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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Other than the parent navigation, everything seems to be showing up. have you found/fixed the problem you have had?And, technically speaking, FF is more standard compliant than IE. So to make a long discussion short, the more standard compliant browsers there are in use the easier our job (as developers) is. IE is more than 3 years old and does support alot of stuff that is not becoming more popular. So many developers have been sucked into IE's propriety tags and functions that are not standards compliant and that makes it harder for people on different platforms (for example MAC) to browse the internet.Let me know if you still have questions about your page - things seem ok on the link you submitted.
  2. It is totally due to the location of your <form> tag.Place the <form> tag between your <table> and <tr> tag like this: <table width="450" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><form target="paypal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"><tr valign="top"><td width="191"><strong>Remove line break?? </strong><br /></td><td width="245"><div align="right"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart" /><input type="hidden" name="add" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="bn" value="webassist.dreamweaver.4_0_3" /><input type="hidden" name="business" value="test@test.com" /><input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Item A" /><input type="hidden" name="amount" value="9.99" /><input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD" /><input type="hidden" name="receiver_email" value="test@test.com" /><input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="0" /><input type="image" name="submit" src="http://images.paypal.com/images/x-click-but22.gif" border="0" /></div></td></tr><tr><td>No line break<br /></td><td><div align="right"><img src="http://images.paypal.com/images/x-click-but22.gif" width="87" height="23"><br /></div></td></tr></form></table> Form tags end up rendering like <p> tags depending on where they are used.Let me know if this helps.
  3. I would recommend creating seperate pages as well. Aside from the points already mentioned, I have to mention that Search Engines have a hard time following javascripted links. So, if having teh site show up in search engines is part of any goal for the site, then good ole fashion HTML anchor tags are the way to go.
  4. Techinically speaking, the database can store the binary code that makes up and image. And to re-render the image you could use a server side scripting language to do so. This techinique is used very often to protect copyrights. But, thats beside the point, boen_robot suggestions are good. You will need to learn a server site language to do the task you describe. I, personally, prefer Cold Fusion:http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/coldfusio...ng_started.htmlAlthought it is much easier to learn and just as powerful as other languages, it not as popular as ASP and PHP - and thats another story. Another factor you need to consider is the database type - mysql, ms sql, oracle, ms access. Typically, you will find ASP user choose MS SQL and php users choose mysql - cuz ASP is a Microsoft product and both mysql and php are open source.There is quite more to consider in your project, you might start with something smaller - give yourself a small exercise to get warmed up, if you will. Something like a web page or two that stores the names and phone numbers of your friends - something you don't have to think about or worry about planning - you want to focus on learning the techniques needed for your larger plan.
  5. Welcome and we are happy you found your way here. We all look forward to having new motivated members.
  6. I'd suggest using/paying for the personal/business accounts that http://www.crystaltech.com/personalbusiness.htm offers. I have over 20 accounts there and I have been very pleased with their support and hosting services. They start for as little as $3 a month and you get 1gig of storeage space, 20gig bandwidth, and much more (use iribbit.net as your referring domain please).Its worth it, and its a paid account so no advertising and no rediculous restrictions - if you prepay a year you get 3 months free - $36 for 15 months, unbeatable.
  7. <pets amount="12"><cats>3</cats><dogs>2</dogs><parrots>2</parrots><turtles>5</turtles></pets>Is this what you are after? If so, you'd have to loop through the pet types forst to get their total, then loop through them again to get their total.Of course, you could always skip that and do this:<pets><cats>3</cats><dogs>2</dogs><parrots>2</parrots><turtles>5</turtles><amount>12</amount></pets>But that all depends on your structure requirements and what/how you plan on doing with it.
  8. I'd recommend databasing the information as well. This does introduce something new into the equation, but given your VBscript background, the transition into ASP shouldn't be painful. So why not learn something new!:)Go through the http://www.w3schools.com/sql/ tutorial and decide which database to use, most-likely MS SQL Server since you're already exposed to those tools.In the past, I've had to deal with tests that get emailed and never databased. Needless to say its a pain. There is simply no means of reporting. So, on top of actually having all the results stored and not subject to the email vortext, the reporting capabilities is mainly why I'd suggest you database the test results. Again, you don't NEED to, but most anyone would highly recommend it.
  9. If w3schools is going to add RSS, having it focus on tips is the best course IMO. I have livebookmarks to several cold fusion and sql feeds as it is. Most of the guys who are publishing them (like I am considering) really just post a learning experience they had that particular day or week - on a particular subject of course. It would take some convincing and pretty hefty commitment to have someone at w3schools implement this. No doubt it would be fascinating, but I'm not sure if its possible right now.
  10. It doesn't sound like the width is the problem now. It sounds like your deisgn is not accommodating the extended text. In other words, your design doesn have enough room for your content. Now, that can be fixed two ways, either change your design, or change the way you code your design. We'd have to see exactly what you are talking about to help you with modifying your code.
  11. still, without being able to see your page or the code there is little any one can do to help. find a free web hosting service like brinkster, tripod, or even your internet service provider - often they provide limited hosting space.
  12. can you restate your question, it is hard to follow exactly what you are looking for.thanks
  13. Hi and welcome to the community. ITs not really how many images put it is more about how they are sized. To give you an idea of how your site is performing, try using this online tool:http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/
  14. Duplicate post, please see:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...indpost&p=11405
  15. no possible without a customized Active X solution. There is something already out there that does the opposite - IntraLaunch. You might be able to contact them to see if they can come up with a solution. But each browser instance is exclusive from the other, especially in the case of IE. Without closing the browser window there is no way to ensure the user is logged out. I've had similar situations when trying to code for single sign on sites in the past. If the user doesn't close all browsers when they are done - there is nothing you can do. Those browser windows cannot be identified by any script frm another window if they are open from anything other than a specifically coded link.This issue boils down to user education and communicating the importance of using the "log out" feature of a site.
  16. I do not know too much about session beans but this seems to be a pretty good conversation on the matter and may answer your question:http://theserverside.com/discussions/threa...s?thread_id=552
  17. HI,I'm not exactly following what you are saying or asking, but I can clarify that a web service, specifically, is stateless. So you will not be able to instantiate a session variable through a web service. What the web service can do is collect information from any number of places and then pass it to a server scripted pages (like, php, asp, or cold fusion) which can then create variables in the session scope.
  18. Skemcin

    Time to Design

    I've built sites in 4 hours and some have taken 4 months. Its obviously a matter of complexity.
  19. Skemcin

    form submit question

    If you are not using a server side scripting language like php, asp, orcold fusion, then you will have to use the mailto: function off the action form attribute:<form name="formname" action="mailto:your@email.com" method="post">This, however, will simply trigger the clients default e-mail program and not send it automatically.Search the forum for "mailto:" and you'll find other conversations on this subject.
  20. For starters, I'd suggest learning XHTML, CSS, and some javascript. That will be the building blocks to any server side scripting language you choose. In that respect, you have a few options that include php, asp, and cold fusion.For your navigation, you can use javascript or even flash for the effect you are looking for. The look and feel you are after will dictate its complexity. You'll most likely to find something if you google it or hit a couple javascript source code sites.
  21. Skemcin

    Referal Links

    there are a few ways to do this. You can tag on a url variable like you have using php, asp or cold fusion. Now depending on what you want to do once you get there will dictate what you do next. If that referral is going to mean something, then you will have have to set that id=30 to a cookie or session variable so you can use it later for a discount or fro a counter of the referred site.However, if you are just looking for a reporting mechanism, then I'd even jsut suggest creating a uniwue URL like http://www.myurl.com/referral/1y/ and http://www.myurl.com/referral/2y/ and so on. Then simply keep track of which url is for which referree and have the url forward to what ever place you desire. Then using your web hosting statistic package, run reports on each unique URL. This is actually how you are supposed to uses URL for marketing, but it could work for your situation - again depending on the end intention.
  22. use this script for opening a new windows with java script: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--var features="status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=yes,width=725,height=550,top=25,left=25"; function Info(x){ //window.name = "MailWindow"; var openit = window.open(x, "MailWindow", features); }//--></script><a href="javascript: void(0); onclick="Info('pagename.htm');">your text here</a> I'm not sure what else you need to know - if you need help with your site, please post a link or some specific code. Or upload an image of what you are designing your site to look like - if you are looking for feedback of course.
  23. Skemcin


    wsdl = web service description language - describes the syntactic information of a servicewsdd = web service deployment descriptor - (not an internet standard) - escribes how the various components installed in the Axis node (web services through apache web server are to be chained together to process incoming and outgoing messages to the service.wsdl is a standard, it should be the method used.
  24. Skemcin

    Firefox: The New IE

    as long as it is more CSS compliant then I'll be a happy. Its never going to be my primary browser again, but I just don't want to have to write all sorts of CSS hacks to accommodate it like I do now.
  25. you're gonna need a server side language like php, asp, or cold fusion to do this. which one does your web server support? And you can, but is pointless to, do this in javascript.
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