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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    HTML Dom

    The example works fine in IE...it is messed up for FF though.Left mouse says..you click right mouse button, right mouse says you clicked right mouse button and middle mouse says you clicked left mouse button.So there needs to be some browser/object detection in there to get it to work in both browsers. Doing the change you suggested makes it break in IE.
  2. You could try http://forums.devshed.com/. They have a much larger member base (170,000+).I hope you won't abandon this place though. There are alot of knowledgeable people here that can help with most anything...except maybe not mac stuff
  3. Reason being is becuase of the cost aswell as the other systems in the building could interfere. The cameras all connect to (a) central server(s) which can be up to 1000 feet from some camera locations and cameras are on multiple floors.As nice as it would be it is just not practical for us now, at least with current prices and technology.
  4. aspnetguy

    Body Tags issue

    create a new function that runs on oload. In this new function execute the 2 functions that needed onload. function init(){ slideShow(); otherFunction();}...<body onload="init()">...
  5. All modern browser should support JavScript but remeber theuser can turn JavaScript off so it is a good idea to warn them before entering or going to deep into your site that they need JavaScript enabled to get the most out of your site.
  6. aspnetguy

    IFrame width

    IE should take the margin-left.Post the code for the entire page.
  7. Sorry, not many MAC users here, at least there doesn't seem to be.
  8. aspnetguy

    HTML Dom

    DOM is just the Document Object Model of Javascript, DHTML is just a combo of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and AJAX is just a method for Javascript, using the XML Request Object, to interact with server side code.Just stupid buzz words that can confuse people as to what it really means.
  9. Work business trip. Last week and the rest of this week I have been installing Security cameras (63 to be exact) at one of our clients buildings. It is about the size of a Home Depot so it is very large. tens of thousands of feet of cable to be pulled (that is the part I dislike the most).Anyway the pay and overtime is very good for these trips so I don't mind doing them once and a while.
  10. You'll have to use JavaScript or some other CLIENT script to get the values you want.
  11. I just answered that question herehttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1971Please avoid double posting a question...be patient.
  12. use <FORM TARGET="TargetFrame" ACTION="process.asp"> I am not sure if this is still an accepted standards way of doing things.
  13. I find that the 'Today's Top 10 Posters' is always wrong too. I made 8 posts today and checked it and it said I had 23?!? Weird.
  14. hey thanks that is a good idea
  15. plus you have this typo document.getEelementById(vid).className=cls; change getEelementById to getElementById
  16. I am not sure about those...you should PM a moderateor or Admin about those questions. I would try and get as high of a mark as possible the first time around since it costs $59 to take
  17. this should give you what you needhttp://www.codeave.com/javascript/code.asp?u_log=7065
  18. I viewed it in IE6 and it had no horizontal scrollbars. I have a resolution of 1024x768
  19. you will need javascript to do this.
  20. try <input type="button" value="download" onclick="window.location='relative path to file'"/> Does this work???You could also have a hidden iframe on the page and when the button is click have the src of the iframe chaneg tot he file for download....this gets rid of the need for popup windows and should start the download without changeing to another page.
  21. take a look at thishttp://www.serverwatch.com/tutorials/article.php/1476961hope it helps
  22. Thanks OTTO.I am only back for a short time sadly. I am leaving again Monday or Tuesday for the rest of next week .
  23. yes it did. I just wanted you to use it to make sure it was a problem with the fields you were trying to select, which we now know was the case. What is the structure of the contacts table??? Please list the fields (careful no typos )
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