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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. well obviously Google Adsense is probably the easiest and best PPC advertiser. You could try comission based ads from places like comissionjunction.com
  2. aspnetguy


    brinkster.com - ASP and ASP.Net free hosting
  3. why not? does your server not allow this extention?hmm...I can't get ti to work locally either. Sorry.can't get ti to work on my server either....must need to have something enabled for it to work. Never used it before but I have read about on other forums.
  4. thanks,I shut down my foruma nd blog, I just don't have the time to maintain it. But I eventually will get a round to finishing my portfolio.
  5. yes you can have multiple class per element but you do this<element class="class1 class2 class3">you list them in the same class attribute just seperate them with a space
  6. if it were, which I highly doubt, it woudl onyl be through IE and ActiveX
  7. aspnetguy


    yes mars still spins. If it didn't that would probably messup its gravitational pull and orbit.
  8. It's more likequery = "SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '" . $_GET['s']% . "'"
  9. post your code so we can see what you have done already
  10. hey lugos, long time no see, I take a look at your code :)do this <table><tr id="fundingAmount"><td style="padding-bottom: 0; width: 150px;"><div style="float: right; font-size: 12px; margin: 0; display: inline;">$</div><strong>Amount:</strong></td><td style="padding-bottom: 0; width: 150px;"><input type="text" name="amount" maxlength="20" /></td></tr></table> The element that is going to be floated should come first when mixed with non-floated elements.
  11. change your extension to .shtml and use <!-- #inlcude file="your page to include" -->
  12. aspnetguy


    you have many ideas that make the web useful??? That is too funny!
  13. the basic priciple is to use percentages instead of set pixels that way it adjusts whent he window or resolution is resized.
  14. it's called liquid designhttp://www.sitepoint.com/print/liquid-design
  15. aspnetguy

    Safe Login

    probably using sessions is best. Although ASP and ASP.Net can have unexplained Session timeouts before it is intended.If at all possible using forms Authentication in ASP.Net is the best way to go.
  16. Stick with the poker! :)You play Texas Hold'em? I love poker. I play on pokerstars.net. My wife hates when I watch poker on TV.
  17. aspnetguy

    Domain Name

    The best you'll do is with "Save For Web..." try chaning the file type between gif, jpg, and png and see which is the lowest file size/best quality.
  18. you are essentially for a slideshow.try one of thesehttp://www.trap17.com/index.php/javascript...rial_t8741.htmlhttp://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/show.shtml
  19. I recomend doing a site search for this topic, it has been answered many times.
  20. Go see Celine Dion! Seriously though, that was a joke!
  21. you do not want ot do to much to soon as you said. Focus first on XHTML and CSS...that will be plenty for now. Move on to PHP after that.
  22. if(isset($_POST['reg'])){ $bruker=$_POST['bruker']; if(strlen($bruker) > 50) { echo "Username is too long."; }}
  23. Try this <html><head> <style> li{display: inline; padding-right: 5px} </style></head><body> <ul> <li><a href="somewhere.html">Link 1</a></li> <li><a href="somewhere.html">Link 2</a></li> <li><a href="somewhere.html">Link 3</a></li> <li><a href="somewhere.html">Link 4</a></li> </ul></body></html>
  24. using the code jesh provided make a file and call it frameset.html and put the following code in it. <html><frameset cols="33%,*"><frame src="mynavpage.html"><frame src="http://www.google.ro/" name="showframe"></frameset></html> Then make another file and call it mynavpage.html and put the following code in it <html><body><a href ="http://www.google.ro/" target ="showframe">Google</a><br><a href ="http://www.yahoo.com/" target ="showframe">Yahoo</a><br><a href ="http://www.w3schools.com/" target ="showframe">W3Schools</a></body></html> Now load frameset.html in your browser....presto
  25. I know where you are coming from. We'll pass it along to the admins and see what they say. I do agree it would be a good idea...if only from an organiztional stand point.
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