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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Skemcin


    it would have to be one continuous song file without incorporating some other technology like flash - then you would not be using the bgsound tag or approach, you'd be using flash.
  2. Skemcin

    Firefox: The New IE

    For a first post - although I LOVE firefox - this is inappropriate. But going with the flow of the conversation, IE7 doesn't solve anything. It still is the core programming. I've used IE7 BETA and I'm just not impressed. It is a total catch up job. IE7 is to IE6 as Windows ME is to Windows 98. Newer is not better.My beef with it is the fact that still each new execution of the browser still has no means to communicate with any other window open. I know its got tabs, but people, even with tabs, still open multiple windows from time to time. IE7 is still the ONLY browser that cannot carry a users session from one browser instance to the other without using cookies.
  3. Here is an example I did years ago:http://www.prosthodontics.org/java script: <script language="JavaScript1.2">function SwitchImage(locat,name) { newBar = eval(name + ".src"); document [locat].src = newBar; } im = new Array();{ StudentsOn = new Image(); StudentsOn.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/students-on.gif"; StudentsOff = new Image(); StudentsOff.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/students-off.gif"; ConsumersOn = new Image(); ConsumersOn.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/consumers-on.gif"; ConsumersOff = new Image(); ConsumersOff.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/consumers-off.gif"; ProfessionalsOn = new Image(); ProfessionalsOn.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/professionals-on.gif"; ProfessionalsOff = new Image(); ProfessionalsOff.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/professionals-off.gif"; TechnicianOn = new Image(); TechnicianOn.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/technician-on.gif"; TechnicianOff = new Image(); TechnicianOff.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/technician-off.gif"; MembersOn = new Image(); MembersOn.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/members-on.gif"; MembersOff = new Image(); MembersOff.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/members-off.gif"; FoundationOn = new Image(); FoundationOn.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/foundation-on.gif"; FoundationOff = new Image(); FoundationOff.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/foundation-off.gif"; BlankText = new Image(); BlankText.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/text-blank.gif"; StudentsText = new Image(); StudentsText.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/text-students.gif"; ConsumersText = new Image(); ConsumersText.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/text-consumers.gif"; ProfessionalsText = new Image(); ProfessionalsText.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/text-professionals.gif"; MembersText = new Image(); MembersText.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/text-members.gif"; TechnicianText = new Image(); TechnicianText.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/text-Technician.gif"; FoundationText = new Image(); FoundationText.src = "cf-dbm/rollovers/text-foundation.gif"; } </script> HTML: <tr><td width="108" height="105" valign="top"><img src="cf-dbm/rollovers/choose-off.gif" width="108" height="105" alt="" border="0"><br></td><td width="112" height="105" valign="top"><a href="cf-dbm/includes/sectionentry-view.cfm?appname=consumers" onmouseover="SwitchImage('Consumers','ConsumersOn'),SwitchImage('Text','ConsumersText')" onmouseout="SwitchImage('Consumers','ConsumersOff'),SwitchImage('Text','BlankText')"><img src="cf-dbm/rollovers/consumers-off.gif" width="112" height="105" alt="" border="0" name="Consumers"></a><br></td><td width="112" height="105" valign="top"><a href="cf-dbm/includes/sectionentry-view.cfm?appname=students" onmouseover="SwitchImage('Students','StudentsOn'),SwitchImage('Text','StudentsText')" onmouseout="SwitchImage('Students','StudentsOff'),SwitchImage('Text','BlankText')"><img src="cf-dbm/rollovers/students-off.gif" width="112" height="105" alt="" border="0" name="Students"></a><br></td><td width="112" height="105" valign="top"><a href="cf-dbm/includes/sectionentry-view.cfm?appname=professionals" onmouseover="SwitchImage('Professionals','ProfessionalsOn'),SwitchImage('Text','ProfessionalsText')" onmouseout="SwitchImage('Professionals','ProfessionalsOff'),SwitchImage('Text','BlankText')"><img src="cf-dbm/rollovers/professionals-off.gif" width="112" height="105" alt="" border="0" name="Professionals"></a><br></td><td width="112" height="105" valign="top"><a href="cf-dbm/technicians/technicians-intro.cfm" onmouseover="SwitchImage('Technician','TechnicianOn'),SwitchImage('Text','TechnicianText')" onmouseout="SwitchImage('Technician','TechnicianOff'),SwitchImage('Text','BlankText')"><img src="cf-dbm/rollovers/technician-off.gif" width="112" height="105" alt="" border="0" name="Technician"></a><br></td><td width="112" height="105" valign="top"><a href="cf-dbm/includes/sectionentry-view.cfm?appname=members" onmouseover="SwitchImage('Members','MembersOn'),SwitchImage('Text','MembersText')" onmouseout="SwitchImage('Members','MembersOff'),SwitchImage('Text','BlankText')"><img src="cf-dbm/rollovers/members-off.gif" width="112" height="105" alt="" border="0" name="Members"></a><br></td><td width="112" height="105" valign="top"><a href="cf-dbm/includes/sectionentry-view.cfm?appname=foundation" onmouseover="SwitchImage('Foundation','FoundationOn'),SwitchImage('Text','FoundationText')" onmouseout="SwitchImage('Foundation','FoundationOff'),SwitchImage('Text','BlankText')"><img src="cf-dbm/rollovers/foundation-off.gif" width="112" height="105" alt="" border="0" name="Foundation"></a><br></td></tr><tr><td colspan="7" width="780" height="81" valign="top"><img src="cf-dbm/rollovers/text-blank.gif" width="780" height="81" alt="" border="0" name="Text"><br></td></tr> How It Works:The first row of images are programmed with the mouseover attributes. In stead of having them replace themselves, they all are programmed to replace the blank image in the second row. This technique is called Disjointed Mouseover.Its the same principle of a regular mouse over but instead of replacing itself, your just telling it to replace a different image - by way of the name attribute.
  4. most places will have a page that say, "you down load will start in a few seconds, click this link if you have any problems"and what they do on that page is code a meta refresh = 5; http://www.yourdomain.com/filename.extthen place a reference to that same file in the body where I quoted "click this link".The meta refresh will not open a new window and just go directly to the save file prompt as long as there is no mime setting that the browser will interpret as something it will load.P.S. Put all the mp3 files into a zip file and point to that using the method I describe above. I'd suggest including a readme.txt file int he zip file informing folks about any copyright or redistribution restricts that are attached to the mp3 files.
  5. Eric has decided to leave the community indefinitely. I would expect that if he were to ever return that we would not hold any grudges and allow him a second chance no questions asked.
  6. Skemcin

    HOW TO...

    Well, I'll respond to this but with some hesitation - I'm worried that you might be engaging in something that many would consider spam.In any respect, your question has a few things to consider. First, which types of phone are you targeting. Older phones that are only WAP enabled and cannot read XHTML will only be able to see 8 bit images - which you can make in photshop with a free filter. However, if the phone, like the newere ones, have the new browsers (like Blazer) then they are wap and xhtml compliant. That means you can code a strict xhtml document and except it to render fine. Of course, you have to account for the fact that most new phones have less than a 320x320 viewable screen.Having said that, go to http://www.metropolis3.com. Now type the same address on your web enabled mobile phone. You will be redirected to http://www.metropolis3.com/mobile/.I've built a sniffer that checks http_accept values for the referrring browser. If it contains WAP and XHTML, I direct them to the /mobile/ directory where regular pages are stored - but xhtml strict coded. If the browser only accepts WAP and not XHTML, then I take them somewhere else (which you browser is not able to see). Otherwise it dumps to the regular site.So, having said all that, for the majority of the newer phones (Treo) you simply need to code a XHTML strict page that is no wider than 320px. Then email them a message with a link to the page. But there will not be a way for them to just simply see the image. Your web page cannot call them and then show thema picture - you have to deliver the message through email and then either try showing it in the email or have them click a link to view your image.
  7. Skemcin

    Security issue

    I did a speech at a local Macromedia User Group about form security. It wasn't too detailed, but while on the subject, you can download my PowerPoint (in pdf format) here:http://www.iribbit.net/_files/presentation-webforms.pdf
  8. Actually it was closed from its inception. But since it was not getting a lot of traffic I was giving you a fair chance by opening it and letting people become aware of the poll. You have obviously done exactly what I expected and have behaved exactly as I've predicted which leaves me no choice but to act as I have warned I would.Eric, you're arrogance and immaturity shines brighter than the sun - and your modifications to your signature prove it. To claim that loosing you would be a loss is, regardless of its truth, just shows that you realize what you are doing is unacceptable and realizing that there are consequences for it. You have resorted to claim that the language I prefer to code in is inferior to the language you prefer to code in. And there is no avoiding the obvious attempt to get on my last nerve.Unfortunately for you, it has completely back fired. It only reinforces the decisions I have to make as a moderator. And only proves without a doubt to all the members who choose to review any portion of the conversations that you are not a valuable contribution to this community.I sincerely hope that your behavior changes at some point in your life. I really do. Maybe you will come back a changed person - we'll just wait and see.So take your one day suspension and think about it. If you choose to come back and instigate any contraversy - I will not hesitate to simply ban you - and that is a promise.P.S. You did not prompt a discussion - you made another accussation.
  9. Skemcin

    SQL Problem

    I've always used square brackets:SELECT LastName [Family], FirstName [Name]FROM Persons
  10. The votes are what the votes are! If someone doesn't like you and is willing to go through all that trouble, then you should maybe not pi$$ people off. You're walking on very thin ice just by posting replies to this poll after the warnings I have given everyone.If you wish to venture on, go right ahead. But, if I were you, I'd quit while you're not loosing so badly.
  11. I'd like to see new pulled into w3schools.com by way of RSS - similar to how I've done it here:http://www.iribbit.net/news.cfmMine are particular to Cold Fusion. I think w3schools.com (not the discussion board) could benefit from something similar to what I have but with more sources and categorized in the same manor the forum categories are.This would be very easy to program (as was my page) since all you do is write one page that reads (in my case rss v2.0) and each link simply dynamically changes the rss source reference.
  12. I'll let this run through Friday. Then, based on its results, act accordingly. Then we can move on.Thanks for your vote.
  13. As it has been mentioned, there has been private moderator discussions on this matter. I do not have a problem sharing the points I made during that conversation: and later In any case, if there seems to be an overwhelming urge to have this section setup (aside from a hand full of members) then we can create a poll and see what happens. Either way, we would have to get in touch with kaijim and request that he consider adding it.But, those are my thoughts . . .
  14. you should not get an extra line. If there is already a <br> tag in the cell as the last bit of HTML before the </td> then you don't need to do it. However, if you do not have a <br> as the last bit of HTML before your </td> then your page can often be rendered inconsistantly from one browser to the next. The <br> tag tells the browser that you are done with that line - so the browser will not at all ever think that there should be a space (or anything else) there.For instance:<table><tr><td>blah blah blah</td></tr></table> can rednder differently than <table><tr><td>blah blah blah<br></td></tr></table> especially if it were done like this: <table><tr><td><img src="blahblah.gif"></td></tr></table> instead of <table><tr><td><img src="blahblah.gif"><br></td></tr></table> without the <br> tag some browser will insert a blank space after teh text or image before it actually closes the table cell.So that is why I made the suggestion I did. If you are using blank table cells to line stuff up <table><tr><td></td><td>blah blah blah</td></tr><tr><td></td><td></td></tr></table> can render differently than then you should really consider using a different method. Again, I haven't looked at your code yet, its just something quick and easy to try.
  15. make sure all your </td> tags are prepended with <br> tag. So that it loks liek <br></td> if there already isn't one there.then double check you widths - I didn't look at the code yet since I have quite ew things to wrap up today, but try those two things and see if you find anything out.
  16. Skemcin

    document Cold Fusion

    Slowly. I've got two side jobs right now that I have to finish up. Plus starting my Masters degree in March. I've gotta get my arse organized.
  17. Skemcin

    document Cold Fusion

    I have a long list of them here:http://www.iribbit.net/news.cfm?pullnewsfrom=easycfmthat relate to the newer version of Cold Fusion.
  19. 1.) Please review the threads in this post:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...indpost&p=103062.) and then review the submission offered by Eric: 3.) Cast your vote.
  20. I'm running Firefox version and have not experienced any problems. I'd suggest uninstalling all versions of Firefox (back up your bookmarks) and then reinstall the latest version.
  21. I can't help much without seeing your code. But I can say that you might want to look for a phone emulator. A web browser uses a different protocol than the older phones. And the newer ones typically have no more than 320x320 viewing area. So, I'd suggest finding a mobil phone emulator to test you pages.
  22. no.your domain name registration is completely exclusive from your web site hosting service. but, you need to understand that either your domain name registrar or (more commonly) your web site hosting provider will have the machines (dns servers) that link your domain name to your website. so the quality of their network will answer your question.
  23. Hi.In short, you can register your domain name with someone like networksolutions.com or godaddy.com. Then you have to point your domain name to your hosting service. Your hosting service provides you with information that your domain name service needs to accomplish this.You'll need file transfer protocol (FTP) software to move your files from your computer to the host. Just goto to download.com and search for FTP programs.Read through this tutorial and then let us know if you have any other questions.http://www.w3schools.com/hosting/default.asp
  24. I am a very rational person. I understand that there are two sides to every story. I also understand that typing words on a screen and not having the tone of voice and facial expression along side can very easily allow statements to be misinterpreted. I also understand that it makes it just as easy for someone to have said one thing, meant it one way, and then when confronted on it, spin it another. Now, I am by no means suggesting that you or anyone else has done this - I'm simply recognizing that it is possible and pointing out that I have the ability to identify it.Having said all that, I have asked you in a very respectable way to formally compose your "argument" into a statement with evidence that supports it (in a document, not a post). Then submit it for review. You have taken a VERY bold step by requesting that a members moderator status be revoked. If you cannot follow the established protocol, then we are left with no choice but to dismiss the accusation and take no action.I specifically asked you not to post your issue in a topic or reply which you have already failed to comply to. So, unless you follow the instructions provided to you then, as I said, there will be no merit for action.Can you please, do asa you are asked and get on with any other helpful contribution to the community as you would if this was not happening. Once you submit your formal accusation, a decision will be made as soon as all the moderators and admins have reviewed it. There is no need to post a reply, just do as you are asked.Thanks
  25. no - you have to learn some how. you will rarely be able to view the source of a web site or find some example code that will not need some modificiations.
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