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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. lol, I generally use images as little as possibel but I do want this to be as impressive as possible.
  2. aspnetguy


    that would be like having a section for DOM....AJAX is just part of javascript.
  3. yeah, I got a bit lazy and used the magic wand selector...that tool never works right for me...know it is going to be more work to fix it than doing right in the first place...arggh (Photoshop 6...only at work...I know...I have CS2 at home)
  4. aspnetguy

    IE7 Worse?

    I see ads for Geek Squad alot. What is it? Do you have local offices in major cities? or is more of an internet company?
  5. photoshopcafe.com is very good also
  6. I fixed up the logo a bit, the o isn't perfect I will check the logo (gif vs png) at home. This PC at work has very poor graphics.
  7. thanks guys for all the feedback.I will be starting the side bar either late today or ove rhte weekend. Yeah the o is a bit rough and the green marks will be gone . It is a gif because I couldn't see any visible quality difference with PNG and the PNG was 6 times larger.I changed the navigation, what do you think?Skencin: Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll see what I can do with the news and think of some creative ways to place content.
  8. thanks for the kind review. I will be fixing the markup after the layout is finalized.
  9. yeah similar to that...no pink though
  10. something like that except it would be the same height as main column and there would be a 20 px gap between the 2 columns witht he black background showing through
  11. I don;t know if any of these would help you or not. Its worth looking into thoughhttp://www.softplatz.com/software/web-crawler/
  12. what do you think about the rss feed idea?
  13. I can't really make one fast as I just don't have the time. Mine still needs weeks of development and testing. I will take a look around and see if I can find one though.
  14. I had one in C# that I wrote (it only navigated from site to site by checking links. I never got to the point of it evaluating a pages "value" or logging it in a database.I could try and find it if you want it. For best performance a desktop version of a crawler (like googlebot) would be best.
  15. Now I reccomend writing a crawler (or buying one) because you will never get anywhere if you wait for people to submit to you.
  16. how's that? I added the pointer and a mouseover effectWhat do you guys think of adding another column to the right (about a 10-20 pixel margin from main column) with feeds about web design and stuff like that? Would that be a good idea for a portfolio? It would help my google rank too
  17. The reason it is so skinny is there is not much content ot go into the site (except screenshots in portfolio section) plus when looking through portfolio templates on template sites I noticed there were a few skinny like that. I think it makes it more unique and stands out from regular websites...which it should.I am not totaly unwilling to change the width, although I did spend more than 2 hours making the header logo for that width. Not excited to have to re-do it.I agree about the links being plain. I will think about what else I can do.Did you like the "more" slide down?
  18. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy work schedule j/k
  19. Can you guys look at my layout for my portfolio. I need honest opinions/critisisms on how to improve it. Only the first page works.This needs to be as good as possible as it will often be what makes a first impression to potential clients.Thankshttp://dev.aspnetguy.com/portfolio/index.htmlPS: I know th code doesn't validate and there are hacks it he CSS...that will be cleaned up later.
  20. aspnetguy


    I read this the other day and thought it was great. Wish I could draw like that.http://www.gomediazine.com/12/11/2006/comic_book_style/although I would rather have photoshop skills like thishttp://photoshopcafe.com/gallery/photoshop/index.htm
  21. lol thanks, I should have guessed that.
  22. My java teacher always said that..ironically he was one of those programmers, couldn't design an interface I mean....he did manage to match his socks.It just depends on the person and how creative they are....being a programmer you have to be very logical and some people can't be both.
  23. aspnetguy

    IE7 Worse?

    haha more standards compliant??? they only fixed some of the worse bugs...in perspective it is not that much better. IE7 was mostly cosmetic changes to compete with Firefox...which I hope fail miserably!
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