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  1. Skemcin

    SQL Reader?

    I understand what you mean. I use a tool called DB Manager Professional. I'm on version 3.0.2 (which is completely free). When you write statements in its query writing interface, it color codes things quite nicely. SQL commands in blue, fields in red and tables in black - for instance.You can download it here:http://www.dbtools.com.br/EN/downloads/The enterprise version cost money - but the freeware only supports one DB type - ie. MYSQL or PostgreSQL. SO I use the MYSQL freeware version.
  2. technically, there is a difference - spelling.:)seriously thought, thre used to be a time when it mattered. I'm not 100% on the facts or history behind it, so this recollection could be a little off.First, .htm is a Microsoft thing - it had always been .html. The reason why Microsoft pushed the .htm was becuase the older version of the real//underlying operating system DOS could not (or did not) accommodate any extension longer than 3 characters. This was a time when DOS also would not (or could not) handle file names longer than eight characters - hence the Progr~1 notation for something we now see as Program Files.Other Operating systems like Linux never had to worry about this so many folks still use it - especially when hosting in that environment. The best extension is no extension at all:http://www.alistapart.com/stories/slashforward/There are many more articles on Search Engine Safe (SES) urls. You could google it if you really wanted to digress. On a side note, Cold Fusion is probably one of the most effective and most documented language that accommodates SES urls.
  3. Yeah, just haven't gotten around to it here at home - I'll download the big O eventually.I did add the extra code to reset the menu once you mouseout of it all together.http://www.iribbit.net/_files/nav-toggle.cfm
  4. ***** RESOLVED *****Finally got it working the way I want it. Aside giving it some life and cleaning the code up a little more, I just need to figure out a way to reset the sub nav back to the default once I mouseout of the entire navigation section. A couple things I've tried haven't worked - but I'll figure it out.(my thought is just to put an element directly below it (like a third row) that is 1 pixel tall and with a mouse over on that, toggle it back to the default.http://www.iribbit.net/_files/nav-toggle.cfmThis is done with all CSS, no tables, and a little javascript. Works fine in Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Netscape. Since I don't have Opera installed at home, can someone let me know how it looks loaded in that browser? Feedback from any MAC users would be nice as well.This will be fun now to get this database driven next!
  5. google "javascript date validation" and you'll be sure to find something that works.however, this implies that the validation, with respect to not in the future, would rely on the clients PC time. so, very simply, I could change my computer date to a time in the future to trick the script. Or, if I really wanted to, just turn off javascript and have it ignore it all together.having said that, you should really run validation on both sides, client and server. this would mean that you would need php, asp, or cold fusion to make sure the information passed to the server is valid before doing anything with it.
  6. thanks, but a little too much code and too sloppy. I know I can do this with tables - I could to it the traditional way real easily, I'm hoping to get this done in CSS with very little JS.This is close to I want - with tables: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">////////////////////////// navigation control //////////////////////////function showhide(id){ if (document.getElementById){ obj = document.getElementById(id); if (obj.style.display == "none"){ obj.style.display = ""; } else { obj.style.display = "none"; } }}</script><cfoutput><!-- parent navigation --><table width="750" border="1"><tr><td onmouseover="showhide('set1');" style="background-color:##FFFF99; height:25px;"><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Parent Link 1">Parent Link 1</a><br /></td><td onmouseover="showhide('set2');" style="background-color:##FFFF99; height:25px;"><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Parent Link 2">Parent Link 2</a><br /></td><td onmouseover="showhide('set3');" style="background-color:##FFFF99; height:25px;"><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Parent Link 3">Parent Link 3</a><br /></td></tr></table><!-- child navigation --><table width="750" border="1"><tr><td style="background-color:##FFFFCC; height:25px;"><div class="nav-child" id="set1" style="display:none;" onmouseout="showhide('set1');"><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 1a">Child Link 1a</a><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 1b">Child Link 1b</a><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 1c">Child Link 1c</a></div><div class="nav-child" id="set2" style="display:none;" onmouseout="showhide('set2');"><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 2a">Child Link 2a</a><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 2b">Child Link 2b</a><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 2c">Child Link 2c</a><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 2d">Child Link 2d</a><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 2e">Child Link 2e</a><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 2f">Child Link 2f</a></div><div class="nav-child" id="set3" style="display:none;" onmouseout="showhide('set3');"><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 3a">Child Link 3a</a><a href="#cgi.script_name#" title="Child Link 3b">Child Link 3b</a></div></td></tr></table></cfoutput> Source Code of:http://www.iribbit.net/_files/nav-tables.cfmIts just too figity and not coded 100% correctly.
  7. Alright, I've failed miserably trying to get this to work. Basically, I'd like two rows of links. When you mouseover the top row, the subset of links associated with it appear underneath it horizontally. I am trying to recreate the macromedia.com navigation style with CSS and Javascript - I'd even like it better without javascript.My problem has been either getting it to work in Firefox and it not working in Internet Explorer, or when I position the second row correctly it disappears when I mouseoff the parent navigation.I've hacked through several conceptualizations with my code so far, here is my latest. In this case, the mouseover and off work as far as being able to stay in the respective second row links - only they are not in the second row:http://www.iribbit.net/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm(view source - its all in there)But, here it is for those who wish to see it here: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">////////////////////////// navigation control //////////////////////////function showhide(id){ if (document.getElementById){ obj = document.getElementById(id); if (obj.style.display == "none"){ obj.style.display = ""; } else { obj.style.display = "none"; } }}</script><style type="text/css" media="all" title="Horizontal Navigation">/* navigation classes */ul.nav-parent,li.nav-parent { margin:0px; padding:0px; background-color:#CCCCCC; display:inline;}ul.nav-child,li.nav-child { margin:0px; padding:0px; background-color:#FFFFCC; display:inline; width:100%;}</style><ul class="nav-parent"> <!-- parent link 1 --> <li class="nav-parent" onmouseover="showhide('set1'); return(false);" onmouseout="showhide('set1'); return(false);"> <a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Parent Link 1">Parent Link 1</a> <ul class="nav-child" id="set1" style="display:none;"> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 1a">Child Link 1a</a></li> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 1b">Child Link 1b</a></li> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 1c">Child Link 1c</a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- parent link 2 --> <li class="nav-parent" onmouseover="showhide('set2'); return(false);" onmouseout="showhide('set2'); return(false);"> <a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Parent Link 2">Parent Link 2</a> <ul class="nav-child" id="set2" style="display:none;"> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 2a">Child Link 2a</a></li> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 2b">Child Link 2b</a></li> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 2c">Child Link 2c</a></li> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 2d">Child Link 2d</a></li> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 2e">Child Link 2e</a></li> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 2f">Child Link 2f</a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- parent link 3 --> <li class="nav-parent" onmouseover="showhide('set3'); return(false);" onmouseout="showhide('set3'); return(false);"> <a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Parent Link 3">Parent Link 3</a> <ul class="nav-child" id="set3" style="display:none;"> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 3a">Child Link 3a</a></li> <li class="nav-child"><a href="/_files/nav-horizontal-2rows.cfm" title="Child Link 3b">Child Link 3b</a></li> </ul> </li></ul> Less is more for me. I'd like to keep this as trimmed down as possible.Thanks in advance for the help.
  8. Skemcin


    nope - if he makes it bigger it iwll pixelate. He will have to re-engineer the graphic since he has mentioned that he doesn;t have the original PSD file. Even then, it would have had ot be originally created as vector art to resize (larger) without loosing clarity.
  9. Skemcin


    I can cut it up at 600 if you want. I wasn;t sure if you wanted me to do that or if you were going to resize it - let m know.
  10. Doing global find a replacements on larger sites is NOT a very good thing to consider unless you have your tape backups ready.I'm not saying that it impossible to do, but unless you have a ture development, test, and production environment - its not easy to make massive sweeping changes - let alone promoting them across all your environments.(just an additional thought to consider)
  11. There are a number of variables that could play into this. Is the form you speak of just on your local PC? If this problem is on your local PC, then what is your connection speed and what gateway are you sending your e-mail form through (your local mail server, your remote mail server, your DSL mail server, etc.) Is this your live/production environment that is slow? Under the same pretense, what provider is actually delivering your email that is posted from the form Looking forward to your reply.
  12. My plan was to give a general overview of the basic syntax Cold Fusion uses. tag based commands :: <cfset xxx="xxxxxx"> calling a variable :: #variablename# calling built in functions :: #dateformat(now(),"mm/dd/yy")# Just explaining the general way to visualize how a page is composed so that when the person goes through the other sections they are not lost completely.I'm loosely basing this off of the PHP tutorial offered here on w3schools.comhttp://www.w3schools.com/php/I'll have a Reference section at the very end that will link to the Cold Fusion Live Documents that have examples and definitions of all the tags, functions, and attributes.
  13. Buy from Macromdia?Correct. If you want the enterprise edition of Cold Fusion (serving multiple IPs), you have to buy it through Adobe (formerly Macromedia) or through one of their distribution partners - prices range from $1,300 to $6,000 depending on which type of server license you buy.You can see the differences between the two here:http://www.macromedia.com/software/coldfus...oduct_editions/If a host doesn't support cold fusion, it is a pretty safe assumption that it won;t in the future unless they expand their internal knowledge base ot include staff that have experience administering a Cold Fusion server environment.Host ImplementationIf a host doesn;t offer it, it is safe to assume that it will not in the near future. This, alone, of course should not be discouraging to anyone interested in trying it out. Since development and testing it is still something that can be done locally, there would be no need to have your existing hosting service offer Cold Fusion unless you intend to convert your site to Cold Fusion.Every Cold Fusion host I have come across offers ASP and PHP along with and/or along side Cold Fusion - so there is always the option/choice to switch providers to one that does support any or all three languages - like Crystal Tech does.As far as hosting environments, the only effect Cold Fusion has on any hosting provider aside from the additional technical support knowledge any additional language would require, is the fact that the licensing fees the provider must pay only makes it unprofitable for them to offer an cheap low ball package. Where asp and php might have a level 1, 2, 3 hosting package, the same provider might only offer a level 2, and level 3 package for cold fusion.Correction Upon further review, I have found out that the newest version of Cold Fusion Developer server that I had mentioned are only accessable to the localhost is actually also available to two additional IP addresses.Note If you really wanted to do something on your own, you could get away with the standard (cheaper) version of Cold Fusion. The enterprise edition is a much more heaftier applicaition intended for the larger server environments.
  14. You would log into the Cold Fusion Administrator.http://localhost/cfide/administrator/Then you click on SYSTEM INFORMATION and you'll see everything, like this: System InformationServer DetailsServer Product ColdFusion MXVersion 7,0,1,116466 Edition Standard Serial Number xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx Operating System Windows 2003 OS Version 5.2 JVM DetailsJava Version 1.4.2_05 Java Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Vendor URL [url="http://java.sun.com/"]http://java.sun.com/[/url]Java Home f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\jre Java File Encoding Cp1252 Java Default Locale en_US File Separator \ Path Separator; Line Separator Chr(13)User Name SYSTEM User Home C:\Documents and Settings\Default User User Dir f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\bin Java VM Specification Version 1.0 Java VM Specification Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. Java VM Specification Name Java Virtual Machine Specification Java VM Version 1.4.2_05-b04 Java VM Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. Java VM Name Java HotSpot(tm) Server VM Java Specification Version 1.4 Java Specification Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Specification Name Java Platform API Specification Java Class Version 48.0 Java Class Path CF Classpath;f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/ant-launcher.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/ant.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/axis.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/bcel.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/cdo.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/cdohost.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/cf4was.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/cf4was_ae.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/cfmx-ssl.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/cfusion.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/commons-beanutils-1.5.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/commons-collections-2.1.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/commons-digester-1.3.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/commons-discovery-0.2.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/commons-discovery.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/commons-logging-1.0.2.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/commons-logging-api-1.0.2.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/commons-net-1.2.2.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/crystal.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/flashgateway.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/httpclient.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/ib61patch.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/ib6addonpatch.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/ib6core.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/ib6swing.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/ib6util.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/im.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/iText.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/iTextAsian.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/izmado.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/jakarta-oro-2.0.6.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/java2wsdl.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/jaxrpc.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/jdom.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/jeb.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/jintegra.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/ldap.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/ldapbp.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/log4j.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/macromedia_drivers.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/mail.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/msapps.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/pbclient42RE.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/pbembedded42RE.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/pbserver42RE.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/pbtools42RE.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/poi-2.5.1-final-20040804.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/poi-contrib-2.5.1-final-20040804.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/ri_generic.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/saaj.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/smack.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/smpp.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/STComm.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/tools.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/tt-bytecode.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/vadmin.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/verity.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/vparametric.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/vsearch.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/wc50.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/webchartsJava2D.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/wsdl2java.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/wsdl4j.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/xalan.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/xercesImpl.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/xml-apis.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../lib/; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../gateway/lib/examples.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../gateway/lib/; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-awt-util.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-css.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-ext.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-transcoder.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-util.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/commons-discovery.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/commons-logging.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/concurrent.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/flex.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jakarta-oro-2.0.7.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jcert.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jnet.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jsse.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/oscache.jar; f:/CFusionMX7/runtime/../wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/; Server Classpathf:\CFusionMX7\runtime\servers\lib;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\servers\lib\jrun-patch.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\..\lib\macromedia_drivers.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\cfmx_mbean.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\cfmx_mbean.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\instutil.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\java2wsdl.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\jrun-ant-tasks.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\jrun-xdoclet.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\jrun.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\jspc.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\migrate.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\oem-xdoclet.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\sniffer.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\webservices.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\wsconfig.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\wsdl2java.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\xmlscript.jar;f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\lib\jrun.jarJava Ext Dirs f:\CFusionMX7\runtime\jre\lib\ext If you want any of this information, plus more, then you can dump any of the scopes in which information is stored:<cfdump var="#server#"><cfdump var="#application#"><cfdump var="#cgi#"><cfdump var="#session#"><cfdump var="#cookie#">...
  15. First, I can dig up some scripts that I've used in the past to get you started. (here is my but)But, I am not sure if there is really an advantage to going through the trouble.If someone is resizing the window - its for a reason, maybe to see other stuff in the background. I, for one, would be very frustrated with a site that appears to be normal for all intents and purposes, until I have to resize it so I can see a portion of something running in the background. If I tried to resize my browser, and then it sniffed out that it was too small and then resized it accordingly - I'll leave the site so I can do what I want to do.I understand that you want to preserve the graphical layout of the site - but even in this day in age, you will not be able to accommodate every scenario. I don't mean to play devil's advocate in questioning your intent - it just seems like a lot of work to accommodate what I think most people would expect to happen anyway.
  16. I only know how google's froogle site works. It relies on electrontic feeds from vendors. The feed is in a particular format. The feeds can be sent not more often than once a day. Every night, froogle grabs the feed from your specified location and indexes it accordingly. They have pretty strict guidelines for defining your shopping cart feed - so its pretty easy as long as you read the instructions. I have several clients right now that I have set up automatics database driven feeds that google pulls into froogle.I'm not quite sure what you are after - you say you have a mobile phone site that you need to get data from, but then you say the mobile phone website is independant from you and you have nothing to do with it.Are you saying that there is pricing information out there that you want to pull into your site - automatically?
  17. But understand - this is only bad for the following two sceanrios:a.) you are planning on hosting your own cold fusion site opn your own PC to the general publicb.) you have multiple workstations setup that are working on the same project. and if you are, then you would also need something like Visual Source Safe to keep each other from overwriting each - and if your in that situation, then you can afford the license. On top of that, you could, theoritically, set up the redundant server installation within the first 30 days so that when they revert to single licenses you could point one workstation to its own server and if they had been setup properly, they would all server pages as one.Its really not THAT bad of a deal.
  18. Skemcin


    First problem I see - the image is only 600 pixels wide. The standard resolution these days is at least 800x600 - do you really want this cut up to be 600 pixels wide?It would have to be redone to at least 800 pxels wide.
  19. The developer edition is almost fully functional but only serves pages to ONE IP address. But let me back up a second. Out of the box (or from the download) the CF Server Installation is actually the fully functional Enterprise Edition. With all the bells and whistles - cross server session reduntacny, sand box settings, all that. Of course the catch is that only last for 30 days. Then, the server resorts to a single IP server. This means that you can set it up on your local desktop and create a fully functional cold fusion web site - cf flash forms and all - to your hearts content - but only your PC will be able to see the site - http://localhost/yourCFsite. All other IP addresses trying to access the site will be given a message saying that the server is not configured to deliver pages to this (clients) IP address.So. The way I tend to set things up is as follows: Original Site on Development server on my local pc Copy of site on Testing Server which is on the live server but in specific folder with all the mappings set to go there Copy of site on Production Server which is (of course) the live server but in specific folder with all the mappings set to go there Databases in all three places, test, development, and production respectively mapped to and programmed for. I develop on my local PC, test it internally first. Promote the files to the TEST environment where my client reviews/tests the application. When all is signed off on - I move the files to the production folder.
  20. Good point about the servers, duely noted. - I haven't even linked navigation yet, but I will appropriately put as many inline links as possible. I'll be linking directly to the Cold Fusion Hosting Packages:http://www.crystaltech.com/cfmx_sharedhosting.htmBut I am currently speaking with CT to figure out a good way to give reseller credit on referring links - so there might be some other method used when all is said and done.Keep them coming and thanks.
  21. There are a number of javascripts out there that can determine your browser window size, resize the browser, and calculate your viewable window.I'm a little confused about exactly what you want to do. If you intend to resize the person browsers, I'd advise against it - many folks do not appreciate a webpage that resizes their browser. The prefered method would be to open a new popup window and have it sized the way you want - this will preserve the clients existing browser window.
  22. Here are a few responses to the posts made: Cold Fusion can be coded using notepad or any other text editor - so there is no proprietary coding software requirement Just like ASP and PHP, you will need to install the server engine that processes the cold fusion tags (every server side scripting language will require that) Everything you need to develop cold fusion is free - yes FREE. Cold Fusion even has its own web server if you do not have IIS or Apache The introduction will define what Cold Fusion is - here is where I am going to be developing this:http://www.iribbit.net/tutorials/ I will add an Installation page after the Introduction I had decided on the order I selected in an attempt to walk through how poeple would most likely tend to try out a new scripting language. But I can always move the order around - I'm primarily making sure I have the basic topics covered. UDF - user defined function. These are snippets of code that you can tuck away in a folder somewhere that perform any number of imaginable tasks. For instance, I use one to see if a student is enrolled in a course. It lookes like this <cfif checkenroll(userID,courseID) IS "Yes"> . . . where my UDF is "checkenroll" and I pass in the students userID and the courseID I want to see if he is enrolled in. Then I have a webpage called checkenroll.cfm that does all database calling and then returns a "Yes" or "No" off of which I build a condition - or whatever else. CFC - Cold Fusion Component. This is very similar to a UDF but extended to another level. CFC's used the way they are designed to basically turns Cold Fusion into an OOP language. Basically speaking, a CFC is like a collection of UDFs stored in one place. With the additional capability of making all the enclosed functions available through a web service - simply by changing one attribute - access="remote" - and you have a web service that can be consumed by anyone. Thanks for the feedback - please keep the questions, comments, and suggestions coming. Everything helps.
  23. Put this where you want to jump to:<a name="partA">Part A</a>Then put this link in the same document where you want a clickable link to apear that will take you there:<a href="#partA" title="Part A">Goto Part A</a>(it is case sensitive)
  24. Skemcin


    paste a link to the original PSD file and I'll take a crack at creating the HMTL for it.
  25. Hello,I am in the early stages of planning the layout/content of a series of Cold Fusion tutorials that I plan on developing and submitting to w3schools.com whom I hope will consider adding them to their site. My outline, so far, is as follows:IntroductionInstallationSyntaxIncludes - Templates - ModulesConditionals - IsDefined - If - Elseif - ElseLooping - From/To - Delimited FileEmailing - Text - HTMLScopes - Form - Cookies - SessionsDatabaseQuery Output - Basic - GroupedXML - Parsing - RSSFunctionsUDFsCFCsFeedback is welcomed and appreciated.
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