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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. does that code validate with multiple framesets???
  2. if you had a ftp site you could wite in some code to download it and place it in the proper folder....it is fairly easy to create an installer in C# with VS but I don't have the slightest clue in C.What compiler/editor are you using?
  3. you could try if(document.all) //IE document.getElementById('extraRow_' + i).style.display = 'something for ie';else document.getElementById('extraRow_' + i).style.display = 'table-row';
  4. this si true and may be a tread for smaller apps but cannot replace the need for full-time employees to mantain and develop enterprise web software.
  5. Well most people are in school or have jobs too, we code in our "free time"is there an online demo of HTML slidy?
  6. aspnetguy

    Web Spider

    I wrote a small spider in C#. All you need to do is "screen scrape" the target url. Then I parsed out the links within the page and inturn scraped them aswell, and so on and so on.Do a google search there are plenty of screen scrape libraries available for PHP
  7. I doubt it...one more reason to enforce the recommendation that you don't use hacks, but conditional comments instead.
  8. you are always welcome to post your questions our ask for advice here...if that is what you mean by help.
  9. I am not understanding what you need. You can only have 1 frameset on a page so you could easily get it with JS like so.var frameSet = document.getElementsByTagName('frameset')[0];
  10. some sound advice http://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/200...ary/028474.htmlnot sure if it aplies to C aswell
  11. Charging a registration fee makes it no longer free and why would that be unethical to charge money for hosting?
  12. It is fine for members to ask questions not related to web development in the General section.
  13. aspnetguy


    probably because it is depreciated but try here http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/_MARQUEE.html
  14. aspnetguy


    That is the point of this forum, to support the w3schools tutorials.
  15. what kind of person are you ?
  16. my vbscript is so rusty, even more so than my VB but it is more like <script type='text/vbscript'>Dim namename = "George"If name == "Joe" Then Response.Write("His name is Joe")Else Response.Write("His name is George");End If</script>
  17. vbscript on the client side only owrks in IE and you can use vbscript to writ server side ASP.
  18. vbscript is a waste of tie unless you are goign to learn ASP. Client side vbscript only works in IE
  19. istead of displaying a 404 Error Awardspace redirects to that page it means the image you are trying to find does nto exist at that url.Post a screen shot of the file manager witht eh image and page in the same folder or if this is just a test account (and there is nothign important in it) give me the login details and I'll fix it.
  20. perhaps you should try checking the previous post you made witht he exact same question...
  21. dude, it is PHP, it does not compile. Moving to PHP forum...
  22. http://www.siemon.com/la/standards/
  23. read thishttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...amp;#entry51781
  24. Another pro for the hardware route...if you work for a software company they will most likely frown upon or even forbid you having clients on the side as it would be taking away from their potential customers.I am in a similar sticky situation like that were my employer has firmly "asked" me not to take on side website contracts but to use the CMS we sell.
  25. aspnetguy

    Domain Name

    If you did that to me, all I would need is your email address to get a satisfying revenge :) J/K
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