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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    FullText Search

    can you show us your code and describe the situation you are using it in. words like "the, and, a, in, to" are filter out because they are considered irrelavent to search results.
  2. your looking for a good VB forum??? Web based code or desktop?try forums.asp.net if you are looking for help with VB Web Forms
  3. Your first step shpuld be to decide on a topic for your website and what you want the website to do.Then design a layout in Photoshop or draw it on paper. Then set to work trying to code it in XHTML and CSS.
  4. aspnetguy


    You slipped up, now we know what you look like , I would never have guessed you had long hair. Nice magnum BTW.
  5. They are called static members, it has to do with the way the class was built, for example functon myObject(){ this.func = function() { }}var obj = new myObject();obj.func(); To create an object like Math you do this var myObject ={ func: function() { }}var x = myObject.func();
  6. aspnetguy

    Lost with PHP

    echo the result of this strlen($_POST['emp_1']) is it greater than 0?
  7. just a dumb question, why and how do you use XML with Word?
  8. LOL funny, in his case yes it must go between <body></body> because he is including HTML...however you can use include to include other php files...link a database connection string which then you can include anywhere even outside <html></html>....I'm sure you know that anyways and where just joking, right?
  9. aspnetguy

    how to make a forum

    this has been asked a lot here...do a search to see them. You probably will not find a tutorial on making a forum you will need to break the forum into pieces and then search for tutorials on the pieces (i.e. Who's online)
  10. you can place <?php include('templates.html'); ?> anywhere you want in your case I suggest somewhere between <body></body>
  11. if you have appended the drop downs tot he document (appendChild or document.write) then yes you can validate them.
  12. Or to make your code even shorter <style type="text/css">img { border-width: 0; }</style> <style type="text/css">a img { border-width: 0; }</style>
  13. We are not making changes to site or forum layout, especially with a non-standard element. The point of W3Schools is to teach good web design practices, to standard.Plus you cannot uninstall IE.
  14. aspnetguy

    PHP Tutorial

    Good point. Put this in the Suggestions forum. It is far more likely the admins will notice it there.
  15. you cannot have a file named .obj perhaps this program generates the filename to go with this extension. If the program failed to generate a filename and put an empty string witht he extention that would cause the program to look for a file called .objBeyond that I can't tell you anything else and I don't want to sift through 300 C++ files.When you say there 300 files does this include everything for the program? How many .cpp and .h files are there...if that is a reasonable number I could search through them.
  16. you can pass an instance of a class, it is just variable/object, not sure about passing the class itself though.
  17. there are no files witht eh extention .obj in the entire project??? Well, not sure where to go from here. I am out of ideas.
  18. can you post your code??? I can't guess at what you have done.
  19. some code would be nicealso this may help http://forums.devx.com/showthread.php?t=98734
  20. a bmp is already an image :)If you want to do it manually you can do that here http://www.coolutils.com/Online-Image-Converter.phpIf you are looking to dothis with code, here is a good place to start http://ca.php.net/gd
  21. just to be picky. It is never a good idea to use bitmaps (.bmp) on a website. The same image convert to gif, jpg, or png wqould be 10 times smaller with the same quality.
  22. look at the bottom of justsomeguys post, there is a link that says "conTEXT", click it.
  23. this article explains one situation that can break for in loops http://www.andrewdupont.net/2006/05/18/jav...idered-harmful/If you use toolkits this could be an issue for you. I have just desided to avoid them, that way I am guarenteed to have no trouble with them
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