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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. what is the full SQL error that you get?Are any of the database fields anything other than string (varchar)?
  2. ROTF, that is hilarious Surprising since IE will execute this, background:url(java\nscript:alert())
  3. Let the moderators decide what is spam. Thanks.
  4. you do those pages will not validate...although if it is a school project I doubt they will check that...but it is a good habit to validate all your pages.
  5. aspnetguy


    Anything you can do with PERL you can probably do with PHP you know
  6. I am guessing a simple margin:0 didn't work?
  7. what is not working? Is it just not applying the styles? Do you have a live link I can look at?
  8. you have no <body></body> in your HTML and make sure style.css is in the same folder as the html page
  9. I should have said brand name pc's in general I remember my cousin asked me to change the power supply on her computer. I had done that a million times so I said sure.She brought it over and it was a compaq...I bought a PS and it woldn't fit...took it to a local tech shop to see if they had a PS that would fit...nope...had to go to the Compaq dealer that sold it to her and they said it would take 4-6 weeks to order the PS in and it would cost $65...what a rip off for a 300W PS. the generic one I had bought that didn't fit was 450W and it cost $26.From then on I have refused to work on brand name computers unless I am being paid to do so and I inform the client of possible delays.
  10. aspnetguy

    variable scope

    changing !dayone.length == 0 to dayone.length > 0 should have the same result, you were treating the array as a boolean variable...that must have reset the array
  11. okay, I have my MX info and domain setup. I am going to try MailEnable as my software and see what I can get going.thanks,
  12. which site do you use to find these projects? freelancer.com?
  13. I just have to say I hate CR. They make it so hard just to print a simple report. You have to just through hoops just to print some basic stuff.CR is full of issue like what you describe. I am sorry I do not have a solution for you and you will be hard pressed to find info on CR problems.
  14. aspnetguy


    that link is a bit old and is only a screen shot...the page has changed since then....it is not a good reference.
  15. just log the users ip address then when you want to ban them just add the ip to your list and prevent that ip from viewing anythingRequest.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString()will give you the current users ip address
  16. by using VALUES('name.text' ... you are actually inserting the string name.text...you get the value from a textbox called name then do thisVALUES('" & name.Text & "',....
  17. File.Move(originalName, newName)
  18. you mean you want ideas of a project you coudl do or websites to bid on freelance projects?
  19. try this http://www.codetoad.com/asp_http_cache.asp
  20. really the part I need to know is how to get emails sent to my server (POP3) and have then avaialable to view with something like Outlook.
  21. hand sort my friend...post the query and I'll give you a hand and show you what to watch out for.
  22. aspnetguy


    AFAIK you cannot download it to an existing spreadsheet but can export the data to a new one.
  23. No that will give you the first 5 records, if you are looking for the 5 highest salaries it would beMYSQLSELECT * FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC LIMIT 5 SQL Server/Access SELECT TOP 5 * FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC
  24. Thanks, I had figured that out
  25. Ah yes I remember that...it has been a long time since I used tables but I rememeber that being an issue from time to time. I didn't realise it was effected by what doctype you use since I always use XHTML strict
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