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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. I ended up using this function that I found on another forum CREATE function CSVTable(@Str varchar(7000))returns @t table (numberval int, stringval varchar(100), DateVal datetime)asbegindeclare @i int;declare @c varchar(100);set @Str = @Str + ','set @i = 1;set @c = '';while @i <= len(@Str)beginif substring(@Str,@i,1) = ','begininsert into @tvalues (CASE WHEN isnumeric(@c)=1 THEN @c else Null END,rtrim(ltrim(@c)),CASE WHEN isdate(@c)=1 then @c else Null END)set @c = ''endelseset @c = @c + substring(@Str,@i,1)set @i = @i +1endreturnend Then I just used WHERE ID IN (SELECT numberval FROM CSVTable(@Param1)) Thanks for the helpCheers
  2. just a note forget PERL. It is an old CGI programming language and PHP can do anything PERL can do.
  3. That is odd that Coldfusion would limit the fuincionality of SQL because the query I gave you is valid SQL and I use it a lot.Perhaps Skemcin can answer this since he is the CF expert.
  4. NOTE: this is not done with any server side code but must be done from the Enterprise Manager or Query AnalyserI have an odd problem with my stored procedure. I want to pass into the procedure (in 1 parameter) a comma delimited list of ID numbers. The ID database field is type INTI know if the field type were VARCHAR I would do this ...WHERE ID IN ('1,2,3') and if it is type INT I would do this WHERE ID IN (1,2,3) The problem the only way I can pass in the list of ids to the stored procedure is: myProc '1,2,3' and the only datatype I can get to accept that is a VARCHAR (@Param1 VARCHAR(255)) but this causing an error because the ID field is INT and it can't convert the @Param1 to INT.my code is CREATE PROCEDURE myProc @Param1 VARCHAR(255)AS SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE ID IN (@Param1) The specific error Syntax error converting the varchar value '1,2,3' to a column of data type int. Again ID is type INT and I have no control over this.
  5. something like this SELECT *FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column1 = table2.column2INNER JOIN table 3 ON table2.column2 = table3.column3WHERE blah = blah
  6. It's ok Kiwi PMed me to have their account deleted.
  7. wow how did I not see your post pulp...beat me to it
  8. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    sorry for hijacking your thread
  9. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    Can it be played independant of Steam?
  10. try this DECLARE @value1 intDECLARE @value2 intSELECT @value1 = column1, @value2 = column2FROM mytable WHERE id=5
  11. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    sorry I wasn't clear...it is slow loading for a game with such low requirements and it takes forever for Steam to finish loading when I reboot my PC....gameplay is fine.
  12. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    thtas true although I disable that crap when playing games anywaysWhat I find annoying and funny all at the same time. I installed Half Life 1 (got it for $10 ) and it runs sooo darn slow. I assume it is "Steam" that runs in the background that is the cause for this but it is irritating, can't see that game being installed very long
  13. it is done with server side code. There are checks on every page and if you do not meet the conditions you get booted back to the homepage.
  14. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    Very funny, I wonder what the big differences are? Is it just bad code or what? But when has Windows ever done what it is told! :)I am upgrading to improve game performance not to just maintain what I got if I install Vista
  15. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    basically what that means is "DirectX 9 capable GPU with Hardware Pixel Shader v2.0 and WDDM driver support"Form what I understand present high end cards support WDDM 1.0 but MS is planning WDDM 2.0 which is not yet supported.
  16. XmlDocument is an object and you must create a new instance (New) before you can use it. It errored because you were trying to use it as a static member.Look up Classes and the difference between static and non static members
  17. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    I would get Premium becauseI would want IIS. Now I would only have to upgrade to 1GB ram which I am planning to do anyways plus to a 256Mb video card but I am wondering how well my games would run and if windows would hog most of that 1Gb of RAM.COD2 requirements only difference is the processor speed.
  18. aspnetguy


    never had an issue like that before....whne you get home can you post the code?
  19. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    I would like to get Vista but I have to upgrade my pc first.I run XP with no themes or extras anyways....give me performance over prettiness anyday.I don't know if I will upgrade anytime soon...can't see a point to having an OS with higher requirements than any of my games.
  20. Yes it is very much PHP related. You would need to explode your code box snippet and do the numbering in a loop. There is really no other way around it.
  21. http://www.phpmyadmin.net/
  22. try the phpmyadmin website for instructions
  23. aspnetguy


    hmm...interesting point I'll have to look into that. I'm looking at a small number of users for this site so it shouldn't be an issue.
  24. Any PPC (Pay-Per-Click) program you sign up for is going to pay nect to nothing for you traffic.While wanting to monetize your site to help pay for expenses is fine don't go overboard littering your site with ads and don't expect to make a fortune in fact you'll make very little unless you have an enormous amount of traffic or, as Google has already banned you for, fraud clicking.
  25. because they are embedding <script></script> inside a <script></script> which causes syntax errors. \ is an escape character.
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