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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Skemcin

    site concept

    when I taught HTML most students would choose their pet or their favorite musician.since your pet/cat is out, then consider your own Justin Timberlake or Kelly Clarkson fan site.
  2. Skemcin

    sig design

    One of these:adobe photoshop, macromedia fireworks, GIMP(cocoa prefers GIMP)
  3. Skemcin

    site concept

    if you are ready to build your first site, then start off small and simple. Since one of teh most difficult things in building a site is gathering all the content and organizing it - think of something you already know quite well. Or, even take something that is already documented.You seem to like cats, so make a site about your favorite breed. Have hte homepage be an image of the cat and the name of the breed. Then have a couple sections that you link to from the homepage. You navigation might be something like this: History Characteristics Genetics Colors Breeders That would be a good startGet all the information you need to fill in the blanks from google
  4. Opinions are not enough to take action with. Proof is.If there is or are any post(s) where you feel jonas has been rude or offensive please feel free to compile them in a well formated document and send them to me. I will review your findings with the other moderators and forum owners.As I have mentioned before, moderators are not necessarily here to provide solutions. So your accusation that he has been unhelpful is irrelevent. Any reference to that effect will be ignored.You're request is, in my opinion, more personal than practical. But I woul d not be doing my job if I did not give you the opportunity to proove your point.So, compose a documnet (not a post) that in your mind proves that Jonas has been offensive and rude. We will review it and let you know our position.
  5. Skemcin

    IE 7 and CSS

    I just love how beta this realease is. Have you gone into the Internet Options for it - NAKED.lolI also like how they now refer to a flash plug-in as being Active X. Seems like someone is trying to redefine what Active X was supposed to be.lolI can't say that I'd like IE to go away all together - competition is good - just so long as it is fair. I mean without competitio, look what happens - example IE. So we need it. If for nothing else, to see how NOT to do things.
  6. Skemcin

    IE 7 and CSS

    I'm not impressed with IE7. The main problem they have not fixed is that each execution of the browser is still an exclusive program instance. This means that if I log in to a site in Window A and then (from the desktop) open Window B, I will not be logged into Window A unless the site is set to rmember passwords and it was pulling from that list. There is a lengthy explanation as to why that main point is so important - its best summed up as Single Sign On - something I cannot not promote to my customers solely because of IE.Look, feel, conformaty, I can get over to to some extent - its the root of the programming logic that bugs me to no end.
  7. You know Eric, this is just not appropriate at all. Although I appreciate your comment on my helpfulness, I have to say that your repsone is completely out of place and shows your immaturity.I will add that Jonas, with some degree, has a right to question your sincerety. You have to realize that we all (the moderators) communicate with each other. So you have to expect that the other moderators know about some of the things you have asked us individually - some of which could be thought of as sincere and other insincere. Your question to me about advertising - for example.So, in an effort to, once again, give the benefit of the doubt - I will not take any action with you - although I feel that directly insulting a moderator merits it. I will however put my foot down now.THIS WILL BE THE LAST TIME I TOLERATE ANY INSIGHT THAT IS NOT DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE TOPIC AT HAND!Stick to the topic ERIC - or there will not be any for you to respond to. Do not test me on this one either.BTW:Moderators are not meant to necessary HELP people. Their purpose is to moderate. The whole purpose of the discussion board is to allow everyone the opportunity to help.Moderators should not be expected to necessarily always have the solution.
  8. Review this post - its the closest you can get:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...findpost&p=8855
  9. yeah what do you mean - you want a rounded corner. That can only be done with images or CSS.
  10. a.) you can;t see server side source code becuase by the time it has reached your browser, it has been processed by the server - thus returning to you, HTML - since thats all your web browser can understand.b.) w3schools offers free server side code - all the tutorials for php and asp show you examples. you have to write it on your own
  11. seeing your code would help. Most mobile devices still only read XML or WML. So, without seeing anything else, you might need to make sure your page validates to XHTML 1.0 - so <br> would need to be <br /> for one.But seeing your code and know what mobile phone devices you are targeting would help.
  12. There is a ne release for cold fusion, its pretty nice but a pretty extensive installation (if you wanna call it that) from what I gather.It would be nice to see a tutorial on it since it is something that has been able to successfully cater to all the major server side scripting language.The only problem I see is that it might come off as an unofficial endorsement. Of course you could say that for ASP and PHP since Cold Fusion isn't covered here. But without huge amount of competition for AJAX, one might see a tutorial here as, like a I said, an endorsement.
  13. Skemcin

    Web address

    I doubt microsoft is the greatest website
  14. I feel it is necessary to distinguish between web design and web development - they are two totally different things.Design is not limited to the graphical element of a site. It also, technically, involves the planning and layout of the user interface and even, to some extent, the structure of the entire site.Development is really strictly related to the creation of the code that creates the user interface.I just say that cuz it bugs me to hear people say they are web designers when they are just Graphic Designers and they have NO understanding of anything else that makes a website user friendly and expandable.(just more $.02)
  15. Skemcin

    Web address

    of course gunryuujin might just be looking for this: ...<td><a href="[webaddresshere]">Annoucements</a></td><td><a href="[webaddresshere]">Replies</a></td><td><a href="[webaddresshere]">Last Updated</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="[webaddresshere]">General Discussion</a></td><td><a href="[webaddresshere]">Command Section</a></td>... or maybe not
  16. Jonas touches on an important aspect of your question. That is, understand that the web development "industry" is more or less divided into four sections that you will have to pick from. multimedia/web design web development database administration network administration Can you do them all - not likely. Can you do three of the four, hmmm maybe but I wouldn't recommend it. Could you do two of the four - absolutely - the most reasonable way to go. Could you do one of the four, sure - but you're not likely to have too much job flexibilty.Please understand that those are huge generalizations. I only make a good living as a web developer because I've owned my own business and have other responsibilities(ie. client and project management) - I'm primarily just a programmer. I, by the way, am 100% self taught - so far that has proven a huge benefit.But knowing two of the areas gives you a better more applicable knowledge base and skill set. But you have to have some forethought as to what you think you will be most confortable doing. Personally, I think a web developer and database administrator go best together. But a network administrator fairs well with web development or database administration. Graphic design really only works well with web development.
  17. This works:http://wearethemainstream.net/This does not:http://www.wearethemainstream.net/This something that is configured in the domain name server's (A) Host Record. The www has simply not been defined to point to your IP address. If you have access to a control panel that gives you access to your DNS zone, then you can edit this. Otherwise, you will have to put in a request to your hosting provider - this has nothing to do with your domain name registrar unless they also happen to be your site hositng service.
  18. Duplicate Post:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=2087
  19. there are so many ways to do this - but primarily there is old school and new school.the old school way would be to use tables, the new school using CSS. In between there is a crazy mix of code anyone could create to reproduce the look. what tends to drive any chosen method of coding, is what happens next on the page.Do you want to see code?
  20. Skemcin

    free music

    http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/M/MIDI.htmlits not the actual music - its a reduced synthesized versionYou know your cell phone ring tones (when they first introduced them) all MIDI. Remember how cheap they sounded - thats MIDI. Now you can actually have closer to real music on your phones (mp3).As a side note:If I visited your site and heard or saw MIDI files - I might puke. But there is a huge fasciniation with MIDI files - there is even a commercial here in teh US that mocks MIDI files that is very funny. Its a commercial for a cell phone and it basically show these MIDI composers getting all excited about composing the latest #1 song on the charts as a MIDI file. Only to have the advertising phone company dismiss their work by showing they now offer mp3 ring tones.
  21. Skemcin


    there is a need for it. having the ability to edit the page allows you to experiment with the length of time that passes before the refresh takes place.it also allows you to change the target of the refresh if you like to.
  22. Skemcin

    free music

    well, they may have a license to stream the music to the general public for free. and this would be why you can't save the file or see the url as you put it.there is however, software that will record streaming audio or video - and doing that on the site you describe is theft.
  23. Review this post:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=779
  24. Skemcin

    free music

    music is not free unless the original artist either gives you permission or doesn't require you to ask for permission. If you are looking for music that you can buy in the store, for free, then you will not find much. And whatever you find, be careful - someone IS watching you.
  25. if you're just using HTML, there is nothing you can do. If you are using a scripting language (at least with cold fusion) you can code an SSI to include a variable <cfmodule template="includeme.cfm" n="5">. The includeme.cfm file would have conditions that say if n=5 then show this stuff, if n=4 show this stuff, etc. So one SSI could be used for multiple functions.But HTML alone - to my knowledge - will not allow it. You might be able to pull it off with javascript - but that's just me thinking out lowd.
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