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Everything posted by Krewe

  1. Krewe

    About ISP

    I dunno how much my family pays but my average is 6mbs download .7mbs upload... European countries usually have MUCH better connection than USA.
  2. Krewe

    minimum width

    The reason the page is too big for your comp and mobile is because of the min-width:1100; in the body. 1100px is going to be too big for both in most cases. 900px has been the MAXIMUM i've ever gone with it comes to the minimum width. if you just leave it has 900px being the min everything should be fine since both of the images you are wanting in the page are 430px wide, and combined its 860px, still small enough for the 900px width.
  3. Krewe

    minimum width

    That's odd about the min-width:900px; That is what I use for my design.My container is width:100%; min-width:900px; and it looks fine on all platforms.Is something making it bigger than 900px?
  4. Krewe

    div p vs div>p

    To be more precise with what you stated Spec... div p{ } is going to effect EVERY paragraph tag inside div tags, wether or not the p tag is inside something else.(Ex. <div><span><p>The css will affect this</p></span><p>AND this</p></div>) div > p{ } is going to effect only div tags that are inside divs but NOT inside anything else. (Ex. <div><span><p>The css will NOT affect this</p></span><p>But it will affect this.</p></div>) ~krewe
  5. Granted Pink's advice is good, he isn't given you any new info we haven't given you already...You've asked many questions and we all have given you the best of answers, but it looks like you haven't used any of our advice/answers!
  6. Re-reading this topic and not looking at the first link close enough I have some more advice for you...Code and Design your own template, you'll learn more. Your current design it looks like you hardly edited it at all, except for the text.And if that is all you know, you'll need to know a lot more to create better websites before you even think about php or javascript.
  7. Krewe

    CSS Word Wrap

    People on stack fixed it span{display:inline-block;} Was all I need!
  8. Krewe

    CSS Word Wrap

    It fixes the firefox problem (kinda) but now in both browsers they partially break to a new line, the elements don't break fully.Attached is the new chrome image, won't let me upload both. However, they look very similar, except firefox doesn't put the sh- on a top line.
  9. Krewe

    CSS Word Wrap

    Hey Guys, I am having some issues with wrapping stuff to a new line when it reaches the max width. I have my blog set up displaying all of the tags in a single div, and when the first line reaches the max width the next tag should jump to the next line. (Attached is what is happening in Chrome and Firefox) Here is the code to display: and here is the CSS for the tagHolder: p.tagHolder{margin-bottom:5px;line-height:25px;white-space: pre;} In firefox it doesn't even wrap, in chrome it wraps but part of the span stays on the line before it wraps. Any help would be awesome, thanks!Krewe
  10. Well based on what I see from your code your first table is going to be 70% of the parent container's width and the second table 30% of the parent container's width. If you're not surrounding the tables by a div with a fixed width (like 700px). The table's % widths will be off of the user's browser window, so as you resize the browser the tables will resize to maintain the 70% and 30% width. Understand?
  11. You never ended the <a> tag around the image. <div class="logo"><a href="index.html"><img border="0"src="images/logo.png" width="248" height="40" alt="home"></div> <!--END of the LOGO div--> needs to be: <div class="logo"><a href="index.html"><img border="0"src="images/logo.png" width="248" height="40" alt="home"></a></div> <!--END of the LOGO div-->
  12. Krewe

    My Website

    I will provide unique web design and development for all of my customers. You will not receive the same generic site as Sally Sue or John Doe, you will receive a website that shows who you/your business is, and a website that allows you to edit it so YOU can show the world who you are.
  13. Krewe

    My Website

    Hey Guys! My website is completely finished now! So I'm hoping y'all could critique it. Everything is working, the blog, the forms, etc.Thanks Guys. Http://www.codekrewe.com Every part of the site I coded. No third party software was used except for Google tracking. ~krewe
  14. I'm gonna join this topic, because I've heard more about mysqli and I figure I need to switch ASAP.My questions:1) Where can we find a list or something where we can find the appropriate mysqli_ command for the current mysql_ we are using?2) I still need to learn OOP PHP, so is there any difference using mysqli_ with non OOP PHP? Thanks GuysKrewe
  15. Why don't you wanna wrap? It's not that hard... It takes 30sec. If that.
  16. With javascript you can, but not CSS. You'd have to wrap the specific sentence in a span, p, or other sort of tag.
  17. Unless they changed it, outlook isn't like Hotmail.Hotmail will still be the actually e-mail address/hosting part.Outlook is just a software that will allow you to load your e-mail from all your e-mail accounts into one program. Just like Mozilla Thunderbird. krewe
  18. Agreed with Niche, this could be simplified to 1 div tag for each block of text.
  19. This can not be done with just pure HTML, you will need javascript or php like niche stated.HTML can not store any data (besides the original text you put in), nor manipulate data. It is only a structure language.
  20. Krewe

    section or aside?

    This is an HTML 5 question not CSS...Section: The <section> tag defines sections in a document. Such as chapters, headers, footers, or any other sections of the document.Aside: The <aside> tag defines some content aside from the content it is placed in. The aside content should be related to the surrounding content. More Info on Section tagMore Info on Aside tag I'd use neither Section or Aside for the columns. I'd use Div tags.However, you could use section tags to separate multiple articles in the center div (assuming multiple articles will be showing at a time). However, I'd probably still say stick with div tags, unless someone has a reason why? ~krewe
  21. Put it in a div. Text shouldn't be floating like that. Then that div needs position relative. <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style type="text/css">h2{position:absolute;left:100px;top:150px;}.content{position:relative:width:500px;</style></head><body><div class="content"><h2>This is a heading with an absolute position</h2><p>With absolute positioning, an element can be placed anywhere on a page. The heading below is placed 100px from the left of the page and 150px from the top of the page.</p></div></body></html>
  22. Krewe

    How do I do this?

    Congrats Alex!Of course you can do that, all you need to do is move all the css in the <style> tags into a new file and name it something like "style.css".Then in the HTML <head> tags you'd have this: <head><title>Test Page</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /></head> Note that this will only work if the two files are in the same folder. If you are putting style.css into a folder named css then you're code would look like this: <head><title>Test Page</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" /></head> Congrats again and let me know of anymore questions!~Krewe
  23. Krewe

    Center Subscribe Form

    looks centered in chrome
  24. Krewe

    How do I do this?

    Alright, so here I'll try to explain how can achieve an example like his. Here is the text from one of his examples:EXT. PARKING LOT – NIGHTSimon kisses his mistress goodnight. Looks her up and down as she sashays to her car. WIFE’S VOICE (PRE-LAP) Cheater! INT. SIMON’S HOUSE – NIGHT Guilt written all over his face, Simon gapes at his wife. WIFE You are totally cheating! You can’t look at all the questions first. She hurls a plastic Trivial Pursuit pie piece at Simon’s head, revealing a board game being played with ANOTHER COUPLE. They all laugh. SIMON I never get away with anything. The first thing to do with all that text is to separate it into paragraph tags in side a div: <div class="example"><p class="setting">EXT. PARKING LOT – NIGHT</p><p class="description">Simon kisses his mistress goodnight. Looks her up and down as she sashays to her car.</p><p class="prelap">WIFE’S VOICE (PRE-LAP)</p><p class="dialogue">Cheater!</p><p class="setting">NT. SIMON’S HOUSE – NIGHT</p><p class="description">Guilt written all over his face, Simon gapes at his wife.</p><p class="character">WIFE</p><p class="dialogue">You are totally cheating! You can’t look at all the questions first.</p><p class="description">She hurls a plastic Trivial Pursuit pie piece at Simon’s head, revealing a board game being played with ANOTHER COUPLE. They all laugh.</p><p class="character">SIMON</p><p class="dialogue">I never get away with anything.</p></div> Now you have something that looks nice and clean on a website, but isn't separated like you'd like. This is where the CSS comes into play. First let's get the border around all of our example text and a fixed width and padding: div.example{/*border: widthOfLine typeOfBorder colorOfLine*/border: 1px solid #000000;width: 400px;padding:10px;} So the 1px (widthOfLine) will make the border around the example 1px wide.The solid will make the border a solid line around the whole div, not dashed, not doubled, just a generic line.#000000 is the Hex Code for black, so it will make the border line black.Width will make sure the div is no bigger, or no smaller, than 400px wide.Padding will give the text a 10px padding in all directions, top bottom left right, from the INSIDE border of the div. ----------------------------------------- Now we will deal with the paragraph tags, <p></p> First thing we need to do is make sure none of the paragraph tags have the default margin or padding settings set. That way we can determine that for ourselves. p{padding:0;margin:0;} Now all you are going to do is add a padding bottom of 5px to all the paragraph tags so there is space inbetween.Then you will just have to add a padding left to get the indent effect you see on the example website. ---------------------------------------- Then for your final project you should have something like this (I did a few small changes like font-size to make it look nicer).But now you have fun control over how your example looks with CSS! <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><html><head><title>Text Example</title><style type="text/css">p{ margin:0; padding:0;}div.example{/*border: widthOfLine typeOfBorder colorOfLine*/border: 1px solid #000000;width: 500px;padding: 10px;font-size:12px;}p.setting{ padding-bottom:5px;}p.description{ padding-bottom:5px;}p.prelap{ padding-bottom:5px; padding-left:40%;}p.character{ padding-bottom:5px; padding-left:40%;}p.dialogue{ width:300px; padding-bottom:5px; padding-left:20%;}</style></head><body><div class="example"><p class="setting">EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT</p><p class="description">Simon kisses his mistress goodnight. Looks her up and down as she sashays to her car.</p><p class="prelap">WIFE'S VOICE (PRE-LAP)</p><p class="dialogue">Cheater!</p><p class="setting">NT. SIMON'S HOUSE - NIGHT</p><p class="description">Guilt written all over his face, Simon gapes at his wife.</p><p class="character">WIFE</p><p class="dialogue">You are totally cheating! You can't look at all the questions first.</p><p class="description">She hurls a plastic Trivial Pursuit pie piece at Simon's head, revealing a board game being played with ANOTHER COUPLE. They all laugh.</p><p class="character">SIMON</p><p class="dialogue">I never get away with anything.</p></div></body></html>
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