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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. hmm.. maybe I could make my own case thats really cheap? Because, I dont exactly have that much =\.I can deal without using warcraft, but I must have firefox! :)Ill start saving some money, or wait until my brother in law has a comp. to throw away.
  2. Yea i know, I will do that later though. So you want to help?Also: I will post the source on here..
  3. The file is at http://excibius.com/customfunctions/functions.phphere is the source code: //connects to database//CREATED BY: Reportingsjrfunction mysql_connector($host, $username, $password, $db){ $connection = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password); if($connection){ if(mysql_select_db($db)){ return true; }else{ return false; } }else{ return false; }}//testing function mysql_connecter()echo "mysql_connector(): ";if(mysql_connector()){ echo "succesful!<br />";}else{ echo "failed!<br />";}//encrypts anything you put in it and returns the encrypted thing//useful for passwords. Impossible to crack , pretty much//CREATED BY: Reportingsjrfunction cryption($var, $salt){ $super_salt = sha1($salt) . md5($salt); $salted = $var; $salted .= $salt; $salted .= $var; $salted .= $var; $salted .= $salt; $reversed = strrev($salted); $salted .= $salt; $salted .= $reversed; $salted .= $super_salt; $crypt2 = md5($salted); $final = sha1($crypt2); return $final;}//testing function cryption()echo "cryption(): crypting 'reportingsr' with salt 'ja1qd6': " . cryption('reportingsjr', 'ja1qd6') . "<br />";//Will generate a random string with numbers and letters, as long as specified length//CREATED BY: Reportingsjrfunction rand_str($length){ $pattern = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; for($i=0;$i<$length;$i++) { if(isset($key)) $key .= $pattern{rand(0,35)}; else $key = $pattern{rand(0,35)}; } return $key;}echo "rand_str(): creating a random string with a length of 13 - " . rand_str('13') . "<br />"; That encryption is super hard to crack, escpecially if the person uses a good salt .I will keep updating. If you dont know php/cant write a function just post the idea for it here and I will try to make it happen!
  4. lol, you forgot to say what variable str_replace was going to make. <?php$code = ".......";$code = str_replace("<", "<", $code);$code = str_replace(">", ">", $code);print $code;?>
  5. I thought it would be neat to make a file with a bunch of custom functions, so people can download the file, put it on their server, and then just include it to have some functions you wouldnt normally have.So.. who's up for it? I am !If you didnt get it: This is just for fun, so people can have custom functions that are easy to use. They will just be a bunch of random ones to . If you want to help ill set up a php file, and people can email me scripts/functions or post them here. You will get credit for every function you make! If I start getting way too many scripts to add I will probably set up a ftp and domain and just let people edit it. But I will make it back up with a new file evrery 10 or so minutes so people dont delete the whole thing.Start sending them in, and I will make a list here .SOURCE CODE BELOW
  6. reportingsjr

    PHP editor

    I use edit pad, it doesnt highlight or anything but provides what you need!Also, I dont think there is an editor with a php debugger in it, yet. Steve will probably be in here in just a bit saying to get conTEXT lol.
  7. Bahaha! I think that is great.. 12 fans .Anyways, how much would it cost for me to build my own personal computer, just for coding and maybe a game.. like warcraft 3 battle.net ?Or if not possible, just coding? I think I can live without a game for a while, and just use this comp. for it.Keep in mind: im dont have much money cause im not old enough for a job .Can anyone recommend me to a hardware forum or something where I can start learning about computers actually? I would really like that .
  8. Yes im only 14, I dont know how I find a way to do it. Probably because I never do my homework . I usually never get anything but math, and my first two classes I do close to nothing in, so I just do it then lol.I found another one, I was looking through CSS and saw this:font-family:jokerman,kristen,chiller,dauphin,mistral,papyus;Is that supposed to be papyrus? Or is that a font.. Anyways its under the #header p:firstletter etc.. if you want to fix it. its the class that gives the first letter of a <p> that "joker" font .
  9. Thats because #name is reffering to something on that page, so it just goes straight down to it instead of a new window.
  10. *slowly creeps away, far away* lol.Is there a chance you can upload it or something so people can actually view it? Maybe that would help a tad bit?
  11. Flash wont be the issue most likely. The browser has close to nothing to do with flash, it only displays the file. Think of it as viewing and image: no matter what browser you use it will always be the same .It might be an issue with the way you coded it. I say google it lol.
  12. You need .class: hover like I did, just format it the way I did and you will be fine.Also, in your divs and such you have <html><body> etc.., but those go around the entire body of the document, not inside divs and such .I have tried opera, and its.. ok. I did not think it was as nice as firefox for various reasons. Mainly I didnt like the curved look and such.
  13. Well thank you very much! But I dont have flash =\.Ill see what I can do. Im actually working on a game right now. I have some errors in that that are a big ol' pain! Anyways, thanks again!
  14. Hi boen, I was just wondering how exactly to do this. I tried<style type="text/css">h1, h2, h3, h4:hover{voice-family: male;richness: 80;cue-before: url("beep.au")}</style><h1>Hello</h1>And when I hovered hello it didnt do anything (my sound works). What do you need to do for this to say the word?
  15. DOM inspector? Dont you mean the javascript wdinow? Thats what its called anyways lol.If you get web developer there is a button that you can just click to open it. , web dev. also has a bunch of other cool features .
  16. http://sqlcourse.comhttp://sqlcourse2.comhttp://devzone.zend.com/node/view/id/627, those are some good sites I reccomend. Also, the man who made PHP (something O`Reilly or something close to that lol) has some some really good books. I just got the PHP pocket Handbook for $10, its a small book but I have already learned quite a few things for it.For instance, there is another was to parse php besides <?php php source; ?>!You can just do <script language="php">php source; </script> :ph34r:
  17. What im understand is that you have those sections in divs, and when someone hovers there mouse over it you want it to display the rest of it? You will need to create 2 seperate custom classes for this. here is how you do it anyways: <style type="text/css">.interests:link {height: 10px; //The height of the Interests text so they can see thatoverflow: hidden;}.interests:hover {height: Npx; //Height of div with all contentposition: absolute; //needed for z-indexz-index: 10;}</style><div class="interests"> Interests Camping, Gaming, Shooting random things, Reading, Wrighting, and Loitering.</div> Now thats just for one, now you will need to customize that for every thing you want.. Have fun lol!
  18. another thing:isnt the LIKE clause case sensitive?So make two queries like that, and on the first one use the lowercasing function (not sure what that is) and the second us ucfirst().
  19. oh .This is what I would need it to do though (If you could quickly explain please?):For admin side or whatever have this-file: [file name (broadcast1.mp3)]play on: [date (9/18/06 9:00 pm)]So then at 9 pm on september the 18th it will start playing that, and if someone visits the page at 9:23 pm it will be playing 23 minutes into the file.So, ihow long would this take?
  20. dorothy: No I havent, could you provide and info link?Steve: Thats the thing though lol, I dont know how to code flash/actionscript! , so the real question is could you do this for me? I would be very grateful!
  21. It will be a static file already produced, and it will be an mp3. So how might I do this? I dont think I have access to flash, but I can have access to it at my house (soon).Could I just make a flash file where you have the file on the server, and tell it to start running that sound file at 4:00 pm and then it will do everything else automatically? I dont want to have to make a new flash file for every different broadcasting.And about this windows thing, what exactly is this?Everything sounds good so far! Thanks for the help now! I just need to get it working .
  22. ohhh, I thought he meant he was going to sell it to people.If you arent, then you might want to have a "domain" or "site" column with the site url, sitename.com then you can do what aspnetguy said.
  23. Its just that he didnt close the tags. Thats what's messing up his page.. *edits previous post*
  24. Scott, I actual triec this before with something. I beleive I was making something move left or right, and up or down.I think.. (just think, not positive) that you can use int(var_name) and it will only return the number.. You might want to check up on this though.
  25. reportingsjr


    Excuse me, please search for downloading w3schools or something similar, this is not possible and is unwanted! The reason being, if everyone downloaded it w3schools wouldnt receive enough money to stay up, and they would unfortunatly have to shut down.Sorry for you inconviences!
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