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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    MD5 and salt

    I think he means you store their initial ip and time of registration in the db and use that from then on.
  2. just to clarify. There is one list box. they pick an option from this box then another list box appears and they can pick more options related tot he first option they chose?
  3. aspnetguy


    I am currently using Sqlite (comes bundled with PHP5) on my current project.I personally like the new OO interface for DB management.Has anyone else used Sqlite? Any pros or cons about it versus MySQL?
  4. he posted code for 2 seperate pages...you cannot have more than one set of <html></html>...look closely...
  5. aspnetguy

    MD5 and salt

    how would they become a meber then if they have to already be a member to register?
  6. aspnetguy

    MD5 and salt

    shouldn't be, is it only the logged in member's last name or is it a list of all members?As long as you keep what the salt is to yourself it will be next to impossible for a hacker to figure it out.
  7. aspnetguy

    MD5 and salt

    if the hacker was able to learn your salt then your salt becomes useless because oyu are using the same one for every user.Having a different salt for each user is a better idea. Maybe the first 4 letters of their last name for example
  8. for($i=0;$i<sizeof($arr);$i++){ echo $arr[$i] . "<br>";} or foreach($arr as $key){ echo $key . "<br>";}
  9. aspnetguy


    That site is just a web directory. Please do not blatently advertise your websites or ads! This is spam. Only warning.
  10. aspnetguy

    SQL Scripting

    Chances are they mean PLSQL or TSQL (Oracle vs MSSQL). I have manipulated data for reports using both methods. Using views is alot easier and generally what views were made for but sometimes it is just no possible to get the data in the form you need so you have to turn to some scripting.
  11. aspnetguy

    A question in VB.NET

    Do not hijack this thread! You won't be warned again!
  12. you should be using <frameset></frameset> instead of <body></body> and your frames go into the frameset.
  13. there is software to do this http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=ex...earch&meta=but I don't know how to do it in VB
  14. ok I see what you mean. Does the XML give you errors if you mix the xhtml tags in?Can you post a screen shot of the results after you transform the XML?Also posting your xml file and xsl would help too.
  15. I believe the correct way to do that would be to make it strong in the XSL file or you could add an atribute to the tag that has the content you want strong like cssclass="strong" then you can check for this in your XSL and apply the proper CSS at that point.
  16. you should be able to do this <%#Container.DataItem("Description").ToString().Replace(search, "<b>" & search & "</b>")%>
  17. I am using Windows XP Pro and Windows Server 2003.I've dabled with Ubuntu a bit and plan to deploy a full Unbuntu install (Xubuntu desktop) once I get my email server running.
  18. aspnetguy

    A question in VB.NET

    you mean hidden files in a directory??? Try making the hidden files visible through Windows Explorer and see if that lets you see them in VB
  19. can you post your code. We'll need to see the page that submits the search word and the code for the page thjat displays the search results.
  20. ok, I see, yes asking for money to register would be the death of this site!
  21. you could use ajax but other than that youare out of luck.
  22. alot of the time people are using mod_rewrite to parse the url and process the proper pages.An example could be http://www.yourdomain.com/page/1/ would be a mask for http://www.yourdomain.com/index.php?page=1
  23. you may want to ask the author of that code. Those properties and methods are user defined.
  24. The browser and os statistics are based on the user agent strings passed in the browser. Regardless of the chipset the statistics are looking for the occurance of "Mac" or "Macintosh.Also the statistics on the website are only for the websites vistors not all user's in general.
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