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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. ping, yes like pinging your ip in the command line? How would you do this with php? (I know you can open sockets with php)
  2. No thats not it aspnetguy. Thats pretty awesome though. Now I know where to go for that .
  3. True enough aspnetguy.Do you have any idea about getting the conection speed? Could PHP be used? (I think the $_SERVER[] variable might have something like it)
  4. Maybe its just your computer and graphics card? BTW, I kind of hate christianity . I hate church mainly, because its the same thing over and over and im forced to go to it for 2 hours!! -.-
  5. Maybe, maybe not lol. I have absolutely no knowledge of the canvas tag, but I can try to help you with redirection.
  6. oh, you can. They had this crazy cool maze thing posted on here earlier. They used the javascript canvas tag and it was pretty much like a flash maze but it was reallly slow in high detail. Worked great though!
  7. There is a link to a page in someones sig that has a safari testing thing, its on the safari website and it lets you view what websites whould look like in safari. Try going to the homepage (im guessing its off the mac website) and searching for it.
  8. reportingsjr

    IE help -.-

    Well, right now I dont have time to figure it out, but something is wrong with my new layout when viewed in IE. The site is http://rsbattlehelp.com/excibius, as you can see if you go to any of the pages, it is at like a set widt h and cuts everything else off. If you look at the source code you will be able to find the link to the stylesheet, again I have no clue what it is because im in school. Plus I just got some help and we started yesterday. What is wrong with it?!? Someone please help!! I need it bad . If no one posts, ill try to figure it out when I get home.
  9. Well, I got another person to start helping me, he already has his own prospering game. So right now we just deleted every game file and restarted, the already has a pre built login and registration system with a few other things, so last night we started working and got the template going . Right now you can register, but thats about it lol. Something is wrong with the layout because of IE though -.- , who would have guessed?
  10. Maybe javascript? Im sure there some sort of function to check the speed. But who wants to use a flash version? Flash sucks for websites!P.S. Cron, why did you spam that random post?
  11. Well, the session ID stays the same.Something happened though with a session. I have it echo you power session in the menu, and after I refresh the page it echos out 'object'
  12. Yes I read it, so if I set it with session_id(rand(1000000,1000000000)) will it stay that way?
  13. Would I just use echo session_id(); for this?
  14. Yes, FrontPage, I hate that. That was basically the first real editor I used besides notepad =\. I used it at school in my tech class lol.
  15. Well, this is good, kind of. Not everything in IE is bad, its just the security, options, and some tags they have are really stupid on their part.
  16. Not too many editors are WYSWIG (What You See Is What You Get), dreamweaver is one, cant think of many others!
  17. or, you can do a select query to search the username from the database, get the result and use mysql_num_rows to see if that user name, is either 1, it exists, or 0, its open. That might be alot easier!
  18. Bah, im so confused! What I got from this was that the frames might be using different session id's, but how do I fix this so they all use the same one. What happens is it works once, then it just gets wiped for that frame. Im guessing it changes the session id every time? (This has iframes that refresh every x seconds)Sooo.. how might I fix this?
  19. I really need help with this! Maybe I will just have to stick with on frame or something .It does the same thing with cookies!! Cookies get cleared, this makes me mad!!
  20. Well, this post really has nothing to do with this topic, he just aked it a while ago lol. I have quite the clue what runescape is, ive played it since about the week or two after it came out . I used to use tip.it for most of my needs and rune hq for its item database. Look me up, I stopped playing about 1-1 and a half years ago so im not exactly the best =[ (I used to be ranked like under 100k overall, but now im at over 200k overall, plus my fishing and cooking used to be around 30k each, now over 100k :'( I compared my user to yours and mine has everything better than yours but firemaking, which is above by 1 level ). Sorry!
  21. Maybe someone wants to make a cool one like that for some crappy hoster like freewebs?Where would we be right now if no one reinvented the wheel? Everyone would be rolling around with freaking stone wheels!!Where would we be if they hadnt reinvented ENIAC and its components? We would have super expensive ginormous computers, with of course 18,000 vacuum tubes that burn out constantly and need to be replaced .Just a thought!
  22. Hmmmm, could you help me on this? How would I say, delete it?The issue I am having is saving the name. If I could figure some way to get the name in a session or something like that I have everything else in the database. But what would I keep the name in? A cookie wouldnt work because it doesnt get deleted until your exp. date. , maybe the cookie can be like a day old and is reset every time the user logs on?
  23. eguru, no, I couldnt. If you have ever used frames you will see they are evil, but they are the only thing that can do what they do, I couldnt do half the stuff I am with css! You have a wrong perspective on it .I guess I will just have to keep trying , I thought using get would work, it doesnt.
  24. You bet ya they can! I think links are automatically filled in by the server though.
  25. ROFL justsomeguy . Yea, the dude with the cool eye sunglass thing. , I would look into file I/O if I were you, pretty helpful in a few situations. (Dont use it to create a counter! Stupid people go to your site and dont even wait for it to finish loading before they leave, therefore leaving you with a blank file -.- )
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