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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. <div id="mytext"></div><script> var wrapper = document.getElementById("mytext"); wrapper.style.color = "#ffffff"; //white wrapper.appendChild(document.createTextNode("some new text"));</script>
  2. aspnetguy


    moved to Web Services
  3. window.event.srcElement; only works in ie, do what jesh suggests
  4. The session should end when the browser is closed.
  5. There are some cases when JS doesn't spit out an error message it just dies. When this happens you have to look for unclose quotes, unclosed {},[],(), etc.Not much you can do about it.
  6. Try this element.innerHTML = eval(ajax.request.responseText) It is not working because it is passed as text not html. eval() should fix that.
  7. aspnetguy

    CSS menu problems

  8. here is some info on this subject http://trace.wisc.edu/world/web/
  9. you can download Visual Web Developer Express for free. It is a stripped down "for web" version of Visual Studio 2005.
  10. wow that registration is steep, $3000US/year.The reason for this is it weeds out those who are really serious about contributing and also helps fund the organiztion.
  11. what you should focus on is getting a solid foundation in XHTML and CSS. Then decide what server side language plus SQL you want to use (PHP, ASP.net, etc) then I would recommend strengthening your javascript/ajax skills. Beyond that there is XML/XSL which is good for transfering data.
  12. please don't spam. If you have a question feel free to ask. BTW there is a pinned thread in the General forum for introducing yourself.
  13. Try thisonclick='frames["frameName"].location="some url"'
  14. aspnetguy

    please help me

    I am sorry I do not understand what you are asking.
  15. read the ajax tutorial at www.w3schools.com. that is a great place to start.
  16. and regardless of whether you would or not, there is no mobile version of IPB and until there is the chances of getting a mobile version of this forum is nil.
  17. Yes css is the recommended way but tables are easier to make consistant across all browsers.I use CSS layouts when ever possible but there are still times when tables are needed. Sometimes using a table is better than the nasty hacks you would have to deploy to make your CSS cross browser.
  18. I don't think there is even any "mobile" forum software out there. If there is I imagine it would have to be very simple and have very few features.
  19. you can check the amount of ram on windows by right clicking My Computer and choosing properties. Of course you still would need to know how many sticks of ram are in the computer.
  20. Look here http://www.whois.net/whois_new.cgi?d=honeyz&tld=comthat domain was registered in 1998 and is payed for until 2012...you positive it was honeyz.com??? Did you get a confirmation email after purchasing the domain?
  21. you will need to use javascript for this since you are not using Visual Studio's GridLayout.Post the entire code for the page along with any codebehind. Please indicate where in your code you need to get teh controls position and I'll come up with some code for you.
  22. are you laying them out with HTML or are you using absolute positioning?
  23. aspnetguy

    AJAX lists

    what issue are they having..it probably can be solved using DOM.
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