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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. I HIGHLY recommend Crystal Tech. I have over 20 clients their - for $3/month, you can sign up for their Developer Plan - asp or php w/database (use iribbit.net as your referral).
  2. When you create a "Passport" account with Microsoft, it gives you centralized access to many Microsoft websites and their affiliates. Passport was supposed to be a "universal" login in application where Microsoft would get all these huge partners (actually included e-bay at one point) to use their centralized login. Anyway, if you create a Passport account ,you get free web hosting with it - and the technique you described using fits the description of how one would maintain their "passport" website. I do not think that Yahoo or Google gives you free web hosting when you use their e-mail services. You might get free web space from Yahoo is they happen to be partnered with the local DSL provider.Anyway, free hosting services will liter your website with ads. If you can afford $3 a month, then sign up with Crystal Tech (iribbit.net as your referral). I have over 20 clients there and their service is outstanding.
  3. A couple of things to start out: you'll need dedicated access to the internet you'll a router (ideally) you'll need web server software (plus any scripting server software - asp, php, cold fusion) you'll need a static IP address (ideally) First, I'll answer your questions, then explain the server setup.What it means to create a dedicated server (in the homemade sense of the scenario) is to set up a computer that is accessible to the outside world through whatever means is desired - mainly via http.You can use a computer that you may call your "dedicated" server just as you would use any other computer. But, the concept of being dedicated implies that its only purpose is to (say) server web pages. To "use" the "dedicated server" would commonly result in slower performace/speed. If you desktop is set up as a dedicated server and you decide to play Return to Castle Wolfenstein while expecting to serve web pages - your visitors will not have an enjoyable experience.You're computer will indeed have to be on all night in order to server web pages. If it is turned off, then there is no way for it to serve whatever it is dedicated to serve. And additionaly, it does have to maintain its internet connection for teh same reason.As for basic set, here is what I run at my house (don't laugh, this is scrictly a development box - not a test or production environment). Plus, I got the box free. Windows 2000 Professional SP4 Cold Fusion MX Enterprise Server 866mhz Intel Processor (slow but all I need) 260MB of RAM No monitor, No keyboard, No mouse, nothing else Remote access through VNC D-Link Router DI-604 (cable router/hub) I've assigned my "server" a static IP (based on MAC address) and then have port 80 opened in my router to allow my global IP direct access to my "server" by its IP. This allows my to access my web server from the IP address that my ISP has provided. And that is it - in a nutshell. Of course, not mentioned in the requirements to do this is the knowledge to know how to do it.I would not recommend this set up for really anyone out there. I just know what I am doing in a limited respect and I am one of 5 people that might be accessing a page/application from my server at any given point. I DO NOT publish my ip address to anyone for any reason. And if you do decide to set up a server, (especially if you wish to publicize it) then you will need to make sure its a computer you can do without.Hope that starts it off ok - please ask any more questions - there is much more detail to discuss . . .
  4. Skemcin


    so you would like to create your very own online discussion board software from scratch holmes?PLANNING is anyone's first step. That includes research. Research your idea. Find others like it and figure out what they do right and what they do wrong - then PLAN your design and development accordingly.
  5. NICE - glad you got it working.
  6. That information is not public and I doubt you could ever expect it to be. w3schools.com is a private endeavour - so you won't have the own spilling their guts about the financials.Ad services are not that simple. Sites often have to provide statistical proof of traffic in order to demand a certain advertising rate. For that reason alone, it is re-emphasises the point that tutorial content and support discussions must not overlap each other - one compliments the other but they do not share their respective responsibilities.
  7. Define "dumb". Better yet, don't. Moderators are capable of handling the various types of post that occur. What ever a "dumb comment" is, it will be handled appropriately. You "incentive" to post is to either learn something new by asking a question or to help someone by providing a solution - what more incentive do you need? As long as you continue to develop web pages and work in this environment, you will continual have a purpose to visit this forum.As a former teacher, my incentive is to help people. I have over 10 years experience as a developer and although I have seen alot of the issues discussed here in one way shape or form, it's still a new application with new tweaks to figure out. Hopefully, the "newbies" will get the answers they need here and stick around and share their expertise as it matures.
  8. As kcarson points out, that code get thrown in the top fo teh page somehow - view the source of teh page once its rendered - you should see what were talking about.I, too, use Firefox 1.5 and its looking good there, in Opera 8, Netscape 8.0 and Internet Crapsplorer 6.0. :)
  9. This is not necesarily good advice to follow. There has been no mention of the form in question having a username and/or password. Understanding that GET passes information in the URL versus POST passing it in the header AND understanding why and when to use each is more important. There are certain situations where GET is far better to use than POST - until an application is specified just ask yourself if the data that is being passed from one form to the other is OK to be seen by anyone in the world.
  10. You don;t need a new function for each all you have to do is repeat these parts of teh code for each respective image you want to use this with. Of course, make the javascript and external file:JavascriptQuestsOn = new Image();QuestsOn.src = "http://www.chrisfries.net/thedarkdragons/fansite/images/Buttons/quests-active.png";QuestsOff = new Image();QuestsOff.src = "http://www.chrisfries.net/thedarkdragons/fansite/images/Buttons/quests-unactive.png";QuestsClick = new Image();QuestsClick.src = "http://www.chrisfries.net/thedarkdragons/fansite/images/Buttons/quests-clicked.png"; andHTML <a href="##" title="Quests" onclick="SwitchImage('Quests','QuestsOff')" onmousedown="SwitchImage('Quests','QuestsClick')" onmouseover="SwitchImage('Quests','QuestsOn')" onmouseout="SwitchImage('Quests','QuestsOff')"> <img id="Quests" name="Quests" src="http://www.chrisfries.net/thedarkdragons/fansite/images/Buttons/quests-unactive.png" width="97" height="25" border="0" alt="Quests"></a><br><br> With the javascript, just copy-n-paste that for each set of images you need this for and keep it within the curly brackets and your fine. Likewise, with the HTML, just use that as much as you need, replace all the "Quests" with the respective new "name" in the script and html and you're off and running. Make sure you match your cases.
  11. yes, the "GET" method takes teh values of the form that was submitted and puts all the values in a URL string. Now that the variables are in the URL, the code on the page the form is posted to can use these values however it is needed.
  12. hey - busy weekend sorry I didn't check back on this one. Here are some findings: h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {color:#FFFF00;font: "Sylfaen", "Palatino Linotype", "Times New Roman";}p {color:#FFFFFF;font: "Sylfaen", "Palatino Linotype", "Times New Roman";} a.) Remove the quotes from the font stylesb.) try changing font: to font-family:c.) its seems that your pages are rendering multiple <html>, <head>, and <body>Some of these issues might be confusing the browser and be causing issues you are encountering. I've browsed through the site fine with Firefox and Opera.I know you didn't ask for feedback on design, I just have to say that the background image is nice but a little too bright and sort of interfers with some of the text - something like this:http://www.iribbit.net/_files/anotherbackg3.jpgmight interfer less with the content.BTW, I love indoor cart racing - http://www.chicagoindoorracing.com :)
  13. Your <div> tag is fine, it's the flash code that needs this:wmode="transparent"due to the nature of plug-ins (whihch flash player is) the flash movie will get rendered after the web page does. Since it is chronologically last, it will (by default) always be assigned to the foreground. The attribute mention will place the movie on the same "layer" as the rest of the site.
  14. I'd read the documentation on Microsoft's Website to get teh best understanding:http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documen...ish_to_web.mspxbut from what I understand, this technique publishes your site to the free space microsfot gives you when you create a Passport account with them - hotmail is part of Passort.Its another, fast food, approach to web publishing that many are comfortable with, but I (personally) feel actually over complicates the concept.Hope the link helps, let me know if there is something else that you might need clarified.
  15. for starts, you will need a scripting language (asp, php, cold fusion) that will allow you into upload files to your web server and database the information . . . do you need help understanding that or more so with how it would specifically be programmed?
  16. You have the opening <h5> tag between the <table> and <tr> tag but the closing </h5> tag after your closing </table> tag. Its just not the right place for it, sequentially. Either move the beginning <h5> tag to be before the opening <table> tag so it conincides with the placement of the closing </h5> tag, or but the closing </h5> tag just before the closing </table> tag.In any case, its a moot point - since the properties of the <h5> tag will not be applied to the contents of the <td> if I remember correctly.And thanks for the explanation as to why you would use the javascript in this manner. Its very creative and if you do not have SSI capabilities, then its a good solution.
  17. Skemcin

    GET & POST

    The general rule of thumb is, when in doubt use "post". Get is typically only used for a "search" type application. Since "get" (as defined below) puts information in the URL, it can be bookmarked - which means users can come back to that page without having to input the values into your form again - its a time saver. Cited from:http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_form.asp
  18. Skemcin

    Few Questions

  19. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>iribbit.net - Leap into the online experience! - ROLLOVER</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">/////////////////////////// rollover javascript ///////////////////////////if (document.images) { QuestsOn = new Image(); QuestsOn.src = "http://www.chrisfries.net/thedarkdragons/fansite/images/Buttons/quests-active.png"; QuestsOff = new Image(); QuestsOff.src = "http://www.chrisfries.net/thedarkdragons/fansite/images/Buttons/quests-unactive.png"; QuestsClick = new Image(); QuestsClick.src = "http://www.chrisfries.net/thedarkdragons/fansite/images/Buttons/quests-clicked.png";}function SwitchImage(locat,name){ if (document.images){newBar = eval(name + ".src"); document [locat].src = newBar; }} </script></head><body><a href="##" title="Quests" onclick="SwitchImage('Quests','QuestsOff')" onmousedown="SwitchImage('Quests','QuestsClick')" onmouseover="SwitchImage('Quests','QuestsOn')" onmouseout="SwitchImage('Quests','QuestsOff')"> <img id="Quests" name="Quests" src="http://www.chrisfries.net/thedarkdragons/fansite/images/Buttons/quests-unactive.png" width="97" height="25" border="0" alt="Quests"></a><br><br></body></html> (minus the preloader)Preview it here:http://www.iribbit.net/_files/chocolate570-rollover.cfm
  20. The <h5> tag is nested incorrectly in this example. And I am not clear why you're using javascript to output a simple <table>. There doesn't seem to be a point to it - can you elaborate why one would use this method?
  21. Skemcin

    Few Questions

    well, lets just say you are confusing the heck out of the browser that has to read that code. you don't need multiple sets of <html>, <head>, <body>, and <img> tags. you only use one set of <html>, <head>, and <body> tags per page. the <img> tag could use a width and height to get the effect your trying. you topmargin is set to 100 - changing that will move your other code up - oh and thats in the first <body> tag That should help. Let us know when you make some of the corrections.Check this out:http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.aspGood Luck.
  22. onmouseup="this.src='images/Buttons/quests-unactive.png' alt="" /> first, close your onmouseup attribute onmouseup="this.src='images/Buttons/quests-unactive.png'" alt="" /> then see if you have any issues. I'm also seeing the following two javascript errors too:Unknown property 'align'. Declaration Dropped Line 0andUnknown property 'font-color'. Declaration Dropped Line 57but the latter might be due to the first problem. And, BTW, the Line 0 issues regenerates about every 8 seconds.
  23. make sure you add you "valign" attribute so your left and right columns don't default to the middle when you content grows: <table width="750" border="1" align="center"><tr><td colspan="3">This is the heading or the top Row <br><br></td></tr><tr><td width="150" valign="top">The left Column<br><br><br><br><br></td><td width="450" valign="top">The center Column<br></td><td width="150" valign="top">The right Column<br></td></tr></table> Always more than one way to skin a cat.
  24. First off, these are warnings so you might not have to worry about it. If they were errors, then you would definitely have to fix something. Of course, I'd be opening the flood gates if I didn't say fix it so there are no warnings either - but this is an imperfect world, so launch it with warnings if you have to but make sure you take the time to figure out why you have warnings.Post your code or page so we can look at it. I'm running Windows 2000 and I have IE, FF, NN, and Opera installed if you want me to check it out.Check your Dreamweaver settings. Click Edit/Preferences and then the last item should be Validator. Review what is checked there - you might be set up way to strict. For instance, I just have HTML 4.0 and Cold Fusion checked. I build a page and let dreamweaver catch any major issues then I validate it online with Firefox Web Developer Extension.
  25. That's a very good question. I'd, personally, say that if you are using more than 3 non-breaking spaces ( ) then you should try to figure something else out. IE and Firefox, for instance, will render the amount of space slightly differently. That alone is a good enough reason to figure out why the code you created is having a hard time rendering the design.
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