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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. this question has been raise many times and I am afraid the answer is no. W3S relies on the revenue from advertisements which come from site traffic. Letting people download the tutorials would reduce traffic and revenue that is keeping the site open and free.
  2. The site is still working fine....a 500 error is a scripting error/problems with the code.
  3. aspnetguy

    please help me

    On your master page what is the action value of the form???
  4. I have read that checking to to see if a string = "" is not a good practice (not sure why). There are 3 other methods you can try. If txtGrade1.Text = String.Empty Then If txtGrade1.Text.Length < 1 Then If String.Compare(txtGrade1.Text,String.Empty) = 0 Then Does the code you posted not work. It seems to me that it should. You can also try one of the methods I posted.
  5. aspnetguy

    please help me

    you can submit the action of the form to the url of the other page on the other server
  6. I agree that is the best method, leave it to MS to give you the option of bad programming.
  7. aspnetguy

    using https

    https doesn't help valid it just encrypts the data as it is passed from the clients computer to the server (ie. when a form is submitted). If a hacker was to intercpt this submitted data then it would be unreadable because it is encrypted.
  8. Could you post the link to that article it would be a good read for everyone.
  9. there is no problem with you asking this question. Next time though it would be better to post it in General if it doesn't fit any of the other forums.Good Luck
  10. aspnetguy

    using https

    That depends. What type of data will be passed in this secure part of the website. If it is only data for the user to read then no you don't but if they are going to continue to fill out forms with personal or sensitive information then yes you should continue to use https
  11. This ia actually a JavaScript forum not JSP but here goes...you cannot use CSS to modify the text...CSS only effects how the text looks tot he browser.You could write a javascript function to do this on the client side before it is sent but if the client has JS disabled it will not get changed. Your best bet is do this in the JSP's on the server side.do this for each form field as you reteive it String p1 = request.getParameter("param1").toUpperCase();
  12. Jesh I read that article you linked to. I think it is Font that is readonly. Font only has a getter but it's properties are settable....they even change some in the code below.
  13. aspnetguy


    So what is your question?
  14. also it is not nice to hijack someone else's post. Please only post in a topic if what you have to say is relavent to the topic. If it is not relavent you can start your own topic.
  15. this works fine in C# should work in VB (different syntax of course) TextBox t1 = new TextBox();t1.Font.Bold = true;
  16. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    I wonder how much he is still involved in development? I would guess he comes up with the fancy features for everyone to write. If it were me in his shoes I would be in my office playing AOE3 or COD2 all day
  17. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    That must be worth an extra $50
  18. aspnetguy


    There is the question that. It doesn't do well for large or write heavy applications. Perhaps I'd better re-evaluate my application.
  19. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    I think I will wait a while and see how Vista does early on as far as bugs and security holes. Probably will wait at least a year after release.
  20. to refer to a specific form on a page...[0] refers to the first form on the page, [1] the second, [2] the third, etc etcJust change the index number to reference the correct form
  21. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    I see, doesn't mention anything about IIS or other developer tools though....Vista Enterprise must be the next gen Windows server?
  22. If there is only one form on the page use the following code it won't matter what the form name is onclick="document.forms[0].submit(); or onclick="document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].submit();
  23. aspnetguy

    Windows Vista

    so is Ultimate the same as XP Pro?
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