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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    I am pretty sure it will only upload to the server where the .asp exists. It is done this way for security reasons...If I knew the address to your network and servers I could possibly upload anything ot your server using a form on my server...not a good thing!!
  2. You can do that through HTML and CSS...does it have to go to a desktop app?
  3. aspnetguy


    I just viewed that page in IE6 and FireFox 1.5 and it displays fine.Is there settings to disable frames??? just like you can disable Javascript????I have never heard of this before.
  4. aspnetguy


    uhhh okay. How does that help you learn graphics editing? You are adding one small piece than watching others add things. Wouldn't it be better (for learning) to post a finished graphic and get others to create it themselves and then post theirs???
  5. Here is how to upload files.http://www.codeproject.com/aspnet/fileupload.asphere is how to upload fileshere is how to send an email.http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/080801-1.shtml
  6. aspnetguy

    Calendar control

    What is the name of the control???Where did you get it. We need to know this becuase all calender controls are built differently and have different methods ofr extracting dates, etc.
  7. Yeah weird place to ask this. I answered your other post in the General section. You should avoid posting hte same question twice even if you post it in the wrong place. You can ask a mod to move it for you or if they see that it is in the woprng spot they usually move it.
  8. something along these lines should work var theFrame = document.getElementById('iframeId');theFrame.open('text/html');theFrame.write('your html goes here')theFrame.close();
  9. aspnetguy


    not if it is absolutely postioned. When using absolute positioning it is like you are placing hte box in another 'layer'. The box is just sitting over top of the other boxes.the only way to acheive what you what is to change this box to relative like the rest...it should be possible.
  10. http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/This should help
  11. aspnetguy


    I guess I am out of the loop on Graphics jargon...what are graphic chains?
  12. take a look at the bottom of any page, it says pre version 2 versoins used to be free but you know have to pay for version 2+
  13. aspnetguy

    LCID session

    I am not sure how to fix this...but the user viewing this page do not have servers!The pages are processed on your server whent he user BROWSER requests the page. YOUR SERVER processes the request and then sends back HTML code to the browser.So yes the problem is with YOUR SERVER and YOUR CODE. The only way it is the USERS problem is if you are using CLIENT SIDE scripts like JavaScript.A problem may be the BROWSER itself, if it is older and outdated try downloading the latest version of FireFox or Netscape and see if that makes a difference.
  14. aspnetguy

    #include help

    Basically this doesn't work because the page executes the includes beofre the rest of your asp code.http://www.learnasp.com/freebook/asp/includedynamic.aspxAbove is a link to a workaround. Hope this helps
  15. It is a windows permissions error.Navigate Windows Explorer to your database file (.mdb). Right click and choose Properties.Click the Security tab. Make sure that the Everyone account has full control.That should solve your problem.
  16. aspnetguy

    Create Database

  17. My suggestion is to uninstall it and download a different version...It is not a great idea to use a x.0 version, there are still bugs to be found and worked out, especially an alpha version.
  18. aspnetguy


    ok ok ok...when I think of scripts I do not think of things like that...so you are right....some scripting does not require much skill.
  19. aspnetguy


    ok...I just forget there are actually people out there who would rather find a pre-made script than build it them selves...I guess you have to like programming.On hte other hand I have seen many people struggle through small scripts (i'm talking hello world here) because they couldnt grasp any programming concept. But I realize thats not the majority.
  20. At the top of the page on hte link I gave you click 'Download Trial Verson' this gives you all the files you need.It will work in HTML, PHP, ASP, and any other language out there.The link also includes a step by step guide on hwo to install it.
  21. aspnetguy


    Why don't you read both posts again and then decide who needs to chill out. Go drink some pepto or something.If you are cutting and pasting pre-made javascripts maybe, I'll give you that.
  22. try opener.location or opener.window.locationopener.name is the name of the window not the url of the window.
  23. you could use thishttp://dhtml-menu.com/menu-demos/demo1107.htmlIt says it is only a trial version but there is nothing that can enforce this for javascript or you could look at the code to get ideas
  24. aspnetguy


    okay i need you to do something and then tell me the result.On your update page change If Request.Form("rename") = "Rename item" Then if Request.Form("hcat") <> "" then if Request.Form("hoofdcategorie") <> "" then sql ="UPDATE Hoofdcategorieen SET hoofdcat_name = '" &Request.Form("hcat")& "' WHERE (hoofdcat_name = '"&Request.Form("hoofdcategorie")&"')" Response.Write(Sql) end if conn2.Execute(sql)end if to dim rename = Request.Form("rename")dim hcat = Request.Form("hcat")dim hoofdcategorie = Request.Form("hoofdcategorie")dim hoofdcategorieen = Request.Form("hoofdcategorieen")Response.Write("rename="&rename&"<br>hcat="&hcat)Response.Write("<br>hoofdcategorie="&hoofdcategorie)Response.Write("<br>hoofdcategorieen="&hoofdcategorieen)'If Request.Form("rename") = "Rename item" Then' if Request.Form("hcat") <> "" then' if Request.Form("hoofdcategorie") <> "" then' sql ="UPDATE Hoofdcategorieen SET hoofdcat_name = '" &Request.Form("hcat")& "' WHERE (hoofdcat_name = '"&Request.Form("hoofdcategorie")&"')"' Response.Write(Sql)' end if' conn2.Execute(sql)'end if You may want to copy and paste the old code into notepad so you can change it back easily later.Please post the output of this code. This will help determine whether it is a mistake in the form or the update page.
  25. The simpiest way to do this is with a table. <table><tr><td>...your links go here...</td><td style="border:1px solid #000">...your center content here</td><td>...your other links/content here</td></tr></table> This will put a border around the middle content. you will have ot play witht he column widths, etc.Good luck
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