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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. True, you may need a user cookie. How might you create cookies for a certain site that way?
  2. If you know how to use sessions to check if the user is logged in, and let them log in your in luck .When logging in, along with setting the session to say your logged in add this alogn side it inside the if..setcookie('logged_on', 'yes', time+(86400/*one day, in seconds*/));then where it checks if the use is logged in this is what it should look like: if($_SESSION['logged_on'] == "yes" || $_COOKIE['logged_on == "yes"){//code to be executed if logged on} Very easy!EDIT: well, me and steve posted at the same time, so you can use my code but I reccomend also reading up on cookies.
  3. Oh yes, forgot about the flash part. I sent janice an email, so she may need more help with the flash.. Good luck with that here!
  4. Yes you can make them all use the same printer. We have this router thing at my house and we use 2 or 3 computers on it.Im at school right now so when I get home I will tell you what it is. I will ask the person who set it up what to do for you .
  5. why arent you chatting then? GET IN THERE .
  6. valign="middle" will center the content inside of the table only, same with align="middle" (its not center, middle).There is no way to center it without styles.style="margin: auto;"
  7. Well thank you dorothy, it fixed the link issue, but unfourtunatley it did not fix the footer covering up content.Will you tell me what you changed?
  8. if(isset($_GET['ref'])){//do whatever to add the referal to registering}
  9. Lol, I guess I might have to use IE *NOOOOO*
  10. tried it in non safe mode, im not sure what version I have. I have it set to auto check for updates and such, and I checked for a more current version but it said no upgrades!
  11. what is html.i? Oh wait, you dont put spaces inbetween your periods and the next word =[.Umm.. what exactly do you want? just slice the images up tons and stick into rows.
  12. It doesnt work in mine. It says please upgrade (maybe because im in safe mode?)!
  13. dude, this sucks now! Firefox isnt freaking supported either!! What kind of thing is this? Its trying to ruin the internet!!! NOOOO
  14. Sweet! When are we even going to start coding that project anyways?
  15. Sweet! I will definetly be using this .Maybe it could be used as the w3schools project chat?
  16. take the easy way before putting into the database with eregi_replace. $posted = $_POST['post'];$post = eregi_replace("<", "<", $posted);
  17. Thats not really an option here eguru, I dont exactly want to force people to do things.
  18. errr, there is none there? Also, the codes for special symbols ( &gt for you, its supposed to be > though lol) wont show up in the title. FYI.
  19. One thing, end all things with the semi colon ( ; ), this signals that the function or declaration or whatever has ended.Oh yeah, Imframes are supposed to be ended with the </iframe> tag.And please, we have kids in here, dont cuss!
  20. Nope, that didnt do anything . Heres the full css if anyone wants to see it: /* Copyright opserty.com. */body{background-color:#000; margin:0; padding:0; color:#909090; font-family:Georgia,"Times New Roman",Times,serif; font-size:12px}#wrap{width:807px; margin:0 auto}#header, #content, #footer{margin:0; padding:0; width:807px}#header{background:#000 url(images/header.gif) no-repeat top left; height:105px; padding-top:131px; /*float:left; */}#nav{width:550px; height:33px; margin:0 auto}#nav a img{border:none}#nav img{float:left}#footer{background:#000 url(images/footer.gif) no-repeat top center; height:194px; margin-top:-110px}#footer a, #footer a:hover, #footer a:visited {color:#000000;font-size:1px;}#footer a #ct{width:333px; margin:120px 237px 0 237px; height:64px; float:left; border:none}* html #ct{margin:80px 237px 0 0}#content{background-image:url(images/cont_bg.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top center; min-height:261px; padding:0 70px; width:667px; margin-top:-10px}* html #content{margin-top:0}#content h1{font-size:12px; color:#FFF} My issues are, is that in IE the footer and content overlap, so the bottom of "content" is always hidden beneath the footer, and the last image link always goes to the next line . So what is wrong here? I cant see it *stupid IE*
  21. I am guessing they would have a tight coupling, if they are linked alot.
  22. Its a template I got from clantemplates.com, so I wouldnt really know how to code everything for it . So no one can help?
  23. You can do that, also so if it isnt on their computer and you dont want the default times new roman (not many people do!) you can use CSS and do font-family: first font, backup font, next backup font, etc... that way they will most likely see a nicer font.
  24. You should be able to, why not? That would just be a rip off then, $900 for CS 2 and you need to pay for more lisences?
  25. It sounds like it thinks .php is a file to be downloaded, like a zip file. Are you sure there is nothing wrong with your httpd.conf? Also, Iw ouldnt recommend making the path Z:\ or anything because windows is retarded and drives get label accordingly to the last labeled one, so if you had up to d:\ drive then if you put in your external hard drive in it will be E:\ so you will get an error .
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