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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. 1. yes2. yes3. nonot on w3schools anyway.
  2. I did some checking and none of your column names appear to be sql keywords.so let me know if you still get an error when using SELECT * FROM contacts
  3. change SQL = "select id, telephonenumber, address from contacts" to SQL = "select * from contacts" do you still get the error? If not it is either becuase one of the fields you were calling don't exist (possibly a typo) or one of them is a 'keyword' most likely id or address. try inclosing them (one at a time to make sure you need to) in [] (eg. [id])
  4. aspnetguy

    Rounded corners

    that is friggin awesome!!!!!
  5. a more efficient way would be like this. var loopProtect = 0; //protect against infinite loopswhile(str.indexOf(" ") != -1 && loopProtect < str.length){ str = str.replace(\ \,"_"); loopProtect++;} With your code you were looping for the length of the string even if all the spaces were already gone.The code I provided will only loop while there are still spaces present.
  6. ToString() is the standard way.
  7. you mean like a calender popup and you click on a day that fills in a textbox???There are a million of those for ASP.Net. Just google - ASP.Net calender or something like that.
  8. aspnetguy

    Image Upload Using ASP

    you will need a third party component. Search google for ASP Upload. This should find several components you can download. THey usually have code samples to get you started. Make sure it is for ASP and not ASP.Net
  9. You could load the report in an iframe (even hide it while loading). The pleas wait image would be on hte main page. You could then use javascript (on the loading report iframe) to display and reset the width and height to take up the whole page (the call to this javascript would be the last line of the loading report so it is only executed when the report is fully loaded).
  10. aspnetguy

    text editor

    I use this one. It works in any language and is 100% cross browser compatible and XHTML compliant.http://www.kevinroth.com/rte/demo.htm
  11. aspnetguy

    TRY.... CATCH

    You can use try catch if you write your asp page with javascript and not vbscript.This article explains the diffences in error handling between the 2 languages.http://www.webreference.com/js/column38/vbscript.html
  12. aspnetguy

    ASP Sending Mail

    you have to save it as .asp. Please post your full code.Since I don't know what your code is I will guess. chances are that if you are not getting any errors, the page is of type .asp, it is actually working.replace someone@somedomain.com with your email address and try it again. You should receive an email. As for the white screen that is because nothing is set to write to the screen but the code did it's job in the background. After this line set myMail=nothing add Response.Write("Email Sent!") This should write to the screen if everything worked right.
  13. It means there is a problem with your sql statement. Please post your full page code.
  14. You could use javascript and do a standard image rollover with an onclick function that submits the form.
  15. You are never short on smart a$$ comments are you Jonas??? :)Yeah I'll put it in my signature next time.
  16. For those of you who care (I hope there is somebody ) I will be on a business trip until next Friday (January 27th) and won't be able to check this forum or my PMs. So I am not ignoring you but am not able to respond but will do so after the 27th.For those of you thinking (or shouting) "WHO CARES", I wrote this because I receive PMs and emails, regularly, from members of this forum asking for help with their problems. So that is why! :)See you on the 27th.
  17. aspnetguy


    I guess this is what you want to do. This ties the update statements to each record in the datagrid.http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/121504-1.2.aspx
  18. IE may be gross but 85% of users still use it!
  19. aspnetguy


    No you will have to execute a SQL query to update the table. Datagrid is for displaying data.
  20. You need to execute on the fields within the formdocument.formname.fieldname.indexOf() not document.formname.indexOf()
  21. alright you have asked the same question (in different ways) about 5 times now.Please stop!!!! Be patient and someone will answer your question...this is just spam and annoying.
  22. aspnetguy

    Clipping images....

    WOW there is the supidest company policy I have ever heard...it might as well say"It is our goal to make things take as long as humanly possible, make the code bloated and hard to read, and waste client's time and money while taking insanely long to edit a page" :)If find that hard to believe. Have any of these points been mentioned to them????
  23. ok...this has been answered. please do not post a question more than once!!! Thanks
  24. aspnetguy


    ok...sounds fun
  25. take a look at thishttp://www.web-source.net/web_development/...script_date.htm
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