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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. if you set a fixed height and use overflow:auto, when the content gets bigger than the defined size it automatically puts in scrollbars in the defined area
  2. aspnetguy

    text editor

    document.RTEDemo.rte1.value it is document.formName.editorName.valuein my asp.net page I got it like thisstring post = Request.Form["rte1"];so in ASP you should be able to get with dim post = Request.Form("rte1")
  3. here is an article that returns contact information from outlook...not sure if will work for you...it uses SharePoint...As far as I know there is no direct way to access Outlook through ASP.Net...you have to create some 'middleware' this can be a .Net desktop application that receives and stores the data in a form your webpage can read.http://blogs.msdn.com/jamescon/archive/200.../06/149709.aspx
  4. try thishttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....stomcolumns.aspit talks about exceptions a little over half way down the page
  5. use this, it works in IE, Opera, and FF <html><head></head><body><!-- Original script by Philip Winston (pwinston@yahoo.com) --><div id="dot0" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; height: 2; width: 2;"> <img src="trailtrans.gif" height=20 width=20> </div><div id="dot1" style="position: absolute; height:2; width: 2;"> <img src="trail6c.gif" height=10 width=10> </div><div id="dot2" style="position: absolute; height: 10; width: 10;"> <img src="trail5c.gif" height=15 width=15> </div><div id="dot3" style="position: absolute; height: 18; width: 18;"> <img src="trail4c.gif" height=20 width=20> </div><div id="dot4" style="position: absolute; height: 26; width: 26;"> <img src="trail3c.gif" height=30 width=30> </div><div id="dot5" style="position: absolute; height: 34; width: 34;"> <img src="trail2c.gif" height=35 width=35> </div><div id="dot6" style="position: absolute; height: 42; width: 42;"> <img src="trail1c.gif" height=40 width=40> </div><div id="dot7" style="position: absolute; height: 66; width: 66;"> <img src="trailtrans.gif" height=20 width=20> </div><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--var nDots = 8;var Xpos = 0;var Ypos = 0;var DELTAT = .01;var SEGLEN = 10;var SPRINGK = 10;var MASS = 1;var XGRAVITY = 0;var YGRAVITY = 50;var RESISTANCE = 10;var STOPVEL = 0.1;var STOPACC = 0.1;var DOTSIZE = 11;var BOUNCE = 0.75;var isNetscape = navigator.appName=="Netscape";//var isNetscape = (navigator.appName.indexOf('Gecko') != -1);var followmouse = true;var dots = new Array();init();function init(){var i = 0;for (i = 0; i < nDots; i++) {dots[i] = new dot(i);}if (!isNetscape) {}for (i = 0; i < nDots; i++) {dots[i].obj.left = dots[i].X;dots[i].obj.top = dots[i].Y;}if (isNetscape) {startanimate();} else {setTimeout("startanimate()", 100);}}function dot(i) {this.X = Xpos;this.Y = Ypos;this.dx = 0;this.dy = 0;if (isNetscape) { //original code that did not work in FireFox//this.obj = eval("document.dot" + i);//fix for FireFoxthis.obj = eval(document.getElementById("dot"+i).style);} else {this.obj = eval("dot" + i + ".style");}}function startanimate() { setInterval("animate()", 20);}function setInitPositions(dots){var startloc = document.all.tags("LI");var i = 0;for (i = 0; i < startloc.length && i < (nDots - 1); i++) {dots[i+1].X = startloc[i].offsetLeftstartloc[i].offsetParent.offsetLeft - DOTSIZE;dots[i+1].Y = startloc[i].offsetTop +startloc[i].offsetParent.offsetTop + 2*DOTSIZE;}dots[0].X = dots[1].X;dots[0].Y = dots[1].Y - SEGLEN;}function MoveHandler(e){Xpos = e.pageX;Ypos = e.pageY; return true;}function MoveHandlerIE() {Xpos = window.event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;Ypos = window.event.y + document.body.scrollTop; }if (isNetscape) {document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);document.onmousemove = MoveHandler;} else {document.onmousemove = MoveHandlerIE;}function vec(X, Y){this.X = X;this.Y = Y;}function springForce(i, j, spring){var dx = (dots[i].X - dots[j].X);var dy = (dots[i].Y - dots[j].Y);var len = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);if (len > SEGLEN) {var springF = SPRINGK * (len - SEGLEN);spring.X += (dx / len) * springF;spring.Y += (dy / len) * springF;}}function animate() { var start = 0;if (followmouse) {dots[0].X = Xpos;dots[0].Y = Ypos; start = 1;}for (i = start; i < nDots; i++ ) {var spring = new vec(0, 0);if (i > 0) {springForce(i-1, i, spring);}if (i < (nDots - 1)) {springForce(i+1, i, spring);}var resist = new vec(-dots[i].dx * RESISTANCE,-dots[i].dy * RESISTANCE);var accel = new vec((spring.X + resist.X)/MASS + XGRAVITY,(spring.Y + resist.Y)/ MASS + YGRAVITY);dots[i].dx += (DELTAT * accel.X);dots[i].dy += (DELTAT * accel.Y);if (Math.abs(dots[i].dx) < STOPVEL &&Math.abs(dots[i].dy) < STOPVEL &&Math.abs(accel.X) < STOPACC &&Math.abs(accel.Y) < STOPACC) {dots[i].dx = 0;dots[i].dy = 0;}dots[i].X += dots[i].dx;dots[i].Y += dots[i].dy;var height, width;if (isNetscape) {height = window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset;width = window.innerWidth + window.pageXOffset;} else { height = document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop;width = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;}if (dots[i].Y >= height - DOTSIZE - 1) {if (dots[i].dy > 0) {dots[i].dy = BOUNCE * -dots[i].dy;}dots[i].Y = height - DOTSIZE - 1;}if (dots[i].X >= width - DOTSIZE) {if (dots[i].dx > 0) {dots[i].dx = BOUNCE * -dots[i].dx;}dots[i].X = width - DOTSIZE - 1;}if (dots[i].X < 0) {if (dots[i].dx < 0) {dots[i].dx = BOUNCE * -dots[i].dx;}dots[i].X = 0;}dots[i].obj.left = dots[i].X; dots[i].obj.top = dots[i].Y; }}//--></script></body></html> download the zip file of images (put them in the same folder as the html page).Needed Images
  6. Before you hit the OK button o hte prompt (using IE of course) press and hold LEFT-CTRL, then click OK while still holding CTRL. Does it work now??? If so it is just your popup blocker interfering with the code...you can capture this and display a message tot he user telling them they need to disable their popup blockers before they can use this...
  7. Try this webpagehttp://webpage-tools.com/cursortrails.aspit says it works with FireFox, Netscape, IE and Opera
  8. when you use absolute positions it is like you are putting a new layer over top of the page...that is why it overrides the footer. You will have to either set the footer as absolute under the iframe or set the iframe/div to be a specified height and set the overflow to auto.If you are refereing to the same page as in your previous post the footer is only being overridden in FF, IE is showing correctly (which means basically nothing since IE is quirky).
  9. aspnetguy

    IFrame width

    I looked at the code in IE6 and FF and it is aligned the same on the left. I am not sure what you are seeing...maybe post a screen shot of what you are seeing.Also the iframe only gets scrollbars when the frame is resized smaller than the content of the google page....this is normal...it is supposed to do that.
  10. Post what you have for code and I can debug it for you...I just solved the same problem (getting the mouse position in FireFox) that is most likely the cause of your trouble.
  11. Well it is quite simple really. When you are processing the form and setting it up to have it email to you, create another email object and set it up and send it to the user.I am not sure how it works in PHP, but it is as simple as I explained in .Net
  12. 90-100 entities? What do you mean...form elements like an input box??? or 90-100 records from a database???You can combine forms for multi use but that requires even more dicapline when organizing your project or else that turns into an even bigger mess than have 3-4 forms.
  13. check out this sitehttp://www.phpbb-design.com/They have hundreds of phpBB themes.
  14. You cannot customize the browse button unfortunately...as far as I know.Are you using IE??? If you are IE does not support pseudo tags like :focus in some or all cases depending on the element it is tied to.
  15. do you have any html code??? please post it. CSS and HTML work together...you need HTML to have your CSS work.
  16. CSS does not have functions...I am not sure what you are asking...CSS is a presentation language dealing only in colors, dimensions, etc...
  17. Try this articlehttp://www.leasttern.com/WebDesign/Cursors/coolcursors.htmlI think that is what you want.
  18. aspnetguy

    SELECT.. AND..

    it should not be showing any records that do not have remarks='hello' ... it should not be showing partials.What is the full structure/contents of the table and what is the exact query you are using????
  19. first off if ClientToKeywordID is the PK then you can only have one ClientToKeywordID with the value of 0.What the error is saying is that since ClientID is a FK to Clients > ClientID (you are trying to insert a value of 0 for ClientID) there must be a record in Clients with the value of ClientID equal to 0...the error is saying you do not have such a record.By making ClientID a FK to Clients > ClientID you cannot place any ClientID in ClientToKeywordID that does not exist in Clients > ClientID.I hope I explained that well.
  20. aspnetguy

    SQL Reader?

    If you are using SQL Server you could write and test your queries in the Query Analyser...it color codes things nicely too.
  21. aspnetguy

    How Old Is He ??!

    What is your database/table structure????
  22. the snippet you have could also be written this way var maxX;if(document.all) maxX = parseInt(document.body.offsetWidth)else maxX = parseInt(window.innerWidth)) - 50; Basically using the ? shortens the code. Let me explain.(document.all ?) means is document.all a valid object/condition?parseInt(document.body.offsetWidth) : parseInt(window.innerWidth)) - 50; means yes : no so if document.all is valid then maxX = parseInt(document.body.offsetWidth) else it equals parseInt(window.innerWidth)) - 50. The other way I wrote it above takes up more lines of code but is easier to understand. The snippet you have is just optimized for minimal lines of code. They both do the same thing.
  23. If you are struggling with javascript do NOT jump into flash...it is far more complicated...you cannot use videos for rollovers but I am pretty sure you can use animated gifs to do basic animations.
  24. You've got it! yes the value is now 10.
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