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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. reportingsjr


    You forgot to define it before putting it in the variable . You know you dont need it in a variable, you can just do echo MY_CONSTANT_NAME; and it will echo <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">Yahoo</a>
  2. You have quite a few errors, and im confused on what your doing. Why are you trying to escape those quotes? Just use single qoutes.The correct syntax for what you are doing is: $query = "INSERT INTO `table` 'fieldname1' VALUES ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($line1) . "')"; You dont need a semi colon ( ; ) at the end of queries, although you are supposed to write them that way, since they are single function things it doesnt matter so I dont recommend it.
  3. lol, man! I didnt post with a white bg =p.Oh yeah, the reason it says 0 gabbers is cause if you go to gabbly.com/sitename.com it doesnt see any talkers on that, just on sitename.com .
  4. Well, that sucks for google if its true! Ill dl it when I get home . Anyone read it yet?
  5. Chocolate, that doesnt work for me. Does it work for you? It always shows 0 Gabbers for me .
  6. reportingsjr

    N00b Stuck

    ohhhhh, I see.Well I just thought that if someone tried to hack you, they wouldnt know what variable to use for connection.. otherwise they could just do it the way I was mentioning, thats why I mentioned using regex to replace all < and >
  7. ok, mysql didnt crash!I just got an email back saying he is upgrading mysql *hip hip horray* and that it might cause a few errors!Thanks you though
  8. You cannot do think unfourtunately . There are a few ways to do this:A) Make the page an image, you can use gd_library in php to make it a dynamic image.B ) Force the user to download the font and explain how to put it in their systemC) Use flash
  9. are you using it like this:echo "<texarea..blah...>{$rows[2]}</textarea>";?Because you dont use value for textarea ;-)
  10. Well I just encountered a huge problem, apparently something is wrong with my mysql socket so I cant connect to mysql.. What exactly is a socket and how can I fix this? (You can see the error message by going to http://rsbattlehelp.com) This is a problem because I need to code my game =\
  11. yep, just do a query to the database to pull the rows where x column = whatever selected in the list.Also, why will the boss not do this? That is just ignorant.
  12. Google it? Thats what I did when I first worked with frames, but I moved away from regular frames because they made me mad.. Now I just use iframes, just as easy but better to!
  13. tell yuor boss you cant do it because you dont know how to, or ask a programmer at your work place to do it. It probably wouldnt take them too long.
  14. I see, I tried to put it into the location thing in the chat...
  15. http://rsbattlehelp.com
  16. Looks very nice, I have to say what everyone else has said though:Images look like crap. Just make them smoother and they should be alot better..
  17. Yep, it would go into sql! I should learn asp...
  18. Ok, I hit 500 posts, I edited it but nothing happened. Ill try againEDIT: nevermind , I just hit the back button to get to here so it showed old cached info. You can edit it once you hit 500 posts.
  19. It sure does! :)Its awesome isnt it?
  20. How do you get a site to have one? Must it be a forum or something? (mine didnt work).P.S: Do you like my new avatar?
  21. Thats really messed! But its not suprising coming from ie, just stay away from it lol.
  22. reportingsjr

    N00b Stuck

    I have one question:Dont people realise, that if you dont have the connect ina variable you dont need to call the variable inside queries and such? I mean, you could get hacked easier but that should all be solved with things like regex.
  23. I dont see one either.EDIT: found it, its a link..
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