMP.
  5. reportingsjr


    Waaaay wrong forum even. This is for the web sided languages, not compiled ones . You need to make the java application and compile it, then put the needed files onto a server, then you need to have the <applet> tag and link it to the java files. But, why did you post it in the category even though you know it to be the wrong one? Post it in general next time please!!!
  6. Im not sure if that will work, try putting it directly on every page.
  7. It looks like he has the php tages in text.php, try putting qoutes around the 3.I just thought this was odd, but on every other include you have everything to include it on one line, but for test.php its on 3 lines =\. I know, its just bugging me!
  8. Maybe a mod might do that, im pretty sure they have already said no though.I cant wait to start on this!
  9. Whats the rest of your form? Unless the ids arent right it should be working, at least from what I see.
  10. How could they not have time? Maybe just like 10-20 minutes a day to read and reply to a few posts?
  11. Are you sure? What error did it give? (try using it in lowercase)
  12. Yes very well done! . I do think that Kai should be on more, but they dont really want to do anything with this forum!
  13. SFB, you can choose 2 types of coding to be in you know! Im going to be in server side and xmhtl/css
  14. Okay, I sent in my request for a category . BTW, since I found out what a CMS is I dont really want it (sorry, didnt really know what it was ) so can my vote be moved from CMS (full) to forum?
  15. Well, the first three tables in "xcell"'s is the top row..next three middle, next three bottom..In each xcell its the exact same way! So just go through and replace any with a 1 or something.Shouldnt be too hard.
  16. Tomorrow??? Well, that wasnt nearly enough time!And aspnetguy, the =\ is a smiley, its like a nervous, unsure smiley.
  17. I dont think he can do graphics exactly well either =\. Lol
  18. I dont really have any friends that know how to code . At least I know one, but he cant code exactly well. Ill try to get him!After all.. this is supposed to be a project to help out people new to coding!
  19. Aspnetguy.. Im jealous! I reallly want to use Ubuntu... meh, I dont have my own computer though!I still think IE is the worst browser.. it always will be to!
  20. reportingsjr


    I doubt theres like a law (if your in america) that states you must use coppa... Except if you are running some site with porn or bad things like that =\.
  21. Instead of trying to use it on the $_post just stick password around it, like this: $query = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE password = password({$_POST['password']})" , easy peazy!EDITED BECAUSE OF WHAT JUSTSOMEGUY SAID
  22. Well d'oh! Thats what I was doing wrong!! Man, I put the inside of curly braces so it tried to use it as a php functions =\.
  23. lol cool.. I think you need to un-install Peril !Thats just too good..
  24. You can just have a main div, and have something like main links as the first thing, and have a class called dmenu and inside put this: dmenu {height: 10px;overflow: auto;} Then, put a <br /> after "main links" an after that have some more divs..Now, you will need another type of code for the hovering, use psuedo like this: dmenu:hover {height: adjustthis;z-index: 2; /* to make it go over everything else */position: absolute; /* so it wont move with the z-index */} Now it will look like so: <style type="text/css">dmenu {height: 10px;overflow: auto;}dmenu:hover {height: adjustthis;z-index: 2; /* to make it go over everything else */position: absolute; /* so it wont move with the z-index */}</style><div class="dmenu">Main links<br /><div><a href="blahblah">blah blah!!</a></div></div> It should work now . You can make on called like pmenu and instead of having a set width have a set height.. and do it the same way.. dont feel like doing that now though .
  25. Good idea little goat!! Ill do that now.. Maybe make it decently large? [center][size=3]Join the [url=http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6527]W3schools Project![/url] || [url=http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6670]Discuss[/url] [url=http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6802]Vote![/url][/size][/center] Please just copy that code into your signature! It will be exactly like my signature!!
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