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Everything posted by dsonesuk

  1. The body has a default margin, also 100% width with 10px margin will also produce scrollbars, as with width 100% especially you do not need as being a div block element it will fill the available width. I seriously would not use javascript for this.
  2. Anything before or after element using height: 100vh; will be added to this. This should ideally be used on outer container only. You would have the same problem with javascript example. If you know the height of elements coming before and after you can use calc() to reduce there heights from 100vh height element. #copy { height: calc(100vh - 150px - 100px);} But you have to allow for content stacking such as lines of text as device width shrinks.
  3. its 'method'! not 'type', it does not recognise it, so it defaults to non existing 'method' default which is GET.
  4. Only if they set the errors not to be shown. then they would send them to log file.
  5. Well if you can't be bothered to start at the beginning of CSS tutorial and learn the basics of using CSS coding (and HTML coding going by image) within html, THAT'S not the developers fault, that is all down it you!
  6. <div class="navbar"> <a href="#home" class="bkcolor1">Home</a> <a href="#news" class="bkcolor2">News</a> <div class="dropdown"> <button class="dropbtn bkcolor3">Dropdown <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i> </button> <div class="dropdown-content"> <a href="#" class="bkcolor4">Link 1</a> <a href="#" class="bkcolor5">Link 2</a> <a href="#" class="bkcolor6">Link 3</a> </div> </div> </div> .bkcolor1{background: "red";} .bkcolor2{background: "orange";} .bkcolor3{background: "yellow";} .bkcolor4{background: "green";} .bkcolor5{background: "blue";} .bkcolor6{background: "indigo";}
  7. Because it empties cache without refresh. Once you return to your page you need to refresh to see modified content.
  8. Give each a class name and style using that class name to the colour you want.
  9. As i said again it is there to only show how to use border radius ONLY. The background IS OBVIOUS, and since it shows result of border-radius property it does not require anything else. The background color is obviously required, so you need to apply a background color so you go to how to apply background color https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/playit.asp?filename=playcss_background-color This only shows different methods of using background-color: is does not show anything about dimensions height, width because it is only about background color.
  10. If you are going to copy and paste as you usually do, please acknowledge where got it from https://ask.xiaolee.net/questions/1020901
  11. One does refresh from current cache storage, the other complete refresh/resetting of cache storage content.
  12. Well give the image max height with width: auto; height: 100%; Use display: inline-block; instead, using inline on its own, means it height, width is determined by content, not a set height or width.
  13. don't use positioning, it takes the elements out of the natural flow with other elements. Use float or display inline.
  14. I dont know why you would want to do that? The default background is white, so like the example its obvious you would need to add a background color to the body at least then the border-radius element itself. As mention before that example was there to show different methods of using border-radius and nothing else. It would bit overkill to show tutorial on every page for every property used.
  15. Again! currently you can't! You have :first-letter and :first-line, thats it! The other option is javascript, get and remove required characters from line, create span with class name, add required characters in span, then prepend the span where it came from and style.
  16. left: calc(50vh + 425px); I think is what you are describing. If it is fixed 850px width, centred horizontally you need 50% of viewport browser window + 50% of fixed width( might require adjustment). Other option is to make same width 850px, position fixed container, centre it with left: calc(50vh - 425px); then add button within that
  17. First of all, they are NOT defined as class names with '.' Second: '.views-field-title' is defined as child element if a space exists between previous class name. Third: Have you tried nth-bugsbunny its has just as much chance as the non existing nth-letter psuedo property working. You have to wrap the word with a inline element such as span, b, i element with class name, then style that class name to what you want. The only one existing is a:first-letter. You could also use .views-field.views-field-title a:before { content: "minus "; display: inline; color: lime ; }
  18. It helps if you make it viewable, transparent on white background really does not work. https://www.w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=GI8WRICMGU71
  19. They don't offer a try it, all it does is show the chosen fixed styling settings on a predefined div with width, and height. The best option is to use a actually try it! Example like https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/tryit.asp?filename=trycss3_border-radius Add css to style tag.
  20. It uses a id that must be unique within a page, if you have multiple, it will only worrk for one.
  21. <!-- font, center tags are obsolete, wrong opening tag of fonts --> <!DOCTYPE html > <html> <head> <title>F.A.Q</title> <body style="background:blue"> <!--misplaced, should be under </head>--> </head> <hr> <h1>FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS</h1> <p><fonts face="luccida console" color="Yellow">MOST OF QUESTIONS CUSTOMERS ASKED</font><br> <!--no closing tag for p --> <ol> <!--misplaced ol tag --> <!-- #1 opening/closing tags are like boxes within boxes <h2>...</h2> should be outside of li tags. you have li escaping outside </h2> tag--> <!--BUT! saying that li tag can only be within a ol or ul tag --> <h2><li>what drugs makes an hen egg more bigger and stronger;</h2></li> <ul> <li>Using of egg booster.</li> <li>Fortified with Vitamin D-3 - Improved egg nutrition.</li> <li>Formulated with yeast - Supports overall bird health.</li> <li>Includes probiotics - Promotes good gut health.</li> <li> Contains a natural extract to help enhance yolk color.</li> </ul></p> <!--because h2 an li tags are wrong this is also treated as misplaced --> <h3><li>What feeds makes a male hen to grow more bigger and stronger;</h3></li> <!--#2 same as #1--> <ul> <li>For boilers they can be given either finisher or growers feeds, but it is adviseable to use finisher for bigness and fatness</li> </ol></ul> <!-- misplaced you need to decide which you want ordered or unordered list you can't have both--> <p><center><font face="Algerian" size=7 color="lightgreen">JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER</fonts></center></p> <!--see very tp comment, oh look we found the invalid obsolete fonts tag--> <font face="Algerian" size=5>No spam, no pushy marketing material.Just news, updates, upcoming events and ongoings here at Sango ota header quarters. Tel:09022611666</font><!--see very tp comment--> </body> </html><!--because misplaced elements these are also treated as misplaced --> Validate: You really really need this https://validator.w3.org/
  22. dsonesuk

    Toggle Switch

    Use only one, identify if 'on' add or remove 'checked' and include value if you want for the opposite value <?php $checked = ""; $OppisteCheckedVal = "ON"; if ($row2['state']==1){ $checked = "checked"; $OppisteCheckedVal = "OFF"; } ?> <label class="switch"> <input type="checkbox" name="offOn" onclick="myform()" <?php echo $checked ?> value="<?php echo $OppisteCheckedVal; ?>"> <span class="slider round"></span> </label> Haven't test but should give same result
  23. Actually this just might be the case of using a class that does not exist for specific device, for example ".responsified" might not exist on android size, so your css is ignored. You might be able to pick it up through dev tools, inspect the element, the property color that affects the colour of the bars should be at top, in css panel. Other color properties will be listed below it with strikethrough line. if any of those are black colour, that is likely to be the culprit. check for !important also following that colour.
  24. .foobar, .foobar * {display: inline-block; } The reason you would be having what you call whitespace is because the div and paragraph are block elements, meaning they will fill the total width available to it, causing it to stack below any content.
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