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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    Domain Name

    Personally I hate .ca domains. they are way over priced. Only good thing is you can get a domain that is already taken in .comI always go for a .com, from a business stand point it is generally more appealing to people out side of canada then a .ca
  2. that depends on the area you will be looking for a job.
  3. inline js is messy and hard to maintain, plus java script:void(0) does nothing, the code you wrote is not java script:void(0)
  4. <html><head> <title></title> <script> function myvalue() { var textbox = document.getElementById('txttotal'); textbox.value = 10; } </script></head><body> <form id="form1"> <input type="text" id="txttotal" value=""/><br/> <input type="button" id="btntest" value="Test" onclick="myvalue()"/> </form></body></html>
  5. aspnetguy


    try this function mytestfunction(){var value1=10;var value2=20;var value3=value1+value2;} if that doesn't work do this function mytestfunction(){var value1 = 10;var value2 = 20;var value3 = parseInt(value1) + parseInt(value2);}
  6. Structured Cabling huh? Well I don't want to discourage you but I liked structured cabling in College too, well the 50 feet or so we ran in the computer lab but now that I work for systems infrastructure company (I am a programmer) I have to help with installations form time to time. Let's just say after pull 20,000 feet of cable through dusty rafters and floating cielings it is no longer fun. :)I would choose the development side because that is what I like although you would probably have an easier time finding a job if you went the hardware root (at least ti's like that in my area)
  7. I was going to say you could loop through object properties with a regular for loop but I couldn't get ti to work, so I left it alone
  8. aspnetguy

    Domain Name

    I choose my domain based on my favorite language, if you couldn't tell. It is very hard to decide on a name because once you choose it you are stuck with it (you become associated with it).I don't have much advice on choosing one but make sure you will be happy with it in the long term.
  9. swapped the ram and it worked perfectly. Thanks. Just need to determine which stick was bad and replace it.
  10. document.getElementsByTagName("a") is an array, you must specify an index likedocument.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].style.etc,etc
  11. .bla a { color: #000;} you were soooo close
  12. you need to include some characters in the document to print that you do not want the user to see whne previewing the document???CSS can do this look into media types (@media)
  13. well you never learn if you don't ask questions You will catch on the more you play with it
  14. an ugly work around would be to use js to calculate the center of the screen and adjust the left property
  15. I'll swap the 512 (2x256) with the 256(2x128) from the PC that didn't have any troubles with SP1, thanks
  16. sorry I assumed you were using vbscript, change the & to + and you should be fine.
  17. aspnetguy


    that is sweet! How accurate would a rail gun be at hitting a target 250 miles away?
  18. I am installing Windows Server 2003 and getting some weird results. My first attempt was successful and without a problem. I install Server 2003 Standard SP1 (downloaded and installed) on a PII 400, 256Mb RAM with IIS, ASP.Net 2.0, SQL server 2000 SP4, Mysql 5, and PHP5, and all without a single hitch...too good to be true. So since everything went so smoothly I went ahead and tried on what will be my server PIII600, 512 MB RAM, First try, Server 2003 couldn't find a file when installing, retried and it worked. Downloaded SP1 and when I was extracting it said "file is corrupt", downloaded 4 more times with same result. reformatted and reinstalled 5 more times and cannot get past "file is corrupt" on SP1 and sometimes extracting the .Net 2.0 installer got the same error. I swap all hardware with PC from first try (except RAM, Mobo, CPU, CDROM) with no change. Win98 and XP installed fine on the second PC just can't get server 2003. Is this a harware issue? Is my server 2003 CD toast? If it is the CD why does it install fine on the 1st PC? Please help! PS my next atempt will be to swap RAM and CDROMS with the 2 PCs and see if that helps
  19. sql ="SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%" & Request.QueryString("value") & "%'"
  20. Can you elaborate on "Managed C++ isn't really C++ anymore", I am fairly new to C++ and am not sure what that means.
  21. you could break it into more than 1 string and pass more than 1 variable
  22. yes, I would love to work for a place like HB, I have been slacking on my C++ practice...I need to get back into it.
  23. The 3 levels are Newbie = 0 postsMember = 10 postsAdvanced Member 30 postsand you can change your title after 500 posts
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