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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. if the user has js turned off none of the linking happens.I would define a default (perhaps in <noscript></noscript> in case this happens
  2. firstly this is a forum for JavaScript not JSP, but post your code and we'll see what we can do.
  3. Aren't XSL stylesheets for converting XML into XHTML and CSS? How could they replace CSS?
  4. I actually would recomend not using it at all. you can do everything with a regualr for loop. Reason I say this is if you intend to use any JS toolkits or mess around with OO Js and protoyping then these things can cause the for in loops to nto work correctly.
  5. I usually don't use the database manager, try using Dim cnt As SqlConnectioncnt = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=xxxx;User ID=xxxx;password=xxxx;Trusted_Connection=yes;") sorry if that is not 100% correct my VB is a bit rusty...could imagine using this as apposed to C#, but that is just me.
  6. WAMP is also a all-in-one webserver, not sure how easy it is to use.You can run ASp.Net 2.0 on IIS5.1, not sure about 5.0, although you are limited to 10 concurrent connections which also bites.The fact that IIS6.0 is only for winServer isn't that big of an issue, just buy hosting space, usually the same or only slightly higher than linux/php hosting.
  7. There is alredy an ASP.Net tutorial in VB, which is easily converted to C#
  8. First off I reformatted your code and fixed a couple typos I saw (you forgot the , between the object functions) so it was easier to read //////////////////////////////////E-Z JavaScript Cookie Object////By Chocolate570 for Zoodles ////Made in 2006 || Version One ////////////////////////////////////Start cookie object.var Cookie ={ set: function(name,value) { //The set function. //Takes 2 variables, name and value. if(name && value) { date=Date().split("(")[0]; document.cookie=escape(name+"="+value+"&"+date); } else { return "Sorry, you have incorrectly used the cookie object."; } }, get: function(name,exp) { //Name is the name of the variable. //Exp is the expiration date in this format: //X y //Where X is a number and y is a date format. Available: //Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes y=Date(); cooSpl=document.cookie.split(";"); //*Loop through all of the cookie values.*// for(i=0;i<cooSpl.length;i++) { if(cooSpl[i].split("=")[0]==name) { //*Why hello, we've found the correct cookie.*// val=cooSpl[i].split("=")[1].split("&")[0]; date=cooSpl[i].split("=")[1].split("&")[1]; //*Just splitting apart the value and the date, held in their respective variables.*// x=new Date(date); years=(x.getFullYear()==y.getFullYear()); months=(x.getMonth()==y.getMonth()); days=(x.getDate()==y.getDate()); hours=(x.getHours()==y.getHours()); minutes=(x.getMinutes()==y.getMinutes()); //* The above are just used in the if statements to check on the date argument.*// //* Start Date Switch Statement *// switch(exp.split(" ")[1].toLowerCase()) { case "years": if(years) { return val; } return null; break; case "months": if(years && months) { return val; } return null; break; case "days": if(years && months && days) { return val; } return null; break; case "hours": if(years && months && days && hours) { return val; } return null; break; case "minutes": if(years && months && days && hours && minutes) { return val; } return null; break; default: return null; break; } } } }} I am using the object like this <html><head> <script src="cookie.js"></script> <script> Cookie.set("mycookie","somevalue"); document.write(Cookie.get("mycookie","1 months")); </script></head><body> </body></html> It keeps writing "undefined", I even tryed puting the document.write in a setTimeout for 10 seconds incase it wasn't finished writing the cookie but got the same result.
  9. Good reference for anyone else who finds this thread but this user has already been banned.
  10. aspnetguy

    Link error

    you have a topic for this question open already here http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9531, do not post your questions more than once.
  11. You cannot just open a random "let's chat" topic. If you have something specific to ask or say, do so. This topic will also be closed and any other voliations will lead to a warning!
  12. ok, now can you post the code of teh 3 files...it is really the only way to track down the problem
  13. http://unthought.net/c++/c_vs_c++.html
  14. 1. use if (y == 2 && x == 10) == is use to compare = is used to assign2. I believe you have to have a default (other languages require it), you should put a break at the end of every case and at the end of default3. there is no diffrence. JS doesn't care.4. putting functions in the head is good practice but thats not to say they won't work if you put them somewhere else.5. <script="text/javascript"> should be <script type="text/javascript">
  15. Properties and functions (also called methods) are called members of the class/object. If the are static they can be called as Object.Member without creating an new instance.
  16. create a file called global.php and place all global variable declarations in it. Then include global.php at the top of the page, that way all global variables are available.
  17. here are all the options when creating a column olumn_definition: col_name data_type [NOT NULL | NULL] [DEFAULT default_value] [AUTO_INCREMENT] [UNIQUE [KEY] | [PRIMARY] KEY] [COMMENT 'string'] [reference_definition]
  18. I have a hard time getting setTimeout to work sometimes too. Try this. function changeVal(obj,val){ var i = val.indexOf("."); var l = val.substring(i,val.length); if(l.length > 2) { alert("There should be only one numeric value after the decimal point"); setTimeout(setFocus,1); return false; } function setFocus() { obj.focus(); }} try that
  19. We can talk to each other in any topic and through PM. this topic is closed!
  20. do you have a link so we can see the glitch first hand?
  21. It is because you are filling the DDL on page_load. When you select an option I assume you have it set to autopostback, this reloads the DDL and selects item 1.Change your code to reflect thisPrivate Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load If Not IsPostBack Then 'Put user code to initialize the page here FillDealerDDL() End If End Sub
  22. what database are you using?
  23. Post your code or provide a link. Do you want to increase or decrease the width?
  24. aspnetguy

    FullText Search

    is this MySql or Oracle? Your positive that those words exist in Topic and Des?
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