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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. the reason why you can't put a program in your web site is because the web page is already displayed in a program - you cannot run a program within a program. A browser can only display information - thats it. Anything else either has to be done in a plug-in or in an external application.The closest you can get is to have your web page trigger an EXE file to be executed. And that can only be done where Active X is supported. You would first build a little tool that will allow the client to let you know where on the local hard drive the EXE file is stored. You set that path to a cookie - or database it if you dare. Then, using a little program like IntraLaunch to take that path and launch the EXE file with parameters passed from the webpage.Here is more on IntraLaunch.http://www.particlesoftware.com/en/index.htmlThe code would look something like this:(sorry for any deprecated tags - I coded this 5 years ago but it still works) <object id="IntraLaunchScript" width=1 height=1 classid="CLSID:3F2771B1-0853-4701-8BBA-81A01245A8F0" codebase="http://www.yourdomain.com/apps/intralaunch.cab#version=4,9,0,0"> <param name="ImageLoc" value="NULL"> <param name="ImageSrc" value="NULL"> <param name="Run" value="filename.exe"> <param name="RunParms" value="+runtime parameter"> <param name="Sound" value="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mydomain\sounds\affirm.wav"> <param name="DefDir" value="C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\"> <param name="ProcessErr" value="MessageBox"> <param name="ErrAction" value="File Not Found!|Your EXE file does not seem to be in the location that your cookie specifies. Please clear your cookies and try again."> <param name="Display" value="ACTIVATE"> <param name="ALTInfo" value="JOIN MATCH"> <param name="Log" value="%windir%\IntraLaunch.txt"></object>
  2. look - no one is going to give you any more explicit definition than has already been given.if you think or feel that something might be wrong, then it probably is, so ask the specific question as it relates to your intent.ORput the link in your signature and wait and see.If you link to www.mysiteurl.net and it is a site about you and you are not necessarily trying to SELL anything, then fine. If you link to example.com and the text reads free hosting - then that is advertising as the text is a statement of offering.
  3. Skemcin

    table question.

    The easiest way is to use <iframe>. But since you want to avoid frames, you could use a simple show/hide script that works with <div> tags.Essentially, you page will load will all the content of all your sections. When you click on a link from your menu, it will show only the one section the link is associated with - all others are in hidden <div>s.Something similar came up before, and I generated this smaple code to work off of - some modifications may be needed - especially if you are coding in stict XHTML.http://www.iribbit.net/_files/radio-showhide.htm
  4. Skemcin


    what do mean "compare"?You can create cookies and read them in your web pages using javascript or any server side scripting language.If you want to "compare" your cookies with another sites - well that gets complicated.Please be a little more specific in what you are trying to accomplish.
  5. duplicate post, please see:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1859
  6. Frames are more of a thing of the past. Initially, their intent was to be used as a layout tool. But they proved to be cumbersome by taking up extra real estate and by making link targeting hard to follow.People then moved to tables for layout purposes. Although tables are still widely used across the internet, it is not the "real" way one should develop a site. Cascading Stylesheets are the appropriate way to layout a page. Scrollable <div> tags do allow a developer to give the same feel as frames without worrying about the link targeting issue traditional frmaes gave developers.Having said all that, frames, still, can be used effectively if done correctly. I've seen the footer of sites be included as a frame. It may only be 50 pixels tall, but it nonetheless can be used for certain things. In the example I'm speaking of, the framed footer was a login form - which disappeared once the user logged in.So, frames can be used effectively but most attempts fail miserably. Most, if not everyone here, will advice you to stay away from using them.
  7. In my opinion, yes. Whether its text or an image - its advertising.advertising in general, any openly offering of goods, services, or ideas through any medium of public communication. The act or profession of promoting something. The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media.
  8. I wouldn't consider either one of those images as an advertisement. Neither explain to me WHY I should go to the site - I'm given no motivation to go there. We are more concerned with the "click here to earn $1000" or "click here if need a web developer", or anything else that obviously communicates intent.Jonas points out the size of the images which is one of the reasons why I mention that I personally do not care for images in signatures. Add any animation to those and all they do is distract the read from the content of the threads - IMHO.
  9. theorically, yes, you can do this. There are javascripts out there that will not necissarily discover the client screen rsolution, but at least the viewable space within the browser window.From that, you could set variables for certain circumstances and then have the javascript write out the appropriate CSS file to use.This would imply that you would need a CSS file for each of teh screen resolutions you want to code for.
  10. Is this meant to be a short term solution or long term. In other words, do you intend to have the web service do whatever you have it doing "forever" or just until all your data is synchronized into one central database in one location.Once you have your data centralized, then a Web Service would be ideal for each geographical location to use to extract information.Does this help? Is there any other information you can offer to more clearly define your situation?
  11. Personally, I'm not a big fan of images and advertising in signatures. But as of now, the forum admin and moderating team have not explicitly defined the rules you cited in the "lets see what happens" mentality.The more subtle, the less attention it draws. Advertising is mean to draw attention - so if it does draw attention, then its advertising and will likely be discussed by the admin/moderating team.
  12. It has more depreciated attributes than I can count. Even a few depreciated elements.That webpage is horriable to learn from. first off, it was an examplesecondly, I copied and pasted it from somewhere else within 1 minute of reading the post.thirdly, did I mention it was an example?P.S. Don't be more tactful just because I am a moderator - I don't need any charity. You should be more tactful becuase you should have respect for people. But it seems you continue to prove the contrary.P.S.S. I updated the page . . .
  13. you have to have your own SSL certificate installed on the web server. many hosting services offer a shared SSL where your non secure url might be:http://www.iribbit.netand your secure one would be:https://www1166.ssldomain.com/iribbitBoth URLs access the same code - one is just secure/encrypted and the other is not.To get an SSL, you need to buy one from Network Solutions or XRamp - for example. You request a certificate from your host. They give you a file you give your SSL provider. They give you the server install files. You give the files to your host who then installs them. Then you have SSL.That the only way to get https to work on your site.
  14. If you're speaking of the little meter under your name - its strictly based on hte number of posts that you have submitted. Its usefulness is debatable.
  15. You are not able to "put" any program in your website if it is something that gets installed on your computer. There might be folks out there that have made a web version that looks like the program - but you cannot in any way "put" a program in your website.
  16. Skemcin

    Dynamic Menu's

    or, I've taken what I think is an equally simple approach. I start by cerating one SSI menu file. On every page, I set a value at the top - <cfset section="xxxxxx"> In the menu SSI file, simply build the complete navigation menu - fully expanded Then, in the menu SSI file, build a condition around each set of links that pertain to the respective section:Xxxxxxx Links<br><cfif section IS "xxxxxx">(all my links for that section)<br>(all my links for that section)<br>(all my links for that section)<br>(all my links for that section)<br><br></cfif> Throw in a javascript that toggles the sections for extra measure if you like Done! Note: the same logic can be applied with any other server side scripting language.
  17. you mean something like this:http://www.iribbit.net/_files/cheatsheet.htmprint it out and tack it up on the wall!(sorry I don't do pin-up art)
  18. or, he wants to a web page to run a program in the area the webpage takes up - which cannot be done.
  19. please start to use the tags when posting in these forums:[ c o d e ]the code you want to share (short)[/ c o d e ][ c o d e b o x ]the code you want to share (long)[/ c o d e b o x ](Of course, remove the spaces)Thanks
  20. Skemcin


    BACKUP you data. Be happy you went above and beyond - its a good thing to have higher standards that your teachers Don't disrespect your teacher Don't skip your english/grammer class anymore or at least take some time to review your post for spelling and grammer errors - its a PITA to have to correct your grammer in my head in real time.
  21. This attribute ONLOAD="init()" controls when the shaking occurs. When ever you resize the browser, it will run the function since the body tag is revisited.So, take the ONLOAD="init()" attribute out of the <body> tag and add it to the <img>. Then change the ONLOAD to ONMOUSEOVER and you should be set.
  22. Primarily being a programmer, my design skills are, well, not that great. My challenge is in the blank canvas. Once I have something, I can run with it.So, my "secret" is to roam the various free template sites (i.e. freewebtemplates.com) and snatch up ideas for my own. My site, iribbit.net, is a manipulated copy of a site I saw in freewebtemplates.com. All I do is take a screenshot of the template that I like - and re-engineer it to suit my needs.
  23. This is a duplicate post. Please only post a topic once.Your answer is here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...findpost&p=8402Thanks
  24. You won;t be able to execute any application from a web page. You can link to an EXE with the anchor tag - but only a fool would click and run and EXE from a website unless its trusted.Please be a little more specific with your intent.
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