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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. Yep, but now its gone under, only after a few days to . Maybe you could sticky it or something? If you would be nice enough..
  2. That was my original idea, to create a list so everyone can easily access it. I guess I will just search for a whole list every time..
  3. For a content management system a decent amount of time will be needed to go into it.You will need:-Mysql, and a database for every site-A way to populate the dropdown-A way to update the site info-A bunch of other things :)That should get you started!
  4. Please dont use font tags and other deprecated tags! Use CSS, also close your tags, and do it the more correct, up-to-date way..
  5. Maybe we can make that page into a page with every html tag on it? Like PHP.net, without a search (for now). I just think that would be really freaking cool . It would also be very helpful! Then maybe later we could add in javascript tags and such.Just a thought! Also, if enough people use it and we use the example from w3schools and link to here a bunch more people would come to here .
  6. Oh no, I can do that very easily with PHP or Javascript! PHP just use the date() function and basically same for javascript.
  7. There is definetly a way to do this, I have a system on my server right now that has the referer, then you can just click a link to go back to it. Im not sure how its done but I can try to find out.BTW: its done with php :)EDIT:found it, but it will require you to add some code on every page. All you need to do is make a file called referrer.php or something and include it on every page.heres the code I have, but its in a class: /* Set referrer page */ if(isset($_SESSION['url'])){ $this->referrer = $_SESSION['url']; }else{ $this->referrer = "/"; } /* Set current url */ $this->url = $_SESSION['url'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; So you see where im getting at. You will need to tweak it to your needs though.Basically it checks to see if $_SESSION['url'] has been set, and if it isnt it means the person accessed the site from like google. Then it does something for that, or else it sets the referrer variable to the current page.
  8. The main thing is getting the file to play 24 minutes, or however long into the file. So if it starts at 4 pm, and you log on at 4:03 pm, it will automatically start at 3 minutes into the file.I would love if this is possible!
  9. dorothy, that doesnt turn up any results . So were is this going?
  10. You guess right lol . You could do any of those ways I guess, I just choose mine cause its the quickest
  11. Yes they are! There is a very good tutorial explaining it on melonfire.com, ill pull the link for you in a second!Found it http://www.melonfire.com/community/columns...ticle.php?id=39Just read through that and you will understand it much more!
  12. It seems like no where has this so I will post it here! I believe mozilla firefox finally drop the valign and maybe align tags! I tried to use them but firefox (the newest update, just from a few days ago) will not display it. There is a vertical-align tag in css but there is a tip to using it! It is not inherited , so if you put this in the table tag, it wont work for tr or td, to vertically align text you must put it directly onto the td tag!! you can use td{ vertical-align: top; } to align all content to the top, instead of the default center.Just a tip .
  13. Yea, that was my old post. Maybe I should update it lol?
  14. Well my STLP (Student Technology Leadership Program) teacher wanted to have a radio type thing on the web and it would be in one hour segements. I have no problem getting the file to play if the time is inbetween say 4 pm and 5 pm, but is there a way so that if the radio show starts at 4 pm, and the user starts listening at 3:24 pm that I can play the sound file 23 minutes and x seconds into it? So that way its like a radio in your car, and it doesnt just start at the beginning every time.Would this require flash or something like that? I hope there is a way to do this... Thanks!!
  15. No problem , any time to!I think you sent a pm to me on accident, instead of boen lol.Man, I cant really stand church, I still go every sunday though . Its just so boring for me. Im only 14 (just turned it yesterday the 14th!!), so I have to go to church for 4 more years .
  16. You cant have any html output, or text onto the screen. Its the same as starting sessions and setting cookies, those are both also headers .I do beleive you can do like ob_start() and ob_end() to get around this, just search for ob on php.net lol.
  17. the index is just to make sure you are actually on the index, and ive also seen the ww2.sitename.com and such, im just guessing thats how they have their domain set up. Im sure justsomeguy or aspnetguy will know..
  18. You should probably be thanking the refsnes, since they are the family that actually runs w3schools.com, although people who are stuck can come here.So ill give you a thanks from w3schools for this!
  19. Well, the first validation error is easy!In that generate a verse script replace the include with this:<script src="http://www.verseoftheday.com/verse.js" type="text/javascript"></script>Thats all done.The second one is that you have a form inside of a paragraph (<p>).Just take that away and it will fine, if you would like a line break (<br />) to compensate for other content coming up next to it.Also, I know php well enough (Im make a game now ) and if you need help ask me. A good tutorial is on zend.com (They are the actual php engine) just look in the dropdown menus for php 5 then once there click on absolute begginers.
  20. no, he wants a whole entire table to be centered, not just text . table {margin: auto;} That will work!
  21. Thats just another reason to not use it, besides why not just copy content you want spell checked into word and do it?
  22. Well, just looking at the name of the url I dont want to go to it, so I dont reccomend anyone else go to it. Your probably right Skemcin..
  23. hmmm, thats wierd. Anyways, now im just trying to make it so people with IE get redirected to a "get firefox!" page. But the thing is, the meta just refreshes the page =\.BTW: for my birthday I got free hosting for it . Its now at http://excibius.com .Im just a lucky kid!
  24. Ask about them . Im sure we could help figure them out!
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