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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. look herehttp://kb.iu.edu/data/ahqx.htmlmake Google your best friend
  2. I would love to get ahold of a MAC or someone that has one...I never know what my pages look like in Safari.
  3. this article explains howhttp://www.softsource.com/plugins/vectorhtml.html
  4. You are better off writeing a simple ASP or PHP script to accomodate this...make sure your server supports PHP or ASP or what ever language you want to use.
  5. It can be written in ASP just as easily as PHP...As far as IPB themes in phpBB, I doubt they are compatible...look at the CSS code for each one, I am sure they are very different. You will have to break them down and understand what each class does and translate that into the appropriate phpBB classes
  6. aspnetguy

    HTML Dom

    I just think it is misleading...the HTML is not dynamic...javascript is used to manipulate it....IMO that is why we get newbies asking how to make applications in HTML....they are confused as to what HTML is compared to Javascript, etc and what they each do.I am not dismissing DHTML....I just hink we should call it what it really is...JavaScript.
  7. yes he does!I wish the admins would change the avatar size to 100x100 I have an awesome animated gif of homestar but it gets downsized and hard to read at 90x90.
  8. Yeah I need to look into SES urls. No more nasty urls...sort of like this one
  9. <noscript> is a standard supported by all modern browsers. There should be no surprise.
  10. sorry there was a typo in there...I also made a small change so that if the option is changed again it will re-hide the refferal input box. <html><head><script>function additionalInput(index){ var selBox = document.getElementById('selBox'); var refBox = document.getElementById('refferalBox'); if(selBox[index].value == "3") refBox.style.display = ""; else refBox.style.display = "none";}</script></head><body><select id="selBox" onChange="additionalInput(this.selectedIndex)"> <option value="1">mail</option> <option value="2">internet</option> <option value="3">refferal</option></select><div id="refferalBox" style="display:none"> <input id="refferalName"/></div></body></html>
  11. What does this have to do with whether JavaScript is turn on or off?
  12. HTML ...<select id="selBox" onChange="additionalInput(this.selectedIndex)"><option value="1">mail</option><option value="2">internet</option><option value="3">refferal</option></select><div id="refferalBox" style="display:none"><input id="refferalName"/></div>... JavaScript ...function additionalInput(index){ var selBox = document.getElementById('selBox'); var refBox = document.getelementById('refferalBox'); if(selBox[index].value == "3") { refBox.style.display = ""; }}
  13. Try repairing your network connection.Start > Control Panel > Network Connections ...right click connection > Repair.
  14. aspnetguy

    HTML Dom

    As much as IE sucks....it is still widely used (85% of all users). It is important to have it work in at least all major browsers (IE, FF, Opera, Netscape, Safari).
  15. You could download and install phpMyAdmin. This will allow you to manage your MySql databases visually or you may need to create a small php script that allows you to input sql statements.Those are the only 2 ways I know of working with MySql.
  16. as said before just use <noscript>. That is the only way I know of.
  17. It is loading fine for me. Maybe it was a temporary problem with the server.
  18. if you want the code to continue running even if an error occurs you can do this. try{...your code...}catch{} If you place not exception handling in the catch the code will just skip over the error and continue.
  19. All hosts allow you to upload differently. That is probably why there is not tut on that. Some hosts have upload forms that allow you upload from a webpage while otheres allow FTP for uploading your files.You will need to contact your host to see what method(s) you can use. It is probably on the website somewhere or in their Support section.Good Luck!
  20. aspnetguy

    HTA question

    what is a HTA application?
  21. try replacing the "\r" and "\n" characters...these 2 chars make up a carriage return. in ASP.Net I have to replace both of them to get rid of returns in a textarea
  22. What language is the dll written in??? Is it possible for you to just write the functions in VBScript and place them in an include file???I found an article (not sure how old it is) which says that VBScript cannot access dll files.
  23. none! You can name it either and the code will display the same.Why are there 2??? I have no idea...seems stupid and repetitive to me!Here are a buch of fools arguing about it!!!!http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/000481.htmllol
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