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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. You could tryhttp://www.dotnetnuke.com/I personally don't like DNN, I would recommend this onehttp://communityserver.org/DNN is written in VB but I don't know about Community Server.
  2. hmm..I noticed that..it wasn't me who changed it...did you do it RahXephon?
  3. Why won't it pass validation??? my transparency code validates.opacity: .5 also works in newer versions of opera
  4. it has been said that it is possile but I have no idea how to do it.
  5. tested it and it works fine in IE and FF
  6. I am not 100% sure of all the benefits, but have read that it can improve security. If they do not know which technology you are using it would be harder for them to exploit.Another option is URL Re-writing (Apache mod-rewrite) this parses urls and lets you hide the querystring variables making it much harder for sql injection and other attacks.
  7. ASP.Net compiles into dll so that is probably it. The only other web language that compliles, that I know of, is JSP (JAVA) and those files are .java I believe.'Then again windows has had dll files long before .Net.It is possible, especially since htey are using CGI, that they have COM files (c/c++ compiled to dll).Really there is no way to know for sure from just looking at the site.
  8. aspnetguy

    Some people...

    I noticed that a couple years ago but had forgotten about it. I wondered the same thing then. Good to hear it is legit though.
  9. When I layout a page I draw it on paper first, just a rough sketch.Then I code the HTML to make the structure I want. THen I make the images that fit in structure. A lot of things image editors use images for can be done with css, like borders and whitespace.This makes the page load faster and it reduces the number of images on the page.
  10. aspnetguy

    Coloring HRs

    HTML <hr class="hrcolor"/> CSS .hrcolor{ color:#000;}
  11. use this .className{ background: #000; width: 400px; height:250px; opacity: .5; /*FireFox*/ filter: alpha(opacity=50); /*IE*/} This set the transparency to 50%.
  12. try thishttp://www.datagridgirl.com/articles.aspxor thishttp://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/20060513.asp
  13. I have flash disabled on y browser at work. For some reason flash and animated gif run slowly over our network. Doesn't make sense.Anyway I am not a flash fan anyways...except for miniclip.com
  14. FRAMESET replaces the BODY tag in a document. In a FRAMESET page I don't think you can use any other tags except FAMRESET and FRAME.
  15. aspnetguy


    He's joking...I hope...if you can program in binary then I too bow down. That would be nuts though!. C/C++ is more than powerful enough for anything you need. There really isn't any reason to program in assembly or binary anymore (that I can think of).
  16. You will want to download VWD ofr ASP.Net developement. THe link is in my sig.I found 4guysfromrolla.com very good for theory and examples. As far as C# goes I don't know of a specific site that was been helpful. I just Google the topic I am trying to do and go from there. A few sies for C# are http://www.csharp-station.com/ and http://www.csharp-corner.com/when I was learning ASP.Net I found that http://forms.asp.net were very valuable. They have many Microsoft Certified Developers as Moderators and are very helpful. It is a very large forum so each topic has to be approved by a mod first, that is the only down-side. It may take you a few hours to get an answer but most likely you will get one.
  17. I really like smartFTP. It is a good one
  18. aspnetguy

    send buzz

    Why is is a strange question. It is a common feature (I guess) in IMing.
  19. Wow you only have 92 calories a day :)A bigmac has 550 calories.
  20. people don't seem to realize that you can find anything with Google.
  21. I think your problems lie in the fact that you made modifications to the registry, etc when setting up IE7 to run along side IE6.I would imagine it would function properly if IE7 was uninstalled (if it can be ).
  22. aspnetguy


    cursor:hand only works in IEuse cursor:pointer instead. It will look the same except it will work in every browser
  23. aspnetguy

    send buzz

    Ok thanks...can you tell I don't IM much
  24. <head><script type="text/javascript">function disp_alert(){ if(somecondition) { //do something } else { //do something else }}</script></head><body><form><input type="button" onclick="disp_alert()" value="Display alert box"></form></body> Is this what you want?
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